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MODULUL 9 + Trecutul Continuy + Mijloace sicai de transport. Calatori * Aplicati: WHERE ARE YOU GOING ON HOLIDAYS? YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE FOR PARIS BY PLANE ‘YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE FOR BUCHAREST BY TRAIN TRECUTUL CONTINUU, Se formeaza astfe) = Afirmativ: |, HE, SHE, IT + WAS + VERB + ING WE, YOU, THEY + WERE + VERB + ING = __ Negativ: |, HE, SHE, IT + WAS NOT (WASN'T) + VERB + ING WE, YOU, THEY + WERE NOT (WEREN'T) + VERB + ING Interogativ: WAS / WERE + |... THEY + VERB + ING? Se traduce prin imperfect (mancam, cantai...) Reguli de ortografie: ‘Daca un vero se termina in IE, transforma in ¥ + ING. eg, to lie — lying (a fi intins, asezat), to die ~ dying (a muri) Daca verbulse termina in E, acesta cade e.g. smoke — smoking (a fuma), hope — hoping (a spera) Fac exceptie BE - BEING, SEE - SEEING, AGREE - AGREEING se Se dubleaza consoana finala daca se termina in consoana-vocala-consoand €.g. stop — stopping, plan — planning, begin — beginning Utilizarea trecutului simplu pentru a exprima activitati aflate in pliné ‘4 desfasurare la un moment bine precizat din trecut naa ‘Aaverbe de timp: AT THIS TIME yesterday/iast week/last year... ) (im Kory we (pe vremea asta ie, saptamana trecuts,anul recut) : €.9, Lwas listening to music at this time yesterday — Ascultam muzica ier revere sta, Mieke N ATENTIE: Intro fraza, o actiune aflata in plina desfasurare se traduce cu trecut continuu, iar o alta actiune, care o intrerupe pe prima, se traduce cu trecut simply Ex: You were waiting for the bus when you saw the accident, (Asteptai autobuzul cand ai vazut accidentul) intro fraza, doua actiuni desfasurate simultan in trecut, se traduc eu trecut continu, Ex You were watching TV while | was writing an e-mail message. (Te uitai la TV in timp ce eu scriam un e-mail) Intro fraza, mai multe actiuni scurte, succesive din trecut, se traduc cu trecut simplu Ex: She opened the door, looked outside and didn't see anyone. (A deschis usa, s-a ultat afara sin-a vazut pe nimeni) ght at least 24 hours in advance 1 ~ Oh, Im sorry! You ought to make the reservation vance ae 's carriage on Sunday morning if you agree! can let you have a seat n a fist class cariage On the day of doparurg at winsow no. 4 the main hal ofthe North Station How much will that be? 100 EUR! There is an extra charge of reservation, too! OK‘ Thanks, bye! Read and translate Hello? Is there The City Railway Booking Office? Yes, sir! What can | do for you? | want to find out about the trains to Neptun resort There is a fast train at 11.27 am. Will you go by that train? Where do | have to change trains? Itisn't necessary. it's a Mangalia train but it stops at Neptun. How much is the fare? Can | book two second class seats right now? Ah, what about the children? Children under ten pay only a half rate. Children over ten pay full fare OK! | want two tickets and one for a child under ten! Will be 840, 000 lei! = OK, thanks VOCABULAR > one way ticket = bilet cu o singura calatorie - _ arretur ticket = dus — intors = around trip ticket = circuit to arrive / arrival = a sosi, sosire - to depart / departure = a pleca, plecare. MISS + PLANE, TRAIN, BUS... = a pierde (Hurry up or you'll miss the train! = grabeste-te sau vei pierde trenull) - Porter = hamal waiting room = sala de steptare - The schedule = orarul - terminal / terminus Read and translate - On what days are there flights for Paris? - Daily, sir! Is there a direct fight? No stop over? - Yes, sir - How long is the fight? - Three hours, sir! Where does the plane land in Paris? On Charles de Gaulle airport, sir! When should | be at the airport? - Anhour in advance, sir! Please, give me a ticket for tomorrow, Here you are! Have nice flight! - Thanks, bye! r VOCABULAR Boarding = imbarcarea ( uggag in = poarta de intrare (veriicarea) here do | board?) over weight | feel sick, I have to use the sick bag! Safety belt entura de siguranta To take off = a decola Read and translate Hello! | would like to confirm my reservation... When is the flight to Bucharest? The flight no. 345 leaves for Bucharest at one o'clock p.m ren does the plane get to Bucharest? How ong is the flight? Three hours, sir! Is there a stop over? No, sir. Itis a direct flight Have they already announced the boarding? Yes, sir. Have a nice flight! Thanks, byel Read and translate ‘When does the ship sail for Glasgow? Every morning at 9 0’ clock, sir How long is the voyage? An hour...a half and an hour maybe! How long does the ship stay in port? An hour, sit Give me two second- class tickets for tomorrow, please, Here you are! Door number 15! What deck is our cabin on? The second deck, sit! How do | get there? The ticket inspector will manage you! OK, thanks! Byel Have a nice cruise, sir! Read and translate ‘Good afternoon, sir! Your papers, please! Good afternoon, officer! Here are my driver license and the travel documents! ‘Which is your target, sir? We make a sightseeing tour through your country. All right! Have a nice trip! How do | get to the highway? Tee way, straight on...then, at the second trafic ight turn lef, round the corer. Where is the nearest filing station? On your way, sit! ‘Are there any rest areas, some motels? Of course, sit. Thanks, bye! it's about 60 km from here!

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