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Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Impact Loading

Book · June 2015


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2 authors:

Duc-Kien Thai Seung-Eock Kim

Sejong University Sejong University


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Analysis of Reinforced Concrete
Structures under Impact Loading

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Human Resources Development for Nuclear Power Plant Construction

Duc-Kien Thai and Seung-Eock Kim


Table of Contents ..................................................................................... i

Chapter 1 . Introduction ..........................................................................1
1. Motivation............................................................................................................... 1

2. Goal and objectives................................................................................................. 6

3. Organization of book .............................................................................................. 7

References................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 2 . Material Models Used for The Numerical Simulation ...10

1. Introduction........................................................................................................... 10

2.Concrete models .................................................................................................... 11

2.1 Winfrith concrete model (MAT#084).............................................................. 11

2.2 Continuous Surface Cap Model (MAT#159) .................................................. 13

3. Steel and aluminum models .................................................................................. 16

3.1 Plastic-kinematic model (MAT#003) .............................................................. 16

3.2 Piecewise linear plasticity model (MAT#024) ................................................ 18

4. Fluid models ......................................................................................................... 18

5. Summary ............................................................................................................... 19

References................................................................................................................. 20

Chapter 3 . Effects of The Reinforcement Ratio and Concrete

Strength on The Punching Resistance of RC Slab Under Missile
Impact .....................................................................................................21

1. Introduction........................................................................................................... 21

2. Description of the models ..................................................................................... 22

2.1 Geometry......................................................................................................... 22

2.2 Material properties .......................................................................................... 25

3. Finite element modeling ....................................................................................... 26

3.1 General ............................................................................................................ 26

3.2 Element type and mesh ................................................................................... 26

3.3 Contact and boundary condition ..................................................................... 28

4. Verification of finite element model ..................................................................... 29

5. Parametric study ................................................................................................... 31

5.1 Longitudinal rebar ratios ................................................................................. 38

5.2 Shear bar ratios................................................................................................ 44

5.3 Concrete strength ............................................................................................ 50

6. Optimal design ...................................................................................................... 54

7. Summary ............................................................................................................... 56

References................................................................................................................. 58

Chapter 4 . Effects of Reinforcement Arrangement on The Punch

Resistance of The RC Walls under Missile Impact .............................59
1. Introduction........................................................................................................... 59

2. Design of the RC wall and missile........................................................................ 60

2.1 Geometry......................................................................................................... 61

2.2 Material properties .......................................................................................... 63

3. Finite element modeling ....................................................................................... 65

3.1 General ............................................................................................................ 65

3.2 Element type and mesh ................................................................................... 68

3.3 Damping .......................................................................................................... 68

3.4 Contact and boundary condition ..................................................................... 69

3.5 Loading cases and analysis method ................................................................ 72

4. Verification of FE model....................................................................................... 73

5. Parametric analysis ............................................................................................... 77

5.1 RC wall under angular impact......................................................................... 78

5.2 RCW-LR wall ................................................................................................. 79

5.3 RCW-SR wall .................................................................................................. 90

6. Optimal design of RC wall ................................................................................... 98

7. Summary ............................................................................................................. 101

References............................................................................................................... 102

Chapter 5 . Numerical Analyses of The Nuclear Building Subjected

to Aircraft Crash ..................................................................................104
1. Introduction......................................................................................................... 104

2. Aircraft model ..................................................................................................... 107

3. Verification of numerical analysis ...................................................................... 108

3.1 Verification of aircraft impact force .............................................................. 108

3.2 Verification of RC wall model under missile impact .................................... 110

4. Effects of reinforcement ratio and arrangement on the structural behavior of a

nuclear building subjected to aircraft crash ............................................................ 112

4.1 Fictitious auxiliary nuclear building model .................................................. 112

4.2 Parametric analysis ....................................................................................... 117

5. Safety assessment of the primary auxiliary building subjected to aircraft crash 132

5.1 Primary auxiliary building ............................................................................ 132

5.2 Safety assessment of the PAB ....................................................................... 136

6. Summary ............................................................................................................. 154

References............................................................................................................... 155

Chapter 6 . Fluid Effect of The Wet Missile on Impact Force .........158

1. Introduction......................................................................................................... 158

2. Finite element model .......................................................................................... 160

2.1 General .......................................................................................................... 160

2.2 Impact test models ........................................................................................ 161

3. Verification of analysis ....................................................................................... 164

3.1 Force plate test FP-8 ..................................................................................... 165

3.2 Force plate test FP-16 ................................................................................... 167

4. Validation of Riera function for wet missile ....................................................... 169

4.1 Riera approach .............................................................................................. 169

4.2 Comparison of Riera function and experiment ............................................. 172

5. Modification of Riera function accounting for the fluid effect ........................... 175

6. Summary ............................................................................................................. 178

References............................................................................................................... 179

Chapter 7 . Summary and Recommendation ....................................181
1. Summary ............................................................................................................. 181

2. Recommendation ................................................................................................ 184


1. Motivation

Impact loading is considered as a particular load. The high velocity impact

loading on structures has been of interest to researchers due to the extreme hazards

involved, which could seriously damage the structures. There are many types of

impact loading such as projectile and missile impact, aircraft crash, vehicle and train

crash, and blast and bomb explosion… The September 11 terrorist attack is one

example on aircraft impact. Researchers have always been concerned about the

integrity and safety of sensitive structures under impact loading, an example of which

is a nuclear containment structure under aircraft crash. Although a wide range of

researches on structures subjected to impact loading have been carried out, various

difficulties are encountered due to the particularity of loading condition. While

conducting experimental studies seem to be economically and time inefficient,

numerical studies, on the other hand, may contain significant errors. Therefore,

studying impact loading is always a challenge for researchers.

