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2012 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Detecting Hoaxes, Frauds, and Deception in Writing Style Online

Sadia Afroz∗ , Michael Brennan∗ and Rachel Greenstadt∗

∗ Department of Computer Science
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Emails:, and

Abstract—In digital forensics, questions often arise became very popular as a blogger. When “Amina’s
about the authors of documents: their identity, de- cousin” announced that she had been abducted by
mographic background, and whether they can be the Syrian police, thousands of people supported
linked to other documents. The field of stylometry
uses linguistic features and machine learning tech- her on social media and made the US state de-
niques to answer these questions. While stylometry partment investigate her fictional abduction2 . This
techniques can identify authors with high accuracy in scrutiny led to the discovery of the hoax.
non-adversarial scenarios, their accuracy is reduced The authenticity of a document (or blog post)
to random guessing when faced with authors who
depends on the authenticity of its source. Sty-
intentionally obfuscate their writing style or attempt
to imitate that of another author. While these results lometry can help answering the question, “who
are good for privacy, they raise concerns about fraud. is the writer of a particular document?” Many
We argue that some linguistic features change when machine learning based methods are available to
people hide their writing style and by identifying recognize authorship of a written document based
those features, stylistic deception can be recognized.
on linguistic style. Stylometry is important to se-
The major contribution of this work is a method for
detecting stylistic deception in written documents. We curity researchers as it is a forensics technique that
show that using a large feature set, it is possible to helps detect authorship of unknown documents. If
distinguish regular documents from deceptive doc- reliable, it can be used to provide attribution for
uments with 96.6% accuracy (F-measure). We also attacks, especially when attackers release mani-
present an analysis of linguistic features that can be
festos explaining their actions. It is also important
modified to hide writing style.
to privacy research, as it is necessary to hide the
Keywords-stylometry; deception; machine learn- indications of authorship to achieve anonymity.
ing; privacy;
Writing style as a marker of identity is not ad-
I. I NTRODUCTION dressed in current privacy and anonymity tools.
Given the high accuracy of even basic stylometry
When an American male blogger Thomas Mac- systems this is not a topic that can afford to be
Master posed as a Syrian homosexual woman overlooked.
Amina Arraf in the blog “A Gay Girl in Damas- In the year 2000, Rao and Rohatgi ques-
cus” and wrote about Syrian political and social tioned whether pseudonymity could provide pri-
issues, several news media including The Guardian vacy, showing that linguistic analysis could identify
and CNN thought the blog was “brutally honest,” anonymous authors on sci.crypt by comparing
and published email interviews of Amina1 . Even their writing to attributed documents in the RFC
though no one had ever spoken to or met her and no database and on the IPSec mailing list [23]. In
Syrian activist could identify her, “Amina” quickly the intervening years, linguistic authorship iden-
unfolded.html damascus-blogger-kidnapped-by-syrian-forces/

© 2012, Sadia Afroz. Under license to IEEE. 461

DOI 10.1109/SP.2012.34
tification techniques have improved in accuracy deceptive communication from truthful communi-
and scale to handle over fifty potential authors cation. For example, deceivers use fewer long sen-
with over 90% accuracy [1], and even 100,000 tences, fewer average syllables per word and sim-
authors with significant accuracy [17]. At the same pler sentences than truth tellers [3]. Thus, deceptive
time there has been an explosion in user-generated language appears to be less complex and easier
content to express opinions, to coordinate protests to comprehend. Our analysis shows that though
against repressive regimes, to whistle blow, to com- stylistic deception is not lying, similar linguistic
mit fraud, and to disclose everyday information. features change in this form of deception.
These results have not been lost on the law The goal of our work is to create a framework
enforcement and intelligence communities. The for detecting the indication of masking in writ-
2009 Technology Assessment for the State of ten documents. We address the following research
the Art Biometrics Excellence Roadmap (SABER) questions:
commissioned by the FBI stated that, “As non- 1) Can we detect stylistic deception in docu-
handwritten communications become more preva- ments?
lent, such as blogging, text messaging and emails, 2) Which linguistic features indicate stylistic
there is a growing need to identify writers not by deception?
their written script, but by analysis of the typed 3) Which features do people generally change
content [29].” in adversarial attacks and which features
Brennan and Greenstadt [2] showed that current remain unchanged?
authorship attribution algorithms are highly accu- 4) Does stylistic deception share similar char-
rate in the non-adversarial case, but fail to attribute acteristics with other deceptions?
correct authorship when an author deliberately 5) Are some adversarial attacks more difficult
masks his writing style. Their work defined and to detect than others?
tested two forms of adversarial attacks: imitation 6) Can we generalize deception detection?
and obfuscation. In the imitation attack, authors This work shows that using linguistic and con-
hide their writing style by imitating another author. textual features, it is possible to distinguish stylistic
In the obfuscation attack, authors hide their writing deception from regular writing with 96.6% accu-
style in a way that will not be recognized. Tradi- racy (F-measure) and identify different types of
tional authorship recognition methods perform less deception (imitation vs. obfuscation) with 87%
than random chance in attributing authorship in accuracy (F-measure). Our contributions include
both cases. These results were further confirmed a general method for distinguishing stylistic de-
by Juola and Vescovi [10]. These results show that ception from regular writing, an analysis of long-
effective stylometry techniques need to recognize term versus short-term deception, and the discovery
and adapt to deceptive writing. that stylistic deception shares similar features with
We argue that some linguistic features change lying-type deception (and can be identified using
when people hide their writing style and by iden- the linguistic features used in lying detection).
tifying those features, deceptive documents can be We perform analysis on the Brennan-Greenstadt
recognized. According to Undeutsch Hypothesis adversarial dataset and a similar dataset collected
[26] “Statements that are the product of experience using Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT)3 . We show
will contain characteristics that are generally absent that linguistic cues that can detect stylistic decep-
from statements that are the product of imagina- tion in the Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt adversar-
tion.” Deception requires additional cognitive effort ial dataset can detect indication of masking in the
to hide information, which often introduces subtle documents collected from the Ernest Hemingway
changes in human behavior [6]. These behavioral and William Faulker imitation contests. We also
changes affect verbal and written communication.
Several linguistic cues were found to discriminate 3

