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Ujian Akhir Semester Gasal Tahun Akademik 2021/2022

Program Studi Teknologi Informatika

Departemen Teknik Informatika dan Komputer
Kampus PENS, Jalan Raya ITS, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111

Mata Kuliah : Bhs. Inggris 3 Dosen : Irwan Sumarsono

Kelas : 2 D3TI A Sifat : Tertutup

Durasi : 60 Menit (08.00-09.00) Hari, tanggal : Senin, 13 Desember 2021

Nama : Mohammad Subkhan

Kelas : 2 D3 Teknik Informatika A

NRP : 3120500001

Answer UAS Bhs. Inggris 3

Questions :

1. Watch this video then write a

summary about it.

2. What lessons can you get from the video above?

3. Please describe your time when you were at your lowest moment in paragraphs
with your own words.

Answer :

1. Summary about video :

What To Do When You're At Your Lowest

Dan Lok, a billionaire who has a story of how he rose when he was at the
lowest point in his life. The essence of what Dan Lok said is that the trouble doesn't
last long, and it will soon disappear. So let's rise up and fight the adversity. And also
We can feel the lowest point in life, and also cry. That's perfectly okay, but the thing
to remember, don't get too lost in thoughts and get up. And All the people you see
now who are very successful, happy and have no problems it's not that they've never
been at rock bottom, it's that they've even been at rock bottom. But they managed to
get through those times and become stronger and better to be more successful than
they were before. So, as long as we are still breathing we can overcome all obstacles
in life and become stronger and better and more successful people than before.

2. the lessons can I get from the video above is :

1) Believe me, the trouble doesn't last long, and it will soon disappear. So let's
rise up and fight the adversity.

2) We can feel the lowest point in life, and also cry. That's perfectly okay, but the
thing to remember, don't get too lost in thoughts and get up.

3) All the people you see now who are very successful, happy and have no
problems it's not that they've never been at rock bottom, it's that they've even
been at rock bottom. But they managed to get through those times and
become stronger and better to be more successful than they were before.

3. Time when I at lowest moment :

Hello, introduce the name Mohammad Subkhan, a child who has complete
parents until before my mother left me forever. I am an independent child, strong and
full of innovation and also often do things that only I like and try to bear all the risks

However, every time I remember and miss my late mother, I feel very sad, and
for some reason these tears automatically come out for a while. I really miss the
warmth of a mother figure when I am at that point. Seeing my friend who was given
nagging from his mother, I automatically always remembered and missed my mother
It can't be helped, I can't meet my mother anymore, so every time I get to that
point, I always pray for my mother to get a beautiful place in Heaven, amen. After
praying, I got up again and continued my extraordinary life to make people happy
who wanted to see my happiness, namely my father and other family. And I'm sure, if
I succeed in this world, surely my mother will also be proud and see me from there.
May all our parents be given health always, amen.

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