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Let’s draft your ikigai !


Let’s start with LOVE.

What do you love doing? What can you do for hours and hours without getting bored?

Summarize it into a simple & straightforward, short sentence (keep only the most important!):

I love
Now, let’s look at what you are GREAT at.

What do you do better then others, with less efforts? What feels easy to you?

Summarize it into a simple & straightforward, short sentence (keep only the most important!):

I am great at

Now, what people can pay you for.

Instead of thinking in terms of money, think in terms of service. What do people spontaneously ask you
for help with? What do people refer you for (or send their connection to you for)?

Summarize it into a simple & straightforward, short sentence (keep only the most important!):

People can pay me for

OK! Time to look for what the world needs.

Here, reflect on what you have already written so far, and ask yourself: “The world would be a better
place if … “ . Or, “I want to live in a society that …”

Summarize it into a simple & straightforward, short sentence (keep only the most important!):

The world needs

Ok great!

Now, it’s time to check what your IKIGAI looks like!

…. Drum roll …

… drum roll again….

…. And tadam!

Helpful ?
I hope this workbook helped you gain some clarity, and will help you take action!

Do you need a feedback? An external eye to guide you?

I offer a (limited) number of ★ free strategy sessions ★ every month

You can apply here for a 30 min skype with me, where I can:
★ Give you feebacks on your initiative / idea
★ Advice on the next steps to reach your impact potential
★ Answer your questions !

Looking forward to (e)meeting with you,

Solène, Founder of Creators for Good & Global citizen ;)

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