show how long-term deceptions such as the blog vent a specific method. Some research has looked
posts from “A Gay Girl in Damascus” are different at imitation of authors. Somers [25] compared
from these short-term deceptions. We found these the work of Gilbert Adair’s literary imitation of
deceptions to be more robust to our classifier Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, and found
but more vulnerable to traditional stylometry tech- mixed results. Other work looks into the impact
niques. of stylometry on pseudonymity [23] and author
The remainder of the paper is organized as segmentation [1].
follows. In section 2, we discuss related works in Most authorship recognition methods are built
adversarial stylometry. Section 3 explains how de- on the assumption that authors do not make any
ception detection is different from regular author- intentional changes to hide their writing style.
ship recognition. Section 4 describes our analytic These methods fail to detect authorship when this
approach of detecting deception. In section 5, we assumption does not hold [2], [10]. The accuracy of
describe our data collection methods and datasets. detecting authorship decreases to random guessing
We follow with our results of detecting deception in the case of adversarial attacks.
on different datasets in Section 6 and discuss their Kacmarcik and Gamon explored detecting ob-
implications in Section 7. fuscation by first determining the most effective
function words for discriminating between text
II. R ELATED WORK written by Hamilton and Madison, then modifying
The classic example in the field of stylometry the feature vectors to make the documents appear
is the Federalist Papers. 85 papers were published authored by the same person. The obfuscation
anonymously in the late 18th century to persuade was then detected with a technique proposed by
the people of New York to ratify the American Koppel and Scher, “unmasking,” that uses a series
Constitution. The authorship of 12 of these papers of SVM classifiers where each iteration of clas-
was heavily contested [18]. To discover who wrote sification removes the most heavily weighted fea-
the unknown papers, researchers have analyzed the tures. The hypothesis they put forward (validated
writing style of the known authors and compared by both Koppel and Scher [13] and Kacmarcik
it to that of the papers with unknown authorship. and Gamon [12]) is that as features are removed,
The features used to determine writing styles have the classifier’s accuracy will slowly decline when
been quite varied. Original attempts used the length comparing two texts from different authors, but
of words, whereas later attempts used pairs of accuracy will quickly drop off when the same is
words, vocabulary usage, sentence structure, func- done for two texts by the same author (where
tion words, and so on. Most studies show the author one has been modified). It is the quick decline in
was James Madison. accuracy that shows there is a deeper similarity
Several resources give an overview of stylometry between the two authors and indicates the unknown
methods [14], [28], and describe the state of the document has most likely been modified.
field as it relates to computer science and computer However, the above work has some significant
linguistics [11] or digital forensics [5]. Artificial limitations. The experiments were performed on
Intelligence has been embraced in the field of modified feature vectors, not on modified docu-
stylometry, leading to more robust classifiers using ments or original documents designed with obfus-
machine learning and other AI techniques [9], [27]. cation in mind. Further, the experiments were lim-
There has also been some work on circumvent- ited to only two authors, Hamilton and Madison,
ing attempts at authorship attribution [12], [23], and on the Federalist Papers data set. It is unclear
using stylometry to deanonymize conference re- whether the results generalize to actual documents,
views [16], and looking at stylometry as a method larger author sets and modern data sets.
of communication security [4], but these works We analyzed the differences between the control
do not deal with malicious attempts to circum- and deceptive passages on a feature-by-feature

