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Learning Competencies:
9. using models, relate:
 9.1 the tilt of the earth to the length of daytime;
 9.2 the length of daytime to the amount of energy received; S7ES-Ive-9-10

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Explain the relationship of Earth’s tilt to the length of daytime;
 Relate the length of the day to the amount of solar energy received; and
 Appreciate the importance of the sun energy in daily living
Lesson/Subject Matter:
TOPIC: Season in the Philippines
SUB-TOPIC: Seasonal Changes: Earth’s Tilt
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of the relationship of the seasons and
the position of the Sun in the sky
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to perform and produce simple models to show the
causes for the changes of seasons in the Philippines.
References: Science and Technology 7, pp. 347-350; Science Links 7, pp. 345-352
Materials: Power point presentation, 100 watt light bulb with clip-on socket and attached to
extension cord, Globe, illustration (that shows the location of the earth at different times of the year)
Approaches/Techniques: Note taking, Collaboration, Observing, Describing, Concluding
A. Preparation
1. Routinely Activities
 Prayer
 Greeting
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
2. Review
 How do particles of salt and dust affect cloud formation?
 How do radiation, conduction and convection affect the atmosphere?
 How does greenhouse effect warm the earth?
3. Motivation
“Why Do Seasons Change?”
Study a drawing or an illustration that shows the location of the earth at different
times of the year. Notice that the axis of the earth is not perpendicular to its orbit:
it is tilted. Study also a drawing that shows where direct rays from the sun fall in
the month of June and in the month of December. Notice also where the earth is

B. Presentation:
 About the Earth in Space
 Distance of the Earth from the sun
 The size and shape of Earth
 Earth’s volume , mass and density
 Albedo
 How the Earth’s motion affects the earth
 Factors the determine seasons on earth

C. Generalization:
Students will ask by the following questions:
1. Why does the Philippines not experience four seasons when it is also located at the
Northern Hemisphere?
2. Why are days longer in summer and shorter in winter? What are the positive
effects that the sun energy gave to us?

D. Application
Activity 12. 2: The Tilt of earth and Seasonal Changes
Materials: 100 watt light bulb with clip-on socket and attached to extension cord
E. Evaluation:
In ¼ sheet of paper Number of Learners
Answer the “Follow up, table 12.1” on page 354, Science and with Mastery________
Technology 7 Number of Learner w/o
Mastery ________
(The teacher shows the table and guide questions to her

F. Assignment: Action to be taken:

Notebook ___________________
Answer the following:
1. Why does the Philippines have only two seasons? Explain
2. In most cases, PAGASA’s rainfall zones do not reflect the
seasonal changes in the Philippines. What do you think is the
reason behind this?

Inspection of Lesson Plan: Remarks:

______________________________________ Date: _____________________

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