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Soviet Psychology and Psychiatry

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The Variability of Mental Functions as the Child

Develops (Based on a comparative study of twins)

A. R. Luria

To cite this article: A. R. Luria (1963) The Variability of Mental Functions as the Child Develops
(Based on a comparative study of twins), Soviet Psychology and Psychiatry, 1:3, 17-22

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VOL. I, NO.3 17
Bibliography 01. vyssh. nervn. deiat. rebenka i podrostka, Vol.
IV, Moscow, 1934.
1) Volkova, V. D., Fiziol. zhurn., Vol. XXXVI, 5) Smolenskaia, E. P., ibid.
No.5, 1953. 6) Federov, A., cited in N. I. Krasnogorskii,
2) Kapustnik, O. P., Tr..Labor. fiziol. i patofizi- Fiziologicheskoe izuchenie deiatel'nosti golovnogo
01. vyssh. nervn. deiat. rebenka, 2nd collection, moz au detei Leningrad, 1939.
Moscow and Leningrad, 1930. 7 Shastin, N. R., Fiziol. zhurn. SSSR, Vol. XXIV,
3) Korotkin, I. I., Tr. Inst. fizio. im. I. P. Pavlova No.6, 1932
AN SSSR, Vol. I, 1952. 8) Shvarts, L. A., Biull. eksper. bioI. i medits.,
4) Naroditskaia, G. I., Tr. Labor. fizio. i patofizi- Vol. XXVII, No.6, 1949.
Downloaded by [University of Bath] at 07:12 15 March 2016

Developmental Psychology
Voprosy psikhologit, 1962, No. 3

A. R. Luria


(Based on a comparative study of twins)

The basic mistake of the majority of research- uct of the association of the child with adults,
es into the relative roles of heredity and environ- and undergo profound qualitative changes in the
ment in shaping the human mind has been that course of development. Arising on the basis of
they have ignored the development of the psycho- natural gifts, they are reorganized in the process
logical processes. It has now become sufficiently of psychological development. The structure of de-
clear to all that psychological processes do not veloped perception mediated by memory or volun-
make their appearance in finished form and do tary attention becomes considerably more com-
not remain unchanged throughout the life of the plex than the structure of elementary perception,
individual. immediate memory or simple involuntary atten-
Soviet researchers have demonstrated convinc- tion.
ingly that the most significant forms of psycho- Researches have shown how profound are the
logical activity and, especially, the higher psy- changes in each of these processes in the course
chological functions, come into being as the prod- of psychological development, and how radically their

structure changes. If the process of memorizing We have every reason to think that the nature of
is, in early childhood, still similar to the retention every "psychological function" (in other words, its
of direct imprints of impressions, perceptions and relationship to the genotype) changes in the process
acts, by the late pre-school and early school ages of man's psychological development exactly as does
it is increasingly mediated by complex mnemonic its structure, and that attempts once and for all to
techniques. It begins to rest upon a complex sys- answer the question as to "the degree of hereditary
tem of meaning connections, is effectuated with the conditioning" of any psychological "function" are
aid of speech, and acquires the nature of that me- erroneous, if one does not take into consideration
diated logical memory which increasingly approxi- the changes that it undergoes in the course of its
mates thought in its psychological structure (L. S. development.
Vygotskii (1), (2), A. N. Leont'ev (3)). Everything we know compels us to assume that
Whereas direct and involuntary attention con- the relationship of the factors of heredity and en-
sists, in the early stages of development, of a com- vironment, governing the variability of a given psy-
paratively simple form of activity and is based on chological process, will not be identical at different
orientation reflexes thoroughly studied in physiol- stages in mental development, and that if at certain
ogy, the voluntary attention of the adult individual (early) stages in development, such psychological
is an incomparably more complex psychological "properties" as capacity or duration of memory,
Downloaded by [University of Bath] at 07:12 15 March 2016