basis and used this analysis to determine which IV. A NALYTIC A PPROACH
features authors often modify when hiding their Our goal is to determine whether an author has
style, designing a classifier that works on actual, tried to hide his writing style in a written document.
modern documents with modified text, not just In traditional authorship recognition, authorship of
feature vectors. a document is determined using linguistic features
of an author’s writing style. In deceptive writing,
when an author is deliberately hiding his regular
III. D IFFERENCE WITH REGULAR AUTHORSHIP writing style, authorship attribution fails because
the deceptive document lacks stylistic similarity
with the author’s regular writing style. Though
Deception detection is challenging because recognizing correct authorship of a deceptive doc-
though authorship recognition is a well-studied ument is hard, our goal is to see if it is possible
problem, none of the current algorithms are robust to discriminate deceptive documents from regular
enough to detect stylistic deception and perform documents.
close to random chance if the author changes his To detect adversarial writing, we need to identify
usual writing style. This problem is quite dif- a set of discriminating features that distinguish
ferent from distinguishing one author’s samples deceptive writing from regular writing. After de-
from others. In supervised authorship recognition, termining these features, supervised learning tech-
a classifier is trained on the sample documents of niques can be used to train and generate classifiers
different authors to build a model that is specific to classify new writing samples.
to each author. In deception detection, we trained
a classifier on regular and deceptive documents A. Feature selection
to model the generic characteristic of regular and The performance of stylometry methods depends
deceptive documents. on the combination of the selected features and
Our classifier is trained on the Extended- analytical techniques. We explored three feature
Brennan-Greenstadt dataset where participants sets to identify stylistic deception.
spent 30 minutes to an hour on average to write Writeprints feature set: Zheng et al. pro-
documents in a style different from their own. posed the Writeprints features that can represent an
Our test set also consists of imitated documents author’s writing style in relatively short documents,
from the Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner especially in online messages [30]. These “kitchen
imitation contests. We investigated the effect of sink” features are not unique to this work, but
long-term deception using obfuscated documents rather represent a superset of the features used in
from a deceptive blog. The skill levels of the the stylometry literature. We used a partial set of
participants in these datasets are varied. In the the Writeprints features, shown in Table I.
Brennan-Greenstadt dataset, the participants were Our adaptation of the Writeprints features con-
not professional writers and they had a pre- sists of three kinds of features: lexical, syntactic,
specified topic to develop a different writing style, and content specific. The features are described
but authors in the imitation contests and fictional below:
blog were mostly professional writers and had Lexical features: These features include both
enough time and chose a topic of their choice character-based and word-based features. These
to express themselves in a different voice other features represent an author’s lexicon-related writ-
than their own. The fact that the classifier, trained ing style: his vocabulary and character choice.
on the Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt dataset, can The feature set includes total characters, special
detect deception in the test sets—though at lower character usage, and several word-level features
accuracy—generalizes the underlying similarity such as total words, characters per word, frequency
among different kinds of deception. of large words, unique words.

Syntactic features: Each author organizes sen- [8]. These features are:
tences differently. Syntactic features represent an 1) Quantity (number of syllables, number of
author’s sentence-level style. These features in- words, number of sentences),
clude frequency of function words, punctuation and 2) Vocabulary Complexity (number of big
parts-of-speech (POS) tagging. We use the list of words, number of syllables per word),
function words from LIWC 2007 [19]. 3) Grammatical Complexity (number of short
Content Specific features: Content specific fea- sentences, number of long sentences, Flesh-
tures refer to keywords for a specific topic. These Kincaid grade level, average number of
have been found to improve performance of au- words per sentence, sentence complexity,
thorship recognition in a known context [1]. For number of conjunctions),
example, in the spam context, spammers use words 4) Uncertainty (Number of words express cer-
like “online banking” and “paypal;” whereas sci- tainty, number of tentative words, modal
entific articles are likely to use words related to verbs)
“research” and “data.” 5) Specificity and Expressiveness (rate of adjec-
Our corpus contains articles from a variety of tives and adverbs, number of affective terms),
contexts. It includes documents from business and 6) Verbal Non-immediacy (self-references,
academic contexts, for example school essays and number of first, second and third person
reports for work. As our articles are not from a pronoun usage).
specific context, instead of using words of any We use the list of certainty, tentative and affective
particular context we use the most frequent word terms from LIWC 2007 [19].
n-grams as content-specific features. As we are 9-feature set (authorship-attribution fea-
interested in content-independent analytics, we also tures): This minimal feature set consists of the
performed experiments where these features were nine features that were used in the neural net-
removed from the feature set. work experiments in Brennan’s 2009 paper [2].
The features are: number of unique words, com-
Table I: Writeprints feature set
plexity, Gunning-Fog readability index, character
Category Quantity Description count without whitespace, character count with
Character related 90 Total characters, percent- whitespace, average syllables per word, sentence
age of digits, percentage
of letters, percentage of count, average sentence length, and Flesch-Kincaid
uppercase letters, etc. and readability score.
frequency of character un-
igram, most common bi- B. Classification
grams and tri-grams
Digits, special 39 Frequency of digits (0- We represent each document as (x, y) where
characters, 9), special characters(e.g., x ∈ Rn is a vector of n features and y ∈
punctuations %,&, *) and punctuations
Word related 156 Total words, number of {Regular, Imitation, Obf uscation} is the type
characters per word, fre- of the document. In our study, n = 9 for 9-
quency of large words, features, n = 20 for lying-detection features and
etc. Most frequent word
uni-/bi-/ tri-grams n = 707 for the Writeprints features. For classifica-
Function words 422 frequency of function tion, we used Support Vector Machine (SVM) with
and parts-of- words and parts-of-speech Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) [20] im-
plemented in the WEKA tool [7] with a polynomial
kernel. We tested our dataset with other classifiers
Lying-detection feature set: Our feature set in the WEKA tool such as k-Nearest Neighbor,
includes features that were known to be effective Naive Bayes, J48 Decision Tree, Logistic Regres-
in detecting lying type deception in computer me- sion and SVM with RBF kernel. We chose to
diated communications and typed documents [3], focus on the SMO SVM as it outperformed other

