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KRA 1 C0ntent Kn0wledge and Pedag0gy

0bjective 1 Applied kn0wledge 0f c0ntent within and acr0ss curriculum teaching
M0V 1 C0T 0n General t0 Particular
C0T 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
C0T 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
C0T 0n Predicting What is t F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened T0
DLL 0n General t0 Particular
DLL 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
DLL 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
DLL 0n Predicting What is t0 F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened t0

0bjective 2 Used a range 0f teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in

literacy and numeracy skills
M0V 2 C0T 0n General t0 Particular
C0T 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
C0T 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
C0T 0n Predicting What is t F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened T0
DLL 0n General t0 Particular
DLL 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
DLL 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
DLL 0n Predicting What is t0 F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened t0

0bjective 3 Applied a range 0f teaching strategies t0 devel0p critical and creative

thinking, as well as 0ther higher 0rder thinking skills
M0V 3 C0T 0n General t0 Particular
C0T 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
C0T 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
C0T 0n Predicting What is t F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened T0
DLL 0n General t0 Particular
DLL 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
DLL 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
DLL 0n Predicting what is t0 F0ll0w after a Segment 0f a Text Listened t0

KRA 2 Learning Envir0nment and Diversity 0f Learners

0bjective 4 Managed classr00m structure t0 engage learners, individually 0r in
gr0ups, in meaningful expl0rati0n, disc0very and hands-0n
activities within a range 0f physical learning envir0nments
M0V 4 C0T 0n General t0 Particular
C0T 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
C0T 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
C0T 0n Predicting What is t F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened T0
DLL 0n General t0 Particular
DLL 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
DLL 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
DLL 0n Predicting What is t0 F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened t0
0bjective 5 Managed learner behavi0r c0nstructively by applying p0sitive and n0n-
vi0lent discipline t0 ensure learnig-f0cused envir0nments
M0V 5 C0T 0n General t0 Particular
C0T 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
C0T 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
C0T 0n Predicting What is t F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened T0
DLL 0n General t0 Particular
DLL 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
DLL 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
DLL 0n Predicting What is t0 F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened t0

0bjective 6 Used differentiated, devel0pmentally appr0priately learning experiences

t0 address learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
M0V 6 C0T 0n General t0 Particular
C0T 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
C0T 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
C0T 0n Predicting What is t F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened T0
DLL 0n General t0 Particular
DLL 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
DLL 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
DLL 0n Predicting What is t0 F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened t0

KRA 3 Curriculum and Planning

0bjective 7 Planned, managed and implemented devel0pmentally sequenced
teaching and learning pr0cessess t0 meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching contexts
M0V 7 C0T 0n General t0 Particular
C0T 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
C0T 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
C0T 0n Predicting What is t F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened T0
DLL 0n General t0 Particular
DLL 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
DLL 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
DLL 0n Predicting What is t0 F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened t0

0bjective 8 Participated in c0llegial discussi0ns that use teacher and learner

feedback t0 enrich teaching practice
M0V 8 Minutes 0f DLAC Meetings

0bjective 9 Selected, devel0ped, 0rganized and used appr0priate teaching and

learning res0urces, including ICT, t0 address learning g0als
M0V 9 C0T 0n General t0 Particular
C0T 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
C0T 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
C0T 0n Predicting What is t F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened T0
DLL 0n General t0 Particular
DLL 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
DLL 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
DLL 0n Predicting What is t0 F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened t0
P0wer p0int presentati0ns
Task sheets
Activity sheets

KRA 4 Assessment and Rep0rting

0bjective 10 Designed, selected, 0rganized and used diagn0stic, f0rmative and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements
M0V 10 C0T 0n General t0 Particular
C0T 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
C0T 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
C0T 0n Predicting What is t F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened T0
DLL 0n General t0 Particular
DLL 0n Rec0gnizing Pr0paganda Techniques Used in a Given Text
DLL 0n Interpreting and Explaining the Figurative Language Used
DLL 0n Predicting What is t0 F0ll0w After a Segment 0f a Text Listened t0

0bjective 11 M0nit0red and evaluated learner attainment data

M0V 11 C0mpilati0n 0f learner’s written w0rks with summary 0f results and with
signature 0f parents
Class rec0rs/ Grading sheets

0bjective 12 C0mmunicated pr0mptly and clearly the learner’s needs, pr0gress and
achievement t0 key stakeh0lders, including parents/guardians
M0V 12 3 samples 0f c0rrected test papers 0f the same learners in the same
learning area
Minutes 0f PTA meetings I n all quarters supported by the minutes 0f the
Rep0rt cards with parent’s signature in all quarters supp0rted by minutes 0f
the meeting
C0mmunicati0n with parents
Anecd0tal Rec0rd

0bjective 13 Perf0rmed vari0us related w0rks/activities that c0ntribute t0 the
teaching- learning pr0cess
M0V 13 Certificati0n 0f Rec0gniti0n 0r Participation
Certificate 0f rec0gniti0n
Certificate 0f Training
Certificate 0f Speakership
C0aching and Ment0ring

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