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Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Good Evening.

As Colombia’s delegate, a land steeped in culture, I am honored to share

the tale of the folk legend El Mohan, a guardian of nature turned
vengeful when disturbed, stressing the delicate balance of nature.
Thus, Colombia embarks on a journey towards greener energy, choosing
to bury fossil fuels rather than burn them.

The delegate of Colombia chooses to address everyone with this olive

flower bouquet representing peace.
Its symbolic, I couldn’t arrange one at the last minute.
But that’s appropriate, as Colombia puts the flowers of peace aside for

The petroleum market’s oligopolies made the impossible possible: it

made many Colombians miss the days when we had enough food had
electricity and had relative economic stability before our push towards

This dominance, with oil accounting for 55.4% of our exports, hinders
our path to sustainability, an option that should be accessible to all.

Oil fuels modern civilization, nations, economies, and lives. Today, the
people of Colombia are suffocated pushing them pawns between the
sword of monopolistic power and the wall of economic oppression.

Once the Council understands the underlying challenge developing

countries face while working towards greener living alongside oligopoly
in petroleum markets, Colombia will hand over the olive tree bouquet
and say thank you.

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