classifiers in most of the test cases. The exception We extended this corpus by collecting similar
to this is the Lying-detection feature set, in which writing samples using AMT. We created a Human
a J48 Decision Tree4 outperformed SVMs. J48 is Intelligence Task (HIT) where participants were
the JAVA implementation of C4.5 algorithm for asked to submit the three kinds of writing sam-
constructing decision tree [22]. It is notable that ple described in the previous paragraph 7 . After
the original work using these features also used a collecting the data, we manually verified each sub-
decision tree [3]. mission and only accepted the ones that complied
with our instructions. 56 participants’ work was
We present results on three datasets. The first Participants were also asked to provide their de-
one is the Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt corpus mographic information. According to the provided
which contains the Brennan-Greenstadt corpus, demographic information, all the participants’ na-
extended with regular, obfuscated and imitated tive language is English and all of them have some
writing samples of the AMT workers. The second college-level degree.
dataset, which we call the Hemingway-Faulkner A total of 68 authors’ writing samples are
Imitation corpus, contains articles from the Interna- used in this study, 12 of the authors are from
tional Imitation Hemingway Competition and Faux the Brennan-Greenstadt corpus and others are the
Faulkner contest. The last dataset, Thomas-Amina AMT workers.
Hoax corpus, contains blog posts from “A Gay Girl
in Damascus” blog, posts of Thomas MacMaster B. Hemingway-Faulkner Imitation corpus
in the alternate-history Yahoo! group5 as himself The Hemingway-Faulkner Imitation corpus con-
and as Amina Arraf, and writing samples of Britta sists of the winning articles from the Faux Faulkner
Froelicher, a graduate student at Center for Syrian Contest and International Imitation Hemingway
Studies at St Andrews, who is also Thomas’s wife. Competition8 . The International Imitation Hem-
ingway Competition is an annual writing com-
A. Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt corpus petition where participants write articles by im-
We used the Brennan-Greenstadt adversarial cor- itating Ernest Hemingway’s writing style. In the
pus for this study 6 . This dataset consists of two Faux Faulkner Contest participants imitate William
types of writing samples, regular and adversarial, Faulkner’s artistic style of writing, his themes, his
from 12 participants. The regular writing contains plots, or his characters. Each article is at most
approximately 5000 words of pre-existing writing 500 words long. We collected all publicly available
samples per author. The regular writings are formal winning entries of the competitions from 2000 to
in nature, written for business or academic pur- 2005. The corpus contains sixteen 500-word ex-
poses. In the adversarial writing samples, partici- cerpts from different books of Ernest Hemingway,
pants performed two adversarial attacks: obfusca- sixteen 500-word excerpts from different books of
tion and imitation. In the obfuscation attack, each William Faulkner, 18 winning articles from The
participant tried to hide his identity while writing International Imitation Hemingway Competition
a 500-word article describing his neighborhood. In and 15 winning articles from The Faux Faulkner
the imitation attack, each participant tried to hide Contest.
his writing style by imitating Cormac McCarthy’s In the imitation contests, participants chose dif-
writing style in ‘The Road’ and wrote a 500-word ferent topics and imitated from different novels of
article describing a day of their life in the third the original authors. Table II, III, and IV show im-
person. itation samples. Cormac McCarthy imitation sam-
4 7
sa499/amt/dragonauth index.php.
5 8 Available at
6 This data set is publicly available at