Reinforced concrete structures are the most prevalent and have been widely

used all over the world for a long time. It is not only commonly used for civil building

such as house, school, hospital, hotel…, but also popularly used for industrial building

such as nuclear power plant. Although there are many different advanced structures,

some of which are steel-concrete composite, fiber reinforced concrete, and polymer

concrete structures…, a huge market is more accustomed to reinforced concrete

structures due to a number of advantages, some of which are:

- It has a high compressive strength and better resistance to the environment and

fire, and it yields rigid members with minimum apparent deflection;

- It has a long service life with low maintenance cost, and it is the most

economical structural material; and

- It can be cast to take the shape required, making it widely used in precast

structural components.

RC structure has a very complex behavior, such as nonlinear behavior in terms

of stress strain relationship, tension cracking, biaxial stiffening, and strain softening

phenomena. Such complex behavior brings in some difficulties in RC structure

modeling, for instance the definition of material failure under multi-axial stress state,

modeling of post-fracturing behavior, and interaction effects between the concrete and

reinforcement. This, in turn, recapitulates the challenge for researchers in capturing

the real behavior of RC structures in numerical modeling.

The structural behavior of RC structures subjected to impact loading is also

very complex. The damages of RC structure under impact loading include global

damages, local damages, and functional failure due to induced vibration. Global

damages may exist in terms of displacement, overturning, and collapse. Local

damages may occur with many different failure modes such as penetration, scabbing,

spalling, perforation, and overall target response. Functional failure due to vibration

may affect the equipment operation capability. Recent researches which focused on

the behavior of RC structures subjected to impact loading may have included the

following: RC components such as RC beams, columns, and slabs under impact

loading; building structures such as nuclear containment building and/or auxiliary

nuclear building subjected to missile and/or aircraft impact… This topic is also of

interest to researchers due to its complexity.

Experimental studies are the priority choice in every field due to its reliable

results. The experimental results are consistently and easily accepted than any other

methods. However, it has many difficulties such as technical problems, economic

efficiency, and labor-intensiveness. Nowadays, with the development of computational

based finite element method, the efficiency of numerical analysis has been proven,

accompanied with verification from experimental results. Almost all complex

structural problems can be solved using commercial programs. The complex structural

behaviors of RC structures, such as nonlinear behavior, tension cracking, biaxial

stiffening, strain softening phenomena, strain rate effects, damping effects… are

considered. Modeling of RC structure such as definition of material failure under

multi-axial stress state, modeling of post-fracturing behavior, interaction effects

between the concrete and reinforcement… can be solved. Having mentioned the

economic and time constraints, a good alternative to that is the use of finite element


LS-DYNA is a general-purpose finite element program capable of simulating

complex real work problems. It is used by the automobile, aerospace, construction,

military, manufacturing, and bioengineering industries. The code’s origins lie in highly

nonlinear, transient dynamic finite element analysis using explicit time integration.

LS-DYNA is one of the most suitable to be used in performing numerical analysis of

impact and crash problem.

Many researches on the punching resistance of RC structures subjected to

impact loading have been carried out. Kojima (Kojima, 1991) performed a series of

small-scale missile impact tests on RC slabs. Sugano et al. (Sugano, 1993a; Sugano,

1993b) conducted a series of impact tests on small-, intermediate-, and full-scale

aircraft engine models to RC panels. Other series of studies on RC walls with the

dimensions of 2.1 m*2.1 m*0.25 m have been carried out by Vepsä (Vepsä, 2011),

Orbovic (Orbovic, 2011), and Saarenheimo (Saarenheimo, 2009). A number of

numerical studies have also been carried out by Oliveira (Oliveira, 2011), Pires (Pires,

2011), Borgerhoff et al. (Borgerhoff, 2011), and Sagals et al. (Sagals, 2011). The

objectives of their studies were to determine the local damage of structures, provide

the reliable results for verification of the numerical analysis, and capture the response

and behavior of RC structures subjected to high-rate impact loading. In the

aforementioned studies, the effects of the longitudinal rebar and shear bar ratio,

concrete strengths, rebar arrangement, and their combination on punching resistance

of RC structures have not been considered.

