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Task 1

Products are designed according to the need of consumers and in order to place the product to the
right consumer you need a detail research and find the right costumer for your product. And to
do this one need to market the product means do marketing of your product. Now the question is
what is marketing? How to plan or market your products? To know about marketing here are few
definitions are given.

1.“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion,
and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations and events to create and maintain
relationship that will satisfy individual and organizational objective.” (Contemporary Marketing)

2. “Marketing is defined as the process of determine the need and wants of consumers and
being able to deliver products that satisfy those needs and wants.”

3.“Marketing is the process of communication the value of the product or service to the
customers, for the purpose of selling the product or service.”

4.“You have product and you want to sell. You need someone to pay for your product so the
success of that product depends that how many customers you gained. So in order to get
maximum numbers of customers you have to inform as many people as possible about your
product, the act of attracting these customers is known as marketing.”

From all these definition we can get an idea that marking is a very vast concept and it’s
difficult to define it in a simple few lines. If to go and ask few people about marketing you will
get different answers from everyone. In today business world marketing is the first and most
important tool for any kind of product before bringing it to the market for customers. So its very
clear if to want to be establish a successful venture to need proper marketing and expert people
of marketing who can generate unique and different ideas. For example you product a new
product which is best in quality and according to the need of customers but you are not aware
who to inform and attract customers towards your product that it will be very difficult to capture
even a small share of market. Thus for every good product you need proper marketing.

So marketing is:

“Marketing is about to make an image of your designed product in costumers mind so that
they should get familiar with it and when they need that item they should consider your product
in first place.” (In own words)

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