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• Wave Farm is an area of the sea where machinery is installed to
harness the energy produced by waves in order to generate electricity.
• Ocean waves has the highest energy density among all other
renewable energy sources
• The first known patent to use energy from ocean waves dates back to 1799
and was filed in Paris by Girard and his son.
• An early application of wave power was a device constructed around 1910 .
• Modern scientific pursuit of wave energy was pioneered by Yoshio
Masuda's experiments in the 1940s.
• A renewed interest in wave energy was motivated by the oil crisis in 1973.
• In 2008, the first experimental wave farm was opened in Portugal.
How Waves Form ?

• Some of the kinetic (motional) energy in the wind is transformed into waves once the
wind hits the ocean surface.
• Wind energy ultimately forms due to solar energy and its influence on high and low pressure.
• A few factors determine how strong an individual wave will be. These include:
Speed of wind
Time of wind
Distance of wind
Wave Energy Environments
Point Absorbers
•As the buoy bobs up-and-down in the
waves, a oscillatory mutual force reaction
is generated between the freely moving
absorber and the heavy plate causing a
hydraulic pump in between to rotate a
generator producing electricity.
•Piston consists of a magnet which bobs in
a stator .
•The mechanical energy is converted into
electrical energy by the stator.
Wave Attenuators
• As the waves pass along the length of the
device, they cause the long cylindrical
body to sag downwards into the troughs
of the waves and arch upwards when the
waves crest is passing.

• Connecting joints along the body of the

device flex in the waves exerting a great
deal of force which is used to power a
hydraulic ram at each joint.

• The hydraulic ram drives oil through a

hydraulic motor which drives a generator,
producing the electricity.

750 kW Pelamis Wave Energy Converter, Scotland

PB150 PowerBuoy with peak-rated power output of 150 kW. USA

Wave farms
• Renewable
• Environmental friendly
• Available 24/7 on 365 days
• Area Efficient
• Predictable
• Expensive
• Effect on marine life
• Suitable for only certain locations
• Disturbance to ships

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