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Security Council

Delegation of Colombia

Military intervention in Venezuela

Honorable representatives, honorable delegations, International observers and other

people present in the room. I offer cordial greetings on behalf of the Republic of

Colombia is a rich country in natural resources, cultural and historical diversity among
others. Colombian people are usually described as polite, happy, creative, and
hardworking; all these characteristics allow the country to move forward, as it is
considered a rising economy and a regional power, which has incomes mainly from the
exportation of raw materials, agriculture, mining, energy and tourism. Besides the
current aim towards orange economy.

Sharing 2.219 km of border with Venezuela and being one of the few countries where
any sort of documentation such as a visa is not required. Colombia has received around
1.3 million displaced Venezuelans. Which deeply affect our country in terms of growing
overpopulation, homelessness, the decrease in security and less work positions, but not
only in the big cities but on the entirety of the national territory.

We need, as an international organization to come together and reach an agreement

that allow us to oust Nicolas Maduro out of his position, in peaceful and more impactful
manners, as the closing of diplomatic and economic channels to the regimen.

The delegation of Colombia would like to thank the general secretary for allowing the
treatment of this kind of topics in order to accomplish an effective solution that involves
at least the American States, so we can all benefit and end the humanitarian crisis in

But, If we considered all the consequences and side-effects brought up by a military

intervention would we, as conjoined governments, still be willing to carry on with it?
Valentina Pardo Lozano 1003

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