Numerical analysis of nuclear power plant under aircraft crash has been of

interested of researchers. The behavior of nuclear power plant containment subjected

to an aircraft crash was carried out by Abbas et al. (Abbas, 1996). In the preliminary

evaluation of aircraft impact on a nuclear containment of Frano and Forasassi (Frano,

2012), the effects of different wall thicknesses and reinforced/prestressed concrete was

carried out as a sensitive analysis. Different types of nuclear containment building

subjected to various aircraft crashes were studied by Frano and Forasassi (Frano,

2012), Sadique et al. (Sadique, 2013), and Lee et al. (Lee, 2013). Arros and

Doumbalski (Arros, 2007) performed an analysis of a Boeing 747-400 aircraft impact

a simplified model of a fictitious nuclear building using LS-DYNA. Although the

mentioned studies focused on a wide range of aircraft impact investigation, the

evaluation of the influence of the rebar ratio and arrangement on structural behavior of

an auxiliary nuclear building and its safety assessment have not been carried out.

Riera (Riera, 1968) proposed a formula to evaluate the force-time relationship

in the case of a deformable projectile impact on a rigid target. Bahar et al. (Bahar,

1978) and Kar (Kar, 1979) modified Riera’s equation by introducing the coefficient α

into the second term of Riera’s equation. Based on the experimental results of the full-

scale aircraft impact test of an F-4 Phantom on a massive target, Sugano et al. (Sugano,

1993) determined the values of α from 0.7 to 1.0. However, the aforementioned

studies did not consider the effect of fluid on the loading function in the case where

the projectile fully or partially contained fluid inside.

With the above mentioned limitations, the purpose of this book is to present the

effects of concrete strengths, rebar ratio and its arrangement, and their combination on

punching capabilities of RC structures subjected to impact loading. Based on that

some efficient designs of the RC panels to washstand the impact loading were

proposed. In addition, a safety assessment of a nuclear auxiliary building under

aircraft crash was performed. Furthermore, a modified Riera function capable of

predicting the impact force-time history of the missile partially containing water was

proposed. Therefore, this book concentrates on numerical simulation of reinforced

concrete structures under impact loading using finite element approach.

2. Goal and objectives

The overall goal of this book is to present a three-dimensional finite element

modeling procedure capable of studying structural behavior of reinforced concrete

structures subjected to the high-velocity impact loadings, using a commercial finite

element code LS-DYNA (version 971s R5.1.1). To achieve the goal, the following

principle objectives are carried out:

Objective #1: Validating the structural behavior of the finite element modeling

of reinforced concrete panel under missile impact using the IRIS test. To achieve this

objective, the specific tasks required are: (1) Present a 3D finite element modeling of

missile impact test on the reinforced concrete panel adopted from the test of IRIS; (2)

Carry out sensitivity studies to find the suitable material models and its parameters;

(3) Verify the numerical analysis results by comparing with that of IRIS test.

Objective #2: Studying the effects of the rebar ratio and concrete strength on

punching resistance of the RC panel under missile impact. For this objective, the

specific tasks are: (1) Study the effects of the longitudinal rebar ratio, shear bar ratio,

and concrete strength on the damages of the RC panel subjected to missile impact; (2)

Determine the efficient design of RC panel by combining the rebar ratio, shear bar

ratio and concrete strength.

Objective #3: Studying the effects of the rebar arrangement on punching

resistance of the RC panel under missile impact. For this objective, the specific tasks

are: (1) Study the effects of the longitudinal rebar layers and shear bar spacing on the

local damages of the RC panel subjected to missile impact; (2) Determine the efficient

design of RC panel by combining the longitudinal rebar layer and shear bar spacing.

Objective #4: Investigating the structural behavior and safety assessment of the

nuclear power plant building subjected to an aircraft crash. The specific tasks required

to achieve this objective are: (1) Study the structural behaviors of a fictitious nuclear

RC building under aircraft crash with regard to the different rebar ratios and rebar

layers; (2) Propose the efficient design of the front wall of the nuclear building to

withstand an aircraft crash; (3) Perform a safety assessment of the nuclear building

under an aircraft crash.

Objective #5: Proposing a modified Riera function capable of predicting the

impact force-time history of the missile partially containing water. The specific tasks

are: (1) Present a 3D finite element modeling of missile impact tests adopted from the

tests of VTT; (2) Verify the numerical analysis results of impact force by comparing

with that of VTT test; (3) Propose the modified Riera function based on the parametric


3. Organization of book

This book includes seven chapters. Contents of these chapters are as follows:

Chapter I introduces the motivation, goal and objectives of this book.

Chapter II presents the material models used for the numerical simulations of

the RC structures subjected to the impact loading.

Chapter III presents the effects of the reinforcement ratio and concrete strength

on the punching resistance of the RC slabs under the missile impact.

Chapter IV presents the effects of the reinforcement arrangement on the

punching resistance of full-scale RC walls subjected to the missile impact.

Chapter V presents the numerical analyses of the nuclear building models

subjected to the aircraft crashes.

Chapter VI presents the fluid effects of the wet missile on impact force using

SPH model.

In chapter VII, summaries of the present works are made and directions for

future work are recommended.


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