structure, including speech afferentation, which attentiveness and the like, are based directly upon
converts into a complex process subject to regula- elementary functions of the nervous system and
tion ( L. S. Vygotskii (1) and A. R. Luria (8)). are capable of revealing a significant connection to
The foregoing applies to any form of psychologi- genotypic factors, at other (later) stages of develop-
cal activity and to any mental process. It has now ment, their structure changes significantly and the
become generally accepted that a profound qualita- leading role is played by processes making use of
tive reorganization of the psychological activity of a number of auxiliary functions and having a com-
man occurs in the process of mental development, plex, mediated structure. Therefore, as their struc-
and that the principal feature of this reorganization ture changes, the degree to which any particular
resolves itself to the fact that elementary, direct activity affects genetic conditions will become in-
forms of activity are replaced by complexly or- comparably smaller. If this hypothesis proves
ganized functional systems shaped on the basis of valid, we will be able to demonstrate change, dur-
association of the child with adults in the course of ing life, not only in the structure, but in the nature
the child's education. These functional systems of certain psychological processes.
are complex in structure and are implemented with Science has but a comparatively limited number
the direct participation of language. As language of means at its disposal for fairly exact investiga-
is, to begin with, the major means of human inter- tion of the relationship between factors of heredity
course, it has at the same time become one of the and environment governing various psychological
principal tools for shaping man's mental activity processes.
and regulation of his behavior. It is specifically The method of comparative analysis of identical
as a consequence of this that complex forms of and fraternal twins is one such method. Despite a
psychological activity, which are gradually imple- number of shortcomings, it has significant merits.
mented with the participation of the second signal Long-term observation of identical twins has
system, acquire new characteristics and begin to long since provided a technique for detailed de-
function in accordance with new laws that replace scription of the role of external influences in the
many of the rules followed in the elaboration of the development of psychological processes. The very
elementary conditioned reflexes of animals (com- fact that external circumstances can call different
pare A. R. Luria (8)). ustanovkas [sets, attitudes] into being (one
*** twin, born an hour earlier, behaves as the "older,"
If the structure of psychological processes takes an attitude toward the other as toward his
changes so radically in the course of a lifetime, is "junior"; one, having been sick, becomes weaker
it possible to hold that its relationship to the geno- for a period and develops an ustanovka of subordin-
type remains unchanged, and that factors of heredity ation to the other as "stronger") creates a series of
and environment continue to play the same role as be- "divergence factors," on the basis of which differ-
fore in its formation? May one even think that the ent types of character can come into being on the
nature of these processes remains unchanged? basis of an identical genotype. A number of special
Everything we know compels us to have deep researches, some of them the work of the present
doubts. author and his collaborators (5, 7, 8) have made it
VOL. I, NO.3 19