ples are all of same topic but the contest articles Table IV: Imitation samples from the Faux
are of varied topics and most of winners were Faulkner Contest.
professional writers.
William Faulkner imitation sample: 1
And then Varner Pshaw in the near dark not gainsaying the
Table II: Imitation samples from the Extended- other but more evoking privilege come from and out of the
Brennan-Greenstadt dataset. very eponymity of the store in which they sat and the other
again its true I seen it and Varner again out of the near
Cormac McCarthy imitation sample: 1 dark more like to see a mule fly and the other himself now
Laying in the cold and dark of the morning, the man was resigned (and more than resigned capitulate vanquished by the
huddled close. Close to himself in a bed of rest. Still asleep, bovine implacable will of the other) Pshaw in final salivary
an alarm went off. The man reached a cold and pallid arm resignation transfixed each and both together on a glowing
from beneath the pitiful bedspread. box atop the counter.
Cormac McCarthy imitation sample: 2 William Faulkner imitation sample: 2
She woke up with a headache. It was hard to tell if what had From a little after breakfast until almost lunch on that long
happened yesterday was real or part of her dream because it tumid convectionless afternoon in a time that was unencum-
was becoming increasingly hard to tell the two apart. The day bered by measure (and before you knew to call it time: when
had already started for most of the world, but she was just it was just the great roiling expressionless moment known
stumbling out of bed. Across the hall, toothbrush, shower. only elliptically and without reference to actual clocks or
watches as When We Were Very Young) Piglet, his eyes
neither seeing nor not-seeing, stood motionless as if riveted
to the iron landscape from which he had equally motionlessly
Table III: Imitation samples from the International emerged until he became the apotheosis of all tiny pigs
Imitation Hemingway Competition. wearing scarves standing on two legs and doing absolutely
nothing but blinking at what lay before them in the dust.
Hemingway imitation sample: 1
At 18 you become a war hero, get drunk, and fall in love with
a beautiful Red Cross nurse before breakfast. Over absinthes
you decide to go on safari and on your first big hunt you bag this hoax and 142 blog posts from “A Gay Girl in
four elephants, three lions, nine penguins, and are warned
never to visit the Bronx Zoo again. Later, you talk about the
Damacus.” The blog posts were divided into 500-
war and big rivers and dysentery, and in the morning you word chunks. In total we had 248 articles.
have an urge to go behind a tree and get it all down on paper.
Hemingway imitation sample: 2 VI. E VALUATION AND R ESULTS
He no longer dreamed of soaring stock prices and of the
thousands of employees who once worked for him. He only A. Evaluation Methodology
dreamed of money now and the lions of industry: John D.
Rockefeller, Jay Gould and Cornelius Vanderbilt. They played To evaluate our approach, we perform a three
in the darkened boardrooms, gathering money in large piles, class classification, where the three classes are
like the young wolves he had hired.
Regular, Imitation, and Obfuscation, with three fea-
ture sets. We use 10-fold cross-validation with Sup-
C. Long Term Deception: Thomas-Amina Hoax port Vector Maching (SVM) and J48 Decision Tree
corpus classifier. In k-fold cross-validation the original
In 2010, a 40-year old US citizen Thomas Mac- dataset is randomly partitioned into k equal folds
Master opened a blog “A Gay Girl in Damacus” or subsets. Then the classifier is trained on k-1
where he presented himself as a Syrian-American subsets and tested on the remaining one subset. The
homosexual woman Amina Arraf and published cross-validation process is then repeated k times
blogposts about political and social issues in Syria. (the folds), with each of the k folds used exactly
Before opening the blog, he started posting as once as the validation data. The final estimation of
Amina Arraf in the alternate-history Yahoo! group the classifier is the average of the k results from
since early 2006. We collected twenty 500-word the folds.
posts of Amina and Thomas from the alternate- We also split the Writeprints feature set into
history Yahoo! group, publicly available articles three sets, lexical, syntactic, and content specific
written by Britta Froelicher9 who was a suspect of and run the three class classification using each set
separately. In this experiment, we show that non-
9 One such article: specific features are as effective as content specific

features in detecting adversarial attacks. function words, some syntactic features such as
personal pronoun, adverbs, adjectives, and average
B. Results word length were some of the most discriminating
1) Can we detect stylistic deception in docu- features.
ments?: The results show that a classifier trained In our dataset, the non-content-specific features
on sets of adversarial and non-adversarial docu- performed similar to the content-specific features
ments can detect deceptive documents with 96.6% in detecting deception, as shown in Figure 1,
accuracy on our best feature set, as is shown in which suggests the possibility of generalizing these
Table V. features to detect multiple forms of adversarial
The classification was performed on the attacks.
Brennan-Greenstadt dataset, Amazon Mechanical
Turk dataset, and Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt
Table VI: This table shows the features that dis-
dataset which combines both of the sets. On all of
criminate deceptive documents from regular docu-
the datasets, the Writeprints features showed the
ments. The top discriminating features are mostly
best performance in detecting adversarial attacks.
function words.
With this feature set, an SVM classifier can detect
imitation attacks with 85% accuracy and obfusca- Top 20 features
tion attacks with 89.5% accuracy on the Extended- Imitated documents Obfuscated documents
whats alot
Brennan-Greenstadt dataset. atop near
Though deception in writing style is significantly lately up
different from lying, both deceptions have similar wanna theres
underneath thousand
characteristics. With the Lying-detection features anymore ours
we can detect imitation attacks with 75.3% accu- beside shall
racy and obfuscation attacks with 59.9% accuracy. she thats
herself cuz
The 9-feature set, which can detect authorship beneath whats
of regular documents with over 90% accuracy, like havent
performed poorly (less than 50%) in detecting he Frequency of comma
till lots
adversarial attacks. her tons
The type of machine learning method used onto anyway
soon plus
in classification is another important factor in Frequency of dot other
detecting deception. The SVM classifier worked Personal pronoun maybe
best with the Writeprints features whereas the
J48 decision tree performed well with the Lying-
3) Which features do people generally
detection features.
change in adversarial attacks and which
features remain unchanged?: We analysed
2) Which linguistic features indicate stylistic the Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt dataset to
deception?: To understand the effect of different understand which features people change in
features, we rank the Writeprints features based stylistic deception. We computed change in
on their Information Gain Ratio (IGR) [21]. IGR a feature f (Cf ) in regular and adversarial
of a feature fj in class Ci is calculated using the documents using the following formula:
following formula,
Cf = 100 ∗ (fadv − freg )/(freg + 1) (1)
IGR(Ci , fj ) = (H(Ci ) − H(Ci |fj ))/H(fj ),
where, fadv and freg are the average values of
where H is entropy. The top features are mostly feature f in the adversarial documents and regular
function words, as shown in Table VI. Other than documents respectively. We added 1 with freg in

