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Legalization of Marijuana in Indonesia

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa syn Cannabis indica) is a plant producing fiber,
commonly known as a narcotic plant because its effect can cause users to experience
euphoria. Marijuana are usually dried and made into marijuana cigarettes by the
hippies in America.

In Indonesia, marijuana is cultivated illegally in Aceh. Because in Aceh has a

culture to use marijuana as a medicine and food seasoning. Unfortunately, in
Indonesia, marijuana plants are illegal and classification into narcotics class 1.
Therefore, marijuana that should not be planted and used for anything.

Actually, behind the bad impression of government and society about

marijuana, this plant has a million benefits and many do not yet know. Some of the
benefits of marijuana is to kill cancer cells, cure Alzheimer's disease, and in Indonesia
also has a potion of marijuana to cure diabetes.

Apart from the medical point of view, marijuana can also be used for raw
materials of clothing, ships rope, and paper. The benefit for the country of Indonesia
is to increase the income of the country, because this plant is very fertile when planted
in tropical climates.

In Indonesia there is an organization that supports the legalization of marijuana,

this organization called Lingkar Ganja Nusantara (LGN). LGN has changed people's
bad thoughts about marijuana by providing education. In addition, LGN has also
discussed with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to conduct
research on marijuana as a medicine, and wants to make Indonesia as a country that
can take advantage of the positive side of cannabis plants.

That way, the consumption of chemicals based drugs can be reduced. And
people get herbal remedies and do not have side effects that damage the body, can
also increase state revenue by selling marijuana product through BUMN.

Name : Yudha Diparta Program Study : D4 Public Administration

NPM : 170104170006

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