possible to trace the influence of these "divergence it appeared to us, could be expected to retain a
factors" under experimental conditions and to dem- comparatively unchanging relationship to genotype
onstrate how significantly the structure of percep- and environment. The second group of character-
tion or of psychological activity may change in iden- istics included psychological processes whose
tical twins when different methods of instruction structure changed significantly, to our knowledge,
are used. in the course of postnatal development. The rela-
A splendid recent monograph by Zasso (9) has tionship of variability therein to genotype factors
provided a detailed analysis of the use of studies could not remain unchanged, in our opinion. The
of twins to answer important questions in psychol- processes we chose were direct and mediated
ogy. memorization.
However, the technique of analysis of differences We compared intra-pair similarity and differ-
between identical twins as compared to those be- ences in this respect among a considerable group
tween fraternal twins is of even greater significance of identical and fraternal twins of various ages
for solution of the problem defined in the title of (pre-school, young schoolchildren and other school-
this article. children), then under constant observation by the
This rather widely known method consists of Institute of Medical Genetics, and then compared
making a comparative analysis of the differences the results obtained.
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with respect to some particular characteristic in The data confirmed our hypotheses.
identical and in fraternal twins. If the differences Holzinger (6), studying fingerprints and growth
observed within an identical set of twins (regard- in twins, found that intra-pair differences in both
less of whether they are large or small) prove to characteristics are small in identical twins but
be, on the average, the same as those within a considerable in fraternal twins, and that differences
fraternal set of twins, the variability of this charac- of this type are retained in twins in the higher age
teristic will clearly be due to environment, if it is group. This is illustrated by Table 1, which sum-
identical for the two pairs of twins (identical levels marizes HolZinger's data.
of literary or an identical system of acquired
knowledge may be cited as examples of such char-
We see that the ~ ratio, expressing the differ-
acteristics). On the other hand, if the intra-pair ence between the intra-pair divergence in fraternal
differences between identical twins are found to be and identical twins, arbitrarily taken as the coeffi-
small, and those between fraternal twins large, we cient of genotype determination, is very great with
will have some basis for concluding that the char- respect to fingerprints (6.8-6.3), and somewhat
acteristics are largely due to genotype. This was smaller with respect to the growth index (2.7-2.8).
the approach used in establishing the great respon- This is apparently due to the greater influence of
sibility of genotype in determining characteristics external conditions upon the latter characteristic.
such as eye or hair color, height, etc. It is significant that this difference remains among
What can be accomplished by the application of older children, because the index of variability of
this method to the question of lifetime variability these characteristics (B/A) with age is close to
not only of the structure but of the nature of psycho- unity in both instances.
logical processes, or, in other words, their rela- An entirely different picture was observed when
tionship to hereditary and environmental influences, we turned to psychological characteristics.
respectively? We selected for analysis the processes of
We are in possession of certain data providing an memorization, and deliberately chose three forms
answer to this question. It was collected long since, of it: direct visual memorization of nine elemen-
about a quarter century ago, under the highly favor- tary geometrical figures with subsequent recogni-
able circumstances the author enjoyed when he was tion from among a choice of 25 figures (technique
at the Institute of Medical Genetics in Moscow, and due to A. N. Bernshtein), direct memorization of
was published only in part. 15 words previously heard, and mediated memor-
Let us turn to some of the data obtained at that ization of 15 words with the aid of pictures to which
time. each of the words had to be related and which thus
We selected two groups of characteristics. One served as technical aids to memory (the latter
group consisted of somatic characteristics such as method has been described by A. N. Leont'ev. (3)).
fingerprints or growth-which, in our view, were For a number of reasons we were in a position to
either completely unrelated to factors changing sig- assume that elementary visual memory was con-
nificantly in the course of postnatal development, siderably less subject to environmental influences
or bore only insignificant relationship to them, and, than mediated (logical) memorization, and that the

Table 1

Variability in Relationships of Two Somatic Characteristics in Fraternal and

Identical Twins (due to Holzinger)

Fine:erorints Growth -
Identical Fraternal Rat'10
twins (d1 ) twins (~) Ratio twins (d1 ) twins (d 2 ) d1

Younger age-group (A) 3.2 21.7 6.8 1.7 4.4 2.7

Older age-group (B) 3.6 22.9 6.3 1.6 4.4 I 2.8
Ratio of older to
younger age-group
1'00'lees A
B - - 0.9 - - 1.01
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Table 2

Changes in Differences in Psychological Characteristics (Memorization) in Identical

and Fraternal Twins of Different Age Groups

Pairs of twins Elementary visual memory* Direct verbal memory Mediated verbal memorv
I Identical Fraternal Identical Fraternal d 2 Identical Fraternal ~ Identical Fraternal d 2
r d 1 ~ cr;
Pre-school 13 14 5.4 18.0 3.3 1.3 3.2 2.5 1.9 4.4 2.3
(5-7) I
School age I 11 II 12 5.6 14.0 12.5 0.88 I I
1.54 1.75 1.5 1.2 0.8
-ill- 13) I '
*The coefficient was computed on A. N. Bernshtein's formula S = ~ + f ,where m is the
number of figures recognized correctly, n is the total number of figures, and f is the
number of errors.

dependence upon external influences (instruction) in- Verification of direct verbal memory yields a
creases with age, in the case of mediated memorization. somewhat different picture. Intra-pair differences
All these forms of memorization were verified between fraternal twins of pre-school age proved to
by us (and our collaborator, N. G. Morozova) with be 2.5 times as great as intra-pair differences
a considerable number of pairs of identical and among identical twins of the same age. In the older
fraternal twins of pre-school and secondary school school-age group this coefficient drops to 1.75,
age. The results of these studies are presented testifying to a reinforcement in external influences
in Table 2. and diminution in the role of genotype factors.
This table enables us to draw significant conclu- Data obtained upon investigation of mediated
sions. It demonstrates that intra-patr differences memorization of words are of particular interest.
in elementary visual memory among fraternal Here, intra-pair differences between fraternal
twins of pre-school age is,\on the average, 3.3 times twins of pre-school age proved to be 2.3 times as
as great as among identical twins of the same age, large as intra-pair differences between identical
which may testify to a comparatively high genotypic twins of the same age. However, in the school-age
determination of this function. This substantial dif- group this coefficient diminishes to unity (0.8). In
ference is retained into the school years, although other words, in experiments with mediated memor-
the coefficient of intra-pair differences here is ization, no clear distinction was revealed between
somewhat smaller (2.5). intra-pair differences in identical and fraternal
VOL. I, NO.3 21

