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We know that Indonesia is one of the largest multicultural countries in the world, due to
the wide and varied socio-cultural and geographical conditions that make Indonesia a multi-ethnic,
multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious country. Its vast territory consisting of thousands
of islands, cultural diversity, ethnicity, race and religion is a wealth owned by this nation. Cultural
diversity by society is commonly called multicultural. I think not only as a symbol of this country
that is sovereign to diversity or multiculturalism, but the most important is that its citizens must
have high sovereignty over the diversity or plurality of this nation. Plurality has become a
sunnatullah that we can not argue, but we must maintain and maintain in order to remain intact
and create peace. This pluralism according to Azra as blessing in disguise for the nation of
Indonesia. Hence managing plurality actually cares for Indonesia.

I have been taught about plurality since childhood, but I just understand the meaning of
pluralism itself when I step on grade 1 junior high school. I learned and taught by my brother and
father who became a great inspiration to me. The tolerance that they often exemplify is an attempt
to appreciate the pluralism of appreciating differences. I imaged what they do in the process of
becoming human that humanizes human beings. To me, a great person is not a rich man with
abundant wealth but one who can respect differences, respect the privacy of everyone, respect the
rights of others, and appreciate everything that is beyond his self.

I think the attitude of tolerance and mutual respect is a behavior that must be upheld,
especially in the earth that became the largest mutual state in the world. I realized that the
multicultural condition of the Indonesian state is rich not poverty. This tremendous potential can
generate profits for Indonesia to become a developed country. After graduating from high school,
I have been guerrilla in forwarding the messages of my siblings and my parents to continue to
instill the awareness that pluralism is a thing to be respected, because no one, whether as a person,
ethnic group, race, ethnicity or religious community , who want to be humiliated and oppressed.
Simply put, if we do not want to be despised then do not insult others. Likewise, because we want
to be respected and respected, so learn to respect and respect others. For a noble self-esteem, there
are only those who reward others.

The youth organizations that I often attend teach me many things and many people from
different backgrounds, so my understanding of plurality is very mature. In my opinion, the more
we understand and apply it in everyday life undoubtedly the enmity and propaganda between
beings will be eroded. For me the existence of this pluralism should be expressed in building
mutualist relation symbiosis among the people who live in one big community like the Indonesian

Especially lately a lot of turmoil that occurred related to social problems that disturb the
multicultural harmony of the Indonesian nation is a form of rebellion that must pemuda youth
Indonesia and straighten. Much of the turmoil has occurred with regard to SARA issues that cause
divisions between people and mankind. As an Indonesian Muslim, I believe that the problem
occurs due to the lack of tolerance that everyone has. Whereas Islam is just as the religion of
rahmatan lil 'alamin affirms in QS Al Maidah verse 48 provides clear explanations of the
importance of fostering good relations between Muslims with Muslims and Muslims with non-
Muslims. Islam emphasizes the importance of mutual respect, mutual respect and good deeds even
to others in different opinions.

I as an Indonesian youth and also a youth of Islam who persistently shouted the banner of
unity must remain consistent that our national motto is "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", taken from Old
Javanese, literally means "many, but one". In multiculturalism context, it means "Unity in
Diversity". The uniqueness of Indonesia lies much on its multiculturalism. We are not really a
melting pot country (like the U.S.) where every people is assimilated towards one single culture.
We exist harmoniously with the others, without the necessity to give up on our own culture. We
are proud of our ethnical background, but the pride of being Indonesian exceeds all of ethnic

In some forums both formal and non formal, I am not tired of reminding the young people
of Indonesia who will be the successor of Muslim thinkers as well as the progress of the nation
can be smart in overcoming the negative campaigns alleged against the nation of Indonesia, by
developed countries such as: America , English, Danish, French and more. Admittedly or not,
Indonesia as a country with the greatest Muslim majority is often imaged negatively by radical
Islamists, extremists and terrorists. In order to eliminate the negative imagery, in addition to
education it is necessary to be able to explore a variety of continuing information on multicultural

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