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NAME___________________________ ID __________ COURSE CODE: _______

PURPOSE: Identify specific information in a listening task

A. Listen to people discuss changes. Check (X) the topic each person talks about and write down the main
change. (3 Points)

(1) ____________________________________________________
Population Environment ____________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________
Transportation Cities ____________________________________________________
(3) ____________________________________________________
Families Shopping ____________________________________________________

B. Listen to the recording about Christine´s life THEN and NOW, and choose TRUE or FALSE. (7 Points).

1. Now, she is a vegetarian TRUE / FALSE

2. Christine´s town in next to the sea TRUE / FALSE
3. London is a much bigger place that the town where Christine grew up TRUE / FALSE
4. In London, Christine doesn´t need a car, she walks everywhere TRUE / FALSE
5. When Christine was a child, she used to take the bus or the underground to go around TRUE / FALSE
6. She used to eat whatever was in season at the time like: meat, potatoes, roots and TRUE / FALSE
7. Now, she is more adventurous in what she eats. TRUE / FALSE

C. Listen to the conversation between Tanya and Matt, and complete the blanks with the correct information.
(5 Points)

Tanya: This neighborhood sure has changed!

Matt: I know. A few years ago, not many people lived here. But the (1) _________________ is growing so fast these
Tanya: Remember how we used to rent videotapes at that little (2) __________________?
Matt: Yeah. Now it´s a multiplex cinema.
Tanya: And I hear they´re tearing down our (3) ________________. They´re going to build a shopping mall. Soon, there
will be just malls and (4) _________________.
Matt: That´s because everyone has a car! Fifty years ago, people walked everywhere. Nowadays, they drive.
Tanya: That´s (5) _____________, I guess.
Adapted from
D. Anna and Peter meet after not seeing each other for a long time. Listen to their conversation, and select the
correct answer. (5 Points).

1. How has Peter changed his look?

a. He has changed his hairstyle, he has got new glasses and he has grown his beard
b. He has short hair now, he wears contact lenses and he has grown a beard
c. He has changed his hairstyle, he has shaved off the beard and now he wears contact lenses
d. He has cut his hair and his beard and he has got new glasses

2. What is Peter´s new job?

a. He works in a computer company
b. He works in a bookstore
c. He works in a computer software company
d. He works with his father in the sales department.

3. What is Anna´s new job?

a. She works in a computer company
b. She works in a bookstore
c. She works in a computer software company
d. She works with her father in the sales department

4. What has changed in Anna´s life?

a. She has moved with her father and she has become a mother
b. She hasn´t had any changes at all
c. She has become a mother and she has moved into a new apartment
d. She has moved into a new apartment and she has got a new job

5. What has changed in Cathy´s life?

a. She has moved into a new apartment
b. She has become a mother
c. She has changed her job
d. She has changed her hairstyle.

Designed by Luisa Velásquez Álvarez / March, 2019

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