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English Name: Edwin Lobon Albán

Instructor: Maggie Rafet

Edwin Lobon
A) answer the following questions
1) what job do you like most? Why?
I like world of warcraft tester because you can play all day so, I can be relaxing
just playing and I can have a lot of money consequently, I could pay my bills
and give a good life to my family like, cars, houses and other things.

2) where would you like to work? Why?

I would like to work under the water because I like to see aquatic animals and
I like risk jobs like under water welder. Secondly, I could do this job in the
future because I can get a good salary, so it will be amazing.
3) Do you think to get a good salary is important? Why?
I am sure that having good salary is so well because you can have all that you
want as a car , motorcycle, house and other things, but If you don´t get a job
that you most like that means, you will be a slave literally, so if you get an
incredible job that you like that make the difference.

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