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organization that produces
goods or provides services to
make profit.

They could be: small,

medium or large.

RETAIL – sells directly to the public

B2C – business to customer
WHOLESALE – sells goods in bulk to other companies
COMPANY B2B – business to business
TYPES CONGLOMERATE – several companies that have joined

MULTINATIONAL/transnational – has many operations in many

different countries
Funded by share capital, money raised from investors who bought
shares; they elect a board of directors to make decisions and set
company policy.

VENTURE CAPITAL COMPANY/venture capitalists lend money to

COMPANY people to start or extend a business.
SOLE PROPRIETOR/TRADER –someone who owns a company
without other investors.

PARTNERSHIP – two or more people join to start a company.

COMPANY TAKEOVER – a company is bought by another company, in a friendly

SELLING or hostile way.
MERGER – two companies merge, they combine and become one
single company.

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