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Tupaia: Master Navigator 

By: Hanahiva Rose 

1. Using an atlas find Rā’iātea and then mark it on the map. 
2. Using the atlas find Tahiti and mark it. Draw a line to show a possible route Tupaia 
took to move to Tahiti. 
3. Find New Zealand and mark it on the map. Draw the line to show the route the 
Endeavour would have taken. 
4. Using the details in Australia and Batavia show the journey from Aotearoa to 
5. Find Batavia and mark it on the map. Show the route from Australia to Batavia. 
6. Vocabulary: Chose 5 words you found interesting or unsure of and find their 
definitions using the journal or the dictionary 

Word  Meaning 





7. Complete an Old History Bingo using the story of Tupaia.  
8. In your Literacy book create a fact sheet about Tupaia you must include where he 
lived, when he was born and died and 2-3 interesting facts about Tupaia. 

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