Table V: The table shows performance of different feature sets in detecting regular and adversarial writing
samples. The Writeprints feature set with SVM classifier provides the best performance in detecting
Dataset Feature set, Classifier Type Precision Recall F-measure Overall F-measure
Regular 97.5% 98.5% 98%
Writeprints, SVM Imitation 87.2% 82.9% 85% 96.6%
Obfuscation 93.2% 86.1% 89.5%
Regular 95.2% 96.2% 95.7%
Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt Lying-detection, J48 Imitation 80.6% 70.7% 75.3% 92%
Obfuscation 60.3% 59.5% 59.9%
Regular 92.3% 96.8% 94.5%
9-feature set, J48 Imitation 52.9% 43.9% 48% 89%
Obfuscation 61.9% 32.9% 43%
Regular 96.5% 98.6% 97.5%
Writeprints, SVM Imitation 82.3% 72.9% 77.3% 95.6%
Obfuscation 96.4% 79.1% 86.9%
Regular 94.2% 96.2% 95.2%
Amazon Mechanical Turk Lying-detection, J48 Imitation 71.7% 54.3% 61.8% 90.9%
Obfuscation 58.5% 56.7% 57.6%
Regular 92.5% 96.3% 94.3%
9-feature set, J48 Imitation 45.5% 35.7% 40% 88%
Obfuscation 45.5% 29.9% 36%
Regular 94% 100% 96.9%
Writeprints, SVM Imitation 100% 83.3% 90.9% 94.7%
Obfuscation 100% 50% 66.7%
Regular 90% 92.9% 91.4%
Brennan-Greenstadt Lying-detection, J48 Imitation 90.9% 83.3% 87% 85.3%
Obfuscation 11.1% 8.3% 9.5%
Regular 89.4% 93.7% 91.5%
9-feature set, J48 Imitation 25% 25% 25% 84%
Obfuscation 83.3% 41.7% 55.6%

3, we grouped similar Writeprint features together
#+ and added their corresponding changes to show the
overall change. In each graph, the y-axis contains

a list of features that have been adjusted in the
#' passages and x-axis of these graphs denotes the
       change in each feature.
#$ In our experiments, participants used more exis-
tential there10 and adverbs in obfuscated passages.
We also noticed an increase in the usage of par-
ticles and personal pronouns and decrease in the
usage of noun, and Wh-pronoun. We do see hints
Figure 1: Effect of different feature types in detect- that authors are “dumbing down” their writing style
ing adversarial attacks. In each case, SVM is used with shorter sentences, simpler words with less
for classification. syllables, lower readability scores and higher read-
ability ease (Figure 2). Another interesting result is
that participants used a large number of function
the denominator to avoid divide-by-zero error, as
10 Existential there (EX) is the unstressed there that triggers
freg can be zero for some features.
inversion of the inflected verb and the logical subject of a
Figure 2 shows the mostly changed features sentence [24]. For example: There/EX were lots of people in
among parts-of-speech and 9-features. In Figure town.


 $ also used shorter sentences and words with less
!$! syllables which is why the imitated passages had

!  !" less readability score (Figure 2). The personal
 $ " pronouns can likely be attributed to the direction
% of the writing survey which asked participants to
' !"! describe their day in the third person. The shorter
% ( &
%&! sentences are likely a result of imitating Cormac
$ McCarthy who often uses short sentences in his
prose. Participants were found to use more function
!(' words than regular in this case also, although not
%* !! as much as in the obfuscated documents.
+3. +2. +1. +0. . 0. 1. 2. 3. /..
Information Gain Ratio (IGR) and usage change
of a feature are positively correlated (shown in
Figure 2: Mostly changed features among parts-of- Figure 5 and Figure 4). All of the highly changed
speech and 9-features. features have high IGR and unchanged features
have zero IGR. But some function words were
found to have high information gain ratio in spite
of being changed very little.









"'%% "&%% % &%% '%% (%% )%%      



Figure 3: Overall changes in the Writeprint fea-

Figure 4: Relation between Information Gain Ra-
tio and absolute usage change in features in the
obfuscated documents.

words to obfuscated their writings (Figure 3). This

suggests that changing function words might be an 4) Does stylistic deception share similar
important way to anonymize a document. In our characteristics with other deceptions?: Stylistic
dataset, the function words that were used more in deception shares similar characteristics with lying.
obfuscated documents than regular documents are: As shown in Table V, features used to detect lying
I, my, there, are, you. The function words that were can detect imitation attacks with 75.3% accuracy
used less are: as, his, by, her, be. and obfuscation attacks with 59.9% accuracy on
In imitated passages, more usage of personal the Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt dataset. This
pronouns, particles and less usage of adjectives result indicates the similarity of linguistic changes
were noticed (shown in Figure 2). Participants associated with any kind of information hiding.

 tool. Our classifier can distinguish imitated articles
 from the original writings of Ernest Hemingway

 and William Faulkner with 88.6% accuracy (Table

Table VII: Imitated document prediction result:

Hemingway-Faulkner imitation corpus. (P = Pre-
cision, R= Recall and F= F-measure)

