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Before I give my evaluation for the prodegious speech given by ---, let’s talk about

Motion, shall we? Can anyone tell me what motion is?

Motion means a change in the position of an object with reference to time.
So this is motion - walking.
and this is also motion - clapping.
So let’s bring the motion to our hands and give a round of applause to ------

The objectives of A P1 speech is to

- To begin speaking before an audience.

- To discover speaking skills you already have and skills that need some attention.

Now as I said in my speech, art triggers memory and this speech was artfully crafted and
written well and definitely will be embedded in my mind.

Now I want to again talk about Motion, While speaking you can pace back and forth or
standing in one position, it’s very easy to get comfortable with this rhythm but also it can
be very distracting or dull, instead I would recommend you to use the triangular method,
when I walk over to the left I demand this side’s attention, when I walk out to the right I
demand their attention and when I come back to my original position I have captured
everyone’s attention I might have lost in between my speech.

If you say no this is very embarrassing, but I have everyone’s attention right

Why did the scarecrow become a great physicist?

Because he was outstanding in his field of motion studies

Just as I am. Motion is exiting in a speech, but when there is no motion, it can be
exciting as well. As Mark Twain has said the right word may be effective, but no word is
ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.

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