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Visual settings for ECDIS

Visual settings

In Chart Display you set up the visual features of your charts. They should be revised
whenever your ship changes area of operation or when the overall situation changes.
For instance: When you changes from ballast condition to loaded condition.

Two colour or “Go / No Go”

White is safe
Blue is unsafe

White is where you are safe.

Light Grey represents the area between your Deep Contour and your defined
Safety Contour. Within this area you can expect the squat effect.

Light Blue represents the area between your selected Safety Contour and your
defined Shallow Contour. The Safety Contour should be defined by the present draft
of your vessel plus the desired minimum under keel clearence. You should not enter
this area unless entering a harbour or in case of a emergency.
The Safety Contour itself is always highlighted as a thick grey line to distinguish
it from the other depth contours.

Dark Blue represents the area inside the shallow contour and here your vessel will
run aground!

Note on ENC Charts

The ENC charts uses the same structure as in the paper chart. This means that if you
choses a 15m contour and the chart don’t have a 15m contour, the ECDIS will auto-
maticly show the next deepest contour in the structor e.g. 20m.

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