twins. The perceptible differences observed in this (of the Binet-Terman and other types) make it pos-
series of experiments between identical and frater- sible to detect permanent characteristics which
nal twins ofpre- school age disappeared completely are, moreover, independent of environmental in-
here and consequently the variability of this char- fluences. If this were not the case, there would be
acteristic in the school-age group lost all percep- no justification for their use. Some researchers,
tible relationship to genotype factors. Whereas who employ these tests for practical purposes,
somatic characteristics such as fingerprints are even hold that certain hereditary forms of ability
wholly unrelated to environmental influences, while may be evaluated with their aid.
growth bears only a relative relationship to them, We have every reason to doubt all this very
the situation is quite different in terms of a number strongly, and Soviet psychology has long since
of psychological processes. We know that there are abandoned the use of multi-phasic psychological
various forms of memory. Some are fairly elemen- tests allegedly making it possible to draw conclu-
tary, others complex mediated processes. In ac - sions with respect to the relationship of psycholog-
cordance with our observations, the relationship of ical processes to hereditary factors.
variability of these characteristics to genotype However, this type of attitude toward the practi-
factors may also be dissimilar. Whereas the vari- cal application of psychometric tests has long stood
Downloaded by [University of Bath] at 07:12 15 March 2016

ability of the elementary forms is significantly de- in need of theoretical refinement, and it is just this
termined by the genotype, that of the mediated mem- that can be done by means of the method set forth
ory processes is governed by external environmen - above: the comparison of intra-pair differences
tal influences. between identical and fraternal twins.
However, another fact is most interesting. As the When we engaged in this work, we did so only to
data adduced demonstrate, the relationship of vari- a first approximation, and the very fact that it was
ous forms of memory to genotypic characteristics not brought to completion at that time compelled
changes in the process of development. Whereas us to refrain from publishing the results.
the coefficient of genotype determination is very Now, almost a quarter century after this effort
high in the variability of the more elementary forms was made, we are able to present the basic conclu-
of memory, and only drops somewhat as school age sions it enabled us to draw, with the hope that they
is approached, the coefficient of genotype deter- will be verified in places where the problem itself
mination of complex (mediated) forms of memory is continues to be of practical significance.
manifested distinctly only in young children, when Having put a considerable number of pairs of
the very process of mediation is still inadequately identical and fraternal twins of pre-school age
developed, and when this form of memory too is through the Binet tests (in the variant employed in
still direct to a considerable degree. At later stages the 1930s), we obtained data pointing to the signifi-
in development mediated memory techniques are cant role of the genotype factor in causing variation
established, and at that time other factors, unrelated in the coefficient of development found for the
to the genotype, begin to play the leading role in children.
variability of memory. Thus, we truly have reason However, when we did the same work with a sig-
to contend that new and complex forms of psycho- nificant group of identical and fraternal school-age
logical processes are shaped with age, that old twins, the results were entirely different. Here. we
problems begin to be solved by new means, and that were unable to find any significant difference in the
the relationship of the psychological processes to intra-pair distinctions of identical and fraternal
the genotype changes significantly. The fact that the twins, and it became absolutely clear to us that use
variability of certain complex forms of psychologi- of this method to measure the variability of mental
cal activity (social in genesis and mediated in struc- characteristics at this age has only the most tenu-
ture) may even completely lose their relationship ous relationship to genotype factors.
to the genotype when school age is reached, is re- From these data it is easy to draw certain con-
lated to this. elusions, provided that they are confirmed by fur-
We would like to say a few words about the prac- ther-and even more extensive-observations.
tical consequences that may be derived from re- There cannot be any doubt that problems well
searches such as this one. chosen for particular age groups do actually enable
In many capitalist countries psychometric tests one quickly to obtain a picture of the mental char-
consisting of a number of problems worked out in acteristics of the child population of each age group.
detail, and different for the various age groups, are However, it is just because the characteristics of
still used for the purpose of determining native gifts. major significance for each age group do not re-
The opinion is held that such psychometric tests main identical in structure, and it is precisely be-

