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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 489–496

The eVect of video game violence on physiological

desensitization to real-life violence 夽
Nicholas L. Carnagey a,¤, Craig A. Anderson b, Brad J. Bushman c
Department of Psychology, Iowa State University, USA
Department of Psychology, Iowa State University, Center for the Study of Violence, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, USA and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Received 1 April 2005; revised 15 March 2006

Available online 17 July 2006


Past research shows that violent video game exposure increases aggressive thoughts, angry feelings, physiological arousal, aggressive
behaviors, and decreases helpful behaviors. However, no research has experimentally examined violent video game eVects on physiologi-
cal desensitization, deWned as showing less physiological arousal to violence in the real world after exposure to video game violence in the
virtual world. This experiment attempts to Wll this gap. Participants reported their media habits and then played one of eight violent or
nonviolent video games for 20 min. Next, participants watched a 10-min videotape containing scenes of real-life violence while heart rate
(HR) and galvanic skin response (GSR) were monitored. Participants who previously played a violent video game had lower HR and
GSR while viewing Wlmed real violence, demonstrating a physiological desensitization to violence. Results are interpreted using an
expanded version of the General Aggression Model. Links between desensitization, antisocial, and prosocial behavior are discussed.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Violent video games; Violent media; Desensitization; Helping; Prosocial

Over the last three decades the video game industry has try are rated as considerably violent by parents (Thompson
evolved from oVering a handful of games on bulky home & Haninger, 2001). In addition, the Federal Trade Commis-
systems to oVering scores of video games on console sys- sion found that many game manufacturers market violent
tems, personal computers, handheld systems, PDAs, and games to children (FTC, 2000).
even cell phones. Accompanied with the success of this Another reason for this debate is the abundance of
thriving industry has been public debate concerning the research demonstrating negative eVects of violent media
impact of video game exposure. Currently, one of the pri- exposure. Youth exposed to violent media tend to become
mary public and political issues concerns the eVect of expo- more aggressive immediately after exposure, and become
sure to excessively violent video games on aggression and more aggressive adults (e.g., Anderson et al., 2003). The
violence. eVect of violent television exposure at an early age (between
One reason for this debate is the high prevalence of vio- 6 and 11 years old) on later violent behavior has been
lence in current video games. Over 85% of games contain shown to be larger than the eVects of low IQ, abusive par-
some violence, and approximately half of video games ents, exposure to antisocial peers, and being from a broken
include serious violent actions (e.g., Children Now, 2001). home (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2001).
Video games rated “E” (Everyone: Ages 6+) by the indus- The smaller video game literature has found that playing
violent video games causes increases in aggressive behavior,

The authors thank Doug Bonett for his help with the HR analyses.
aggressive aVect, aggressive cognitions, physiological
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 515 294 6424. arousal, and decreases in prosocial behavior (Anderson
E-mail address: (N.L. Carnagey). et al., 2004). But what does the media violence research

0022-1031/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
490 N.L. Carnagey et al. / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 489–496

