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(“The motion picture industry is threatening to destroy culture and tradition” Do you agree?

Humans have always tried to find new, unconventional ways of expressing themselves. The invention of
motion picture has paved the way for an unconventional industry – cinematography. To this day it has
become the most widespread and acclaimed form of art and mass entertainment. But the films are not
only a mesmerizing optical illusion of moving images and, from my perspective, they can contribute to
the disappearance of cultures and traditions.

First of all, movies as we know them today are a considerable factor of globalization. Producers and
screenwriters have moved from showcasing art to displaying the beauty and wealth of powerful
cultures. How many times have you watched a movie set anywhere else but the US or most of Western
Europe? Our perception of the world is changing without us even realizing it. We imitate lifestyles that
undermine our traditions and principles, based on unrealistic expectations.

Secondly, the motion picture industry revolves around romanticizing or exaggerating historical events.
Naturally, an action or drama movie will be placed in a time of conflict for it to be captivating. Due to the
dull repetitiveness of themes based around the World Wars or the Middle Ages, our interest in the
actual events and historical information has diminished alarmingly. We expect to see war heroes,
visually engaging battles and happy or dramatic endings.

Lastly, the cinemas today have become an important place where people congregate, relax, socialize or
just detach themselves from reality. We yearn for the fantasy of living a second life through vivid
imagery and good-looking actors. Consequently, museums and art galleries spark little interest in the
youth today and the interest in learning about local culture has declined. We would rather review
movies than investigate the culture of our hometowns.

To sum up, I think that the motion picture industry poses a great threat to national cultures and
traditions. As our attention is captivated by the mesmerizing frames and colours, our history is doomed
to be forgotten.

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