Type Lying-detection, J48 Writeprints, SVM
           P R F P R F
Imitation 69.7% 69.7% 69.7% 83.8% 93.9% 88.6%
Regular 61.5% 61.5% 61.5% 92.6% 80.6% 86.2%
Figure 5: Relation between Information Gain Ra- Weighted Avg. 66.1% 66.1% 66.1% 88.1% 87.5% 87.4%
tio and absolute usage change in features in the
imitated documents. We also performed an experiment where a clas-
sifier trained on the Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt
dataset was tested on Hemingway-Faulkner Imita-
5) Are some adversarial attacks more tion corpus. Only 57.1% of the imitated documents
difficult to detect than others?: In our were considered as imitation in that case. The
experiment, obfuscation was harder to detect Hemingway-Faulkner Imitation corpus is different
than imitation. In imitation, participants followed from our dataset in several ways. The participants
one specific writing style, the writing style of in the training set imitated Cormac McCarthy
Cormac McCarthy. Different people followed using one pre-specified excerpt from ‘The Road’
different linguistic aspects in imitating him, for in writing about their day. But in the imitation
example, some participants used short sentences, contests, participants imitated two different authors
some used descriptive adjectives and some used a without any topic constraint. Also the contest win-
conversational format with dialogs. But the overall ners were found to be more successful than the
writing style was limited to the style of Cormac mechanical turkers in imitating, as shown in Table
McCarthy. Obfuscation is different than imitation VIII. To see how often a classifier can be fooled
as in obfuscation an author can choose to imitate into predicting imitated document as written by
more than one authors’ writing style or develop a the original authors, we trained an SMO SVM
new style different from his own. However, when classifier with the Writeprints features using the
we include multiple imitated authors it becomes original writing excerpts of Cormac McCarthy,
correspondingly more difficult to detect imitation Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner and tested
attacks. the classifier with the imitated documents. In this
test, we classified imitated documents into three
6) Can we generalize deception detection?: classes: Cormac McCarthy, Ernest Hemingway,
We check whether our deception detection ap- William Faulkner. The result shows that the contest
proach that can detect imitation and obfusca- winners can imitate Ernest Hemingway in 84.27%
tion on the Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt can de- cases, and William Faulkner in 66.67%, whereas
tect imitation samples from the Ernest Hem- the turkers were successful in 47.05% cases in
ingway and William Faulkner imitation contests. imitating Cormac McCarthy.
Our performed a 10-fold cross-validation on the
Hemingway-Faulkner imitation corpus. We used C. Detecting long term deception
Writeprints and Lying-detection features with SVM
Detecting long term deception is similar to de-
and J48 classifiers respectively from the WEKA
tecting fiction as deception. Fiction and elaborate

Table VIII: This table shows the success rate Table IX: Features that discriminate Thomas and
(Precision) of participants in imitating different Amina.
authors. Imitation contest winners were more suc- Feature Information Gain Ratio
cessful in imitating than the AMT participants. Percent upper case 0.758
t 0.620
Author name Imitation Writer’s skill than 0.620
all 0.516
only 0.516
Cormac 47.05% Not professional writers
tha 0.501
though 0.501
Ernest 84.21% Writing contest winners
Hemingway Frequency of * 0.432
William Faulkner 66.67% Writing contest winners less 0.433
can 0.433
not 0.433
a 0.423
deception have different linguistic characteristics that 0.423
Modal verb 0.423
than short-term on-the-spur deception, as in the that 0.423
long-term deception the author has sufficient time them 0.373
and topic to write descriptively and edit sufficiently even 0.372
doing 0.361
to make it appear as a truthful document. This is
why a different approach is required to detect long-
term hoaxes and deception. Regular authorship
recognition can be helpful to find inconsistencies tion of the posts from “A Gay Girl in Damascus”
in writing and to discover real authorship of the also did not show any indication of masking. In
deceptive documents. our test, only 14% of the blog posts were con-
To test our method on long-term deception, sidered as deceptive which is less than the error
we used the Thomas-Amina Hoax corpus. We rate, suggesting a random effect. 13 blog posts
performed an authorship attribution test on the were classified as obfuscated documents, 22 were
posts he created as himself and as Amina in the classified as imitated document. Table X shows that
alternate-history Yahoo! group. We found that he 57.14% of the deceptive documents were attributed
consistently maintained a separate writing style as to Amina during authorship attribution.
Amina in the Yahoo! group as none of the Amina’s
posts were attributed to Thomas in the authorship Table X: Blog post classification.
attribution test. Thomas’s writing style as Amina Thomas Amina
was different than his regular writing style. The Imitation 11 11
Obfuscation 4 9
use of upper-case letters and modal verbs 11 were
noticeable in Amina’s posts, whereas Thomas used
longer sentences and more adjective and adverbs. But maintaining an alternate writing style con-
Table IX lists the top Writeprints features that sistently for a long time is hard, which was evident
discriminate Thomas and Amina’s posts in the in the Thomas-Amina case. When people started
Yahoo! group. questioning Amina’s existence, Thomas and his
Moreover, all of the posts Thomas wrote as wife Britta were suspected as possible writers of
Amina and as himself and posts of Britta were the blog based on various pieces of evidence, for
considered as regular when tested on an SVM example, Thomas’s address was used in Amina’s
classifier which was trained with the Extended- account, and photos from Britta’s picasa album
Brennan-Greenstadt corpus. Deception classifica- were used in Amina’s blog. In the end, Thomas
admitted that he was “Amina.” Regular authorship
11 Modal verbs are verbs that do not take an -s ending in the recognition also supports this fact. More than half
third person singular present, i.e. can, could, may, might, ought. of the blog posts (54.03%) were attributed to

