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Emilio Aguinaldo (1899–1901)

Further information: Emilio Aguinaldo

First President of the Philippines,[1] officially recognized as such. (See also: List of unofficial
Presidents of the Philippines)

First President to declare martial law (May 1898)[2]

First President to be a Freemason[3]

First President to be part of the military[4]

Manuel L. Quezon (1935–1944)

Further information: Manuel Quezon

First President to be a lawyer[4]

First President to ride an aircraft while in office[5]

First President who died while in office

José P. Laurel (1943–1945)

Further information: José P. Laurel

First President from Batangas

Sergio Osmeña Sr. (1944–1946)

Further information: Sergio Osmeña Sr.

First President from the Visayas

First President who assumed the Presidency upon the death of his predecessor

Manuel Roxas (1946-1948)

Further information: Manuel Roxas

Elpidio Quirino (1948–1953)

Further information: Elpidio Quirino

Ramon Magsaysay (1953–1957)

Further information: Ramon Magsaysay

First President to take their oath of office while wearing the Barong Tagalog[6]

First President to swear on a bible at their inauguration.[7]

Carlos P. Garcia (1957–1961)

Further information: Carlos P. Garcia

Diosdado Macapagal (1961–1965)

Further information: Diosdado Macapagal

Ferdinand Marcos (1965–1986)

Further information: Ferdinand Marcos

First President to be elected for a second term (1969)[8]

Corazon Aquino (1986–1992)

Further information: Corazon Aquino

First President to be a woman.[9]

First President to have their taking of oath administered by an Associate Justice.[7]

Fidel V. Ramos (1992–1998)

Further information: Fidel Ramos

First President to be a non-Catholic[10]

First President to be a Protestant[11]

Joseph Estrada (1998–2001)

Further information: Joseph Estrada

First President came from showbiz career

First and only president who has undergone an impeachment trial

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (2001–2010)

Further information: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

First presidential child to become president. She was the daughter of President Diosdado
Macapagal (term 1961-1965).

Benigno Aquino III (2010–2016)

Further information: Benigno Aquino III

First President to be unmarried and childless while in office.[12]

Rodrigo R. Duterte (2016–2022)

Further information: Rodrigo Duterte

First President from Mindanao[13]

First septuagenarian president

First president who came straight from being a mayor

First president to visit Israel while in office.[14]

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