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SMEAG Global School Inc.

Sitio Macapul, Bamban Tarlac

S.Y. 2018-2019


Prepared by:

Michelle M. Eslava

Submitted to:

Mr. Ryan C. Veniegas

I. Abstract / Introduction

A parabolic reflector is a reflective surface used to collect or project energy

such as light, sound, or radio waves. Its shape is part of a circular paraboloid, that is,

the surface generated by a parabola revolving around its axis.

Parabolas have the property that, if they are made of material that reflects light,

then light which enters a parabola traveling parallel to its axis of symmetry is reflected

to its focus. This happens regardless of where on the parabola the reflection occurs.

Conversely, light that originates from a point source at the focus is reflected, or

collimated, into a parallel beam. The light leaves the parabola parallel to the axis of

symmetry. The same effect occurs with sound and other forms of energy. This

reflective property is the basis of many practical uses of parabolas.

In this project, you will come to understand how parabolic reflectors work. The

properties and formulas used from it will be more expounded and explained.
II. Equal Focus-Directrix Property (Points and Smooth Curve)

“The directrix is at the side and the focus is at the center of the circles. Carefully

find all those points that are the same distance from the two. Join them in a

smooth curve”

Parabolas are commonly known as the graphs of quadratic functions. However, a

parabola is the two-dimensional figure. The three-dimensional shape of the figure is

called a paraboloid. In order to plot our points, we will use its special property which

is the ‘Equal Focus-Directrix Property’. This property states that the set of all points

whose distance from a certain point (the focus) is equal to their distance from a certain

line (the directrix).

Since our directrix is below our focus, the parabola will open upward. With the equal

focus-directrix property, we can plot our points of our parabola/paraboloid.

After plotting all our points, we can now make our smooth curve of our parabola.

III. Formula or equation of the Parabola (Scale)

“To find the formula of the parabola you just have drawn, make the focus

the origin. The parabola will open upwards. It cuts the x-axis at two points, and

goes below the x-axis at the center. Choose your scale - the same on each axis

- and find the formula for the parabola”

According to the instructions, we must make the focus our origin. Keeping that in mind,

we must make our x and y-axis. We need to input values in our x and y-axis in order to

find the formula of our parabola.

This is the x and y values of the scale that I’ve chosen. We can determine the equation

of the parabola by using the quadratic formula (ax2+bx+c=y ). The x and y-intercepts are

at the points (-6,0),(6,0) and (0,-3).


Equation 1: (-6,0) > We are going to substitute our x and y-

a(-6)2+b(-6)+c=y intercepts into our quadratic formula in
36a-6b+c=y in order to determine the equation of our
Equation 2: (6,0)

Equation 3: (0,-6) > In here, we have determined the value of

a(0)2+b(0)+c=(-3) our c which is -3

Elimination: (Equation 1 & 2) > We used the elimination method between

Equation 1 & 2. To solve a system of equa-
36a-6b+c=y tions, we transform the system such that
- 36a+6b+c=y one variable “cancels out”. However, since
-12b= 0 since our two equations already have the
-12 12 same leading coefficient, we can directly
b= 0 cancel out the same terms.

36a-6(0)+(-3)=y > After determining the value of our b, we

36a-3=y substituted both b and c in the equation 1
36a= 3 to determine our a which is 1/12.
36 36
a= 1

ax2+bx+c=y >Finally, we have determined our a,b and c

1/12x2+0x+(-3)=y values. We need to substitute it into our
1/12x2-3=y quadratic formula to determine the formula
or equation of our parabola.

IV. Derivative of the Parabola

The equation of our parabola is y = 1/12x2-3

y = 1/12x2-3 > To determine the derivative of 1/12x2, we
y’ = 2/12x or 1/6x need to multiply the exponent to its co-
efficient and subtract one to its exponent
which results to 2/12x or 1/6x in its simplest
term and lastly, -3 is a constant so it’s
derivative will be 0
V. Derivative at x-values (Tangent Lines)
“To find the tangent at any point on a parabola, we can find the derivative(of

gradient ) function for the value of x at that point. This will tell you the gradient

of the small tangent line. Draw a number of these to touch the curve.”

After finding out our equation, we can use the derivative of our equation in order to

find our tangent lines.

(-6,0) (6,0)

M1=1/6x M1=1/6x
=1/6(-6) =1/6(6)
= -1 =1

(-8,2) (8,2)

M1=1/6x M1=1/6x
=1/6(-8) =1/6(8)
= -8/6 or -4/3 =8/6 or 4/3

(-10,4) (10,4)

M1=1/6x M1=1/6x
=1/6(-10) =1/6(10)
= -10/6 or -5/3 =10/6 or 5/3

VI. Reflection Property of Parabola (Parallel Lines)

“Now, draw a series of rays of light coming towards the parabola parallel to the

y-axis. When they hit the parabola, they will be reflected using the tangent as

the mirror. They should all go towards the focus.”

According to the instructions, I have drawn a series of light coming towards the parabola.

However, they had reflected towards the focus since the tangent lines of those points

served as a mirror. This is the reflection property of a parabola. As long as the material

of the parabola or paraboloid can reflect light, sound, radio wavers and etc., it will reflect

towards its focus. This happens regardless where in the parabola it is pointed. As long as

it is directed into any point of the parabola, it will be reflected towards its focus.
VII. Conclusion (All)

All these step-by-step procedures conclude and prove how a parabolic reflector works. It
shows how the parabolic reflector transforms an incoming plane wave traveling along the
axis into a spherical wave converging toward the focus. This shows the use of
parabolas/paraboloids in the real world. Parabolic reflectors are used to collect energy
from a distant source (for example sound waves or incoming star light). Since the
principles of reflection are reversible, parabolic reflectors can also be used to focus
radiation from an isotropic source into a narrow beam. In optics, parabolic mirrors are
used to gather light in reflecting telescopes and solar furnaces, and project a beam of
light in flashlights, searchlights, stage spotlights, and car headlights. Thus, I conclude that
mathematical properties, formulas and equations that can be used like these are
significant to our world. They do not only help us in our daily lives but also contribute to
advance technologies and innovations that can greatly help us.

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