cause the characteristics of school-age children in 2) Vygotskii, L. S., Razvitie vysshikh psikhiches-
which we see distinctions are primarily those estab- kikh funktsii, Moscow, APN RSFSR, 1960.
lished in the process of education, that their rela- 3) Leont'ev, A. N., Razvitie pamiati, Moscow,
tionship to the genotype remains ambiguous. izd-vo Akademii kommunisticheskogo vospitaniia
If further researches confirm the data of the ini- im. N. K. Krupskoi, 1931.
tial observations, it will become obvious that psy- 4) Luria, A. R. and Mirenova, A. N., "Issle-
chometric tests do not measure "general native in- dovanie eksperimental'nogo razvitiia vospriiatiia
telligence" at all but rather psychological charac- metodom differentsial'nogo obucheniia odnoialtso-
teristics complex in structure and social in origin. vykh bliznetsov," Nevrologiia i genetika, 1936.
Investigation of the problem as to how not only 5) Luria, A. R. and Iudovich, F. la., Rech' i
the structure but the nature of psychological proc- razvitie psikhicheskikh protsessov rebenka, Mos-
esses changes in the course of development is still cow, APN RSFSR Press, 1956.
in its earliest stages. However, there can be no 6) Holzinger, K. S., "The Relative Effect of
doubt that, with the passage of time, it will enable Nature and Nurture Influences on Twin Differences,"
us to obtain data that will bring us to the verge of J. Educ. Psychol., XX, No.4, 1929.
solution of fundamental problems in psychology. 7) Luria, A. R., "The Development of Mental
Functions in Twins,"· Character and Personality,
Downloaded by [University of Bath] at 07:12 15 March 2016

Vol. 5, No.1, 1936.

Works Cited 8) Luria, A. R., The Regulative Role of Speech
in Normal and Abnormal Behavior, Pergamon
Press, London, 1961.
1) Vygotskii, L. S., Izbrannye psikhologicheskie 9) Zazzo, R., Les Jumeaux. Le Couple et la
issledovaniia, Moscow, APN RSFSR, 1956. Personne, Vol. I-n, Paris, 1960.

Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti, 1961, XI, No.1

E. N. Degtiar'


Iu. K. Panferov was the first to make an attempt Numerous psychologists have engaged in investi-
to provide a physiological analysis of the formation gation of the formation of association among vart-
of a temporary connection between a number of in- ous indifferent stimuli (Bikchentai (V, Boiko @,
different stimuli in school-age children (9). G.P. Vlasova ®, Zinchenko @), samarin (!Q), Shevarev
Zelenyi and P. A. Prokof'ev (!) published analogous (!!) and others).
studies with adult subjects. Studies by Narbutovich and Podkopaev are de-
A. G. Ivanov-Smolenskii @), in performing studies voted to the elaboration of associations in animals.
with school-age children, [reinforced the indifferent 1. P. Pavlov has written that "a temporary nerv-
stimulus (a bell) by displaying various bright ob- ous connection is the most universal of physiologi-
jects, different on each occasion. The orientation, cal phenomena in the animal world and in ourselves.
or, in the author's terminology, the conditioned in- At the same time, it is psychological; it is what
vestigatory reflex was elaborated rapidly and con- psychologists term an association, whether by the
sisted ofa rotation ofhead and eyes to the point of dis-
formation of connections of any conceivable type of
play of the picture in response to the effect of the bell.
actions, impressions, or of letters, words and
ideas. What basis can there be for in any way dif-
The author is associated with the Laboratory of ferentiating or separating from each other what the
Higher Nervous Physiology of the Child, in the Pav- physiologists call a temporary connection and the
lov Physiological Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences. psychologists term an association?" @)

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