literature have to say about desensitization? The answer is: Due to ambiguity on how to operationalize desensitization,
both too little and too much. research on this phenomenon is also somewhat unclear.
In 1982, the US Surgeon General called for research on One of the earliest studies demonstrating the potential
whether video game violence desensitizes individuals to real desensitizing eVect of violent media measured GSR of indi-
violence (Koop, 1982). Unfortunately, there is no published viduals while they watched a documentary Wlm of a tribal
research on this speciWc topic, and the public debate fre- ceremony that included making incisions on the human
quently generates more heat than light. body (Lazarus, Speisman, MordkoV, & Davison, 1962).
Participants’ had lower GSRs during incisions at the end of
Desensitizing eVects of violent entertainment media the Wlm than at the beginning; early scenes of gore appar-
ently reduced physiological arousal to later scenes.
The term “desensitization” has been used by scholars, Other experimental research has yielded similar results.
public policy analysts, politicians, and the lay public to Participants in one study who viewed a series of “slasher”
mean eVects as varied as: (a) an increase in aggressive Wlm clips had lower heart rates when shown additional vio-
behavior; (b) a reduction in physiological arousal to real- lent movie clips than did participants who initially viewed
life violence; (c) a Xattening of aVective reactions to vio- nonviolent clips (Linz, Donnerstein, & Adams, 1989). Chil-
lence; (d) a reduction in likelihood of helping a violence vic- dren in another study who saw a violent movie had lower
tim; (e) a reduction in sympathy for a violence victim; (f) a GSR to a staged “real-life” violent scene than did children
reduction in the sentence for a convicted violent oVender, who had previously viewed a nonviolent movie (Thomas,
(g) a reduction in the perceived guilt of a violence perpetra- Horton, Lippincott, & Drabman, 1977). Similar results
tor; and (h) a reduction in judged severity of a violence vic- were found in an adult population (Thomas et al., 1977). In
tim’s injuries. This hodge-podge of deWnitions—confusing a related study, college students who had been provoked
lay people and scientists alike—results from a failure to dis- and had viewed a violent Wlm clip had lower heart rate
tinguish underlying psychological desensitization processes before and after shocking their provoker than did students
from potential desensitization eVects on other responses. who viewed a nonviolent Wlm clip (Thomas, 1982).
Too much is included in this broad deWnition. Other research has demonstrated that past violent
A narrower, clearer deWnition of desensitization to vio- media exposure correlates with physiological desensitiza-
lence is a reduction in emotion-related physiological reactivity tion to violence (e.g., Cline, Croft, & Courrier, 1973). For
to real violence. This deWnition Wts well with earlier systematic example, one study found that past violent video game
desensitization research in cognitive-behavioral treatment of exposure was related to reduced P300 amplitudes when
phobias (e.g., Wolpe, 1958, 1982). Systematic desensitiza- exposed to violent photos, even after controlling for ini-
tion—a set of procedures designed to reduce unwanted nega- tial levels of aggressiveness (Bartholow, Bushman, &
tive emotional reactions to stimuli that initially produce fear Sestir, 2006).
or anxiety—has been successfully used to treat fear of such Although these studies are important and insightful,
things as spiders (Bandura, Reese, & Adams, 1982), snakes none directly address the issue of whether exposure to vio-
(Bandura & Adams, 1977), and blood (Elmore, Wildman, & lent media physiologically desensitizes individuals to real-
WestWeld, 1980). It has been used to treat anxiety-related dis- life violence. The main public concern with desensitization
orders such as post-traumatic stress (Pantalon & Motta, to violence is not that viewing media violence lowers physi-
1998), rape trauma (Frank, Anderson, Stewart, Dancu, & ological responsiveness to other media violence, but that it
West, 1988), and nightmares (Schindler, 1980). There is also lowers responsiveness to real world violence.
evidence that the US military has used video games for a For a direct, causal test of the hypothesis that expo-
variety of training missions, including desensitizing soldiers sure to violent media can cause physiological desensitiza-
to violence (Grossman & DeGaetano, 1999). tion to real-life violence, four experiment characteristics
Whether induced intentionally (e.g., therapeutic system- are necessary: (1) random assignment to violent or nonvi-
atic desensitization) or unintentionally, desensitization can olent media exposure groups; (2) use of violent and non-
be adaptive, allowing individuals to ignore irrelevant stim- violent entertainment media that are equivalent (or
uli and attend to relevant stimuli. For example, desensitiza- statistically controlled) on various nonviolent aspects
tion to distressing sights, sounds, and smells of surgery is (such as excitement, frustration, involvement level); (3)
necessary for medical students to become eVective sur- use of emotion-related physiological indicators as the
geons. Desensitization to battleWeld horrors is necessary for dependent variable (e.g., heart rate, GSR); and (4) use of
troops to be eVective in combat. However, desensitization real violence as the emotion-provoking stimulus in the
of children and other civilians to violent stimuli may be det- dependent variable assessment (this provides more gener-
rimental for both the individual and society. alizable Wndings compared to measuring desensitization
to Wctitious violence). None of the prior studies meet all
Media violence and physiological desensitization four criteria. Furthermore, no published study has exper-
imentally examined whether exposure to violent video
There are surprisingly few media violence studies exam- games decreases physiological responsiveness to real-life
ining physiological–emotional indicators of desensitization. violence.
N.L. Carnagey et al. / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 489–496 491

GAM, desensitization, and sequela eVects, visual eVects, rewards for violent actions in the
game), these initial distressing reactions are reduced. One
There are theoretical reasons for expecting violent media indicator that desensitization has occurred is observation
to desensitize individuals to real-life violence in both short- of a reduction in physiological arousal (e.g., heart rate,
term (within 1 hour of exposure) and long-term (repeated GSR) during exposure to real violence after individuals
exposure) contexts. The General Aggression Model (GAM) have been repeatedly exposed to media violence.
provides a useful social-cognitive framework for under- Once desensitization has occurred, new presentations of
standing desensitization processes. real violence instigate diVerent cognitive and aVective reac-
GAM has been described in detail elsewhere (e.g., tions than