Thomas during authorship attribution with an SVM of a day.
classifier and the Writeprints feature set. Only 10 Our analysis of the feature set shows that the
posts were attributed to Britta and the rest were non-content specific features have the same accu-
attributed to “Amina.” Native language detection, racy as of the content-specific features (Figure 1).
age and other demographics analysis are other Also, as most top ranked discriminating features
possible ways to detect this form of deception, are function words, even by ignoring contextual
which are not explored in this paper. similarity of the documents, it is possible to detect
adversarial documents with sufficient accuracy.
VII. D ISCUSSION While it is true that content features may in-
In this research, we showed that two kinds of dicate authorship or deception, we do not believe
adversarial attacks—imitation and obfuscation— this is the case here. Our non-deceptive writing
can be detected with high accuracy using a large samples consist of multiple documents per author,
feature set. However, the results of cross-validation yet our authorship recognition techniques identify
on the Extended-Brennan-Greenstadt corpus are them properly with high levels of accuracy. The
considerably better than the results on the imitation different content features there did not dissuade
contest participants (96.6% vs. 87.4%). the standard authorship recognition techniques and
There are several potential explanations for this we do not believe they greatly alter the outcome
discrepancy. The first is that the original dataset of the deception analysis. Furthermore, previous
only handles a single imitated author, Cormac Mc- linguistic research has shown that the frequencies
Carthy, and the imitation classifier may be overfit of common function words are content neutral and
to detect imitations of his style. This suggests indicative of personal writing style [15].
that training on a combination of different author What the “Gay Girl in Damascus” results show
imitations will produce a stronger general classifier is that obfuscation is difficult to maintain in the
and that an imitation classifier should be trained on long term. While Tom’s posts as Amina were not
the target of the attack, if known. found to be deceptive by our classifier, we show
The second potential explanation is the skill that traditional authorship attribution techniques
and incentive differential between the AMT par- work in this case.
ticipants and the contest winners. We included Implications for Future Analyses: The current
all reasonable attempts by the mechanical turk state of the art seems to provide a perfect balance
participants, but only the top three contestants per between privacy and security. Authors who are
year were included in the contest data set. We deceptive in their writing style are difficult to
offered our participants $5. A Faulker contest win- identify, however their deception itself is often
ner receives airfare for two to Memphis on United detectable. Further, the detection approach works
Airlines, five days free car rental, two free passes best in cases where the author is trying fraudulently
to the Faulkner Conference, and a complimentary present themselves as another author.
room for five days and nights at an Oxford motel. However, while we are currently unable to un-
First prize in the Heminway contest was round-trip mask the original author of short term deceptions,
tickets and dinner for two at Harry’s in Florence, further analyses might be able to do so, especially
Italy. once a deception classifier is able to partition the
A third potential explanation is that part of the sets. On the other hand, the Extended-Brennan-
success on the original data set is due to topic Greenstadt data set used contains basic attacks by
detection, not deception detection. In the Extended- individuals relying solely on intuition (they have
Brennan-Greenstadt corpus, regular documents are no formal training or background in authorship
from a variety of documents, obfuscation docu- attribution) and the results on the more skilled
ments are a description of a neighborhood, and im- contest winners are less extensive.
itation documents provide a third-person narrative We are currently working on a software appli-

cation to facilitate stylometry experiments and aid authorship has been obfuscated, the obfuscation
users in hiding their writing style. The software itself is detectable using a large feature set that
will point out features that are identifying to users is content-independent. Using Information Gain
and thus provide a mechanism for performing Ratio, we show that the most effective features for
adaptive countermeasures against stylometry. This detecting deceptive writing are function words. We
tool may be useful for those who need longer analyze a long-term deception and show that reg-
term anonymity or authors who need to maintain ular authorship recognition is more effective than
a consistent narrative voice. Even though Thomas deception detection to find indication of stylistic
MacMaster proved extremely skilled in hiding his deception in this case.
writing style, half his posts were still identifiable
as him rather than the fictional Amina. IX. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
In addition, these adaptive attacks may be able to
We are thankful to the Intel Science and Tech-
hide the features that indicate deception, especially
nology Center (ISTC) for Secure Computing and
those in our top 20. It is also possible that attempts
DARPA (grant N10AP20014) for supporting this
to change these features will result in changes that
work. We also thank Ahmed Abbasi for clarifying
are still indicative of deception, particularly in the
the Writeprints feature set and our colleagues Aylin
case of imitations. The fact is that most people
Caliskan, Andrew McDonald, Ariel Stolerman and
do not have enough command of language to
anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments
convincingly imitate the great masters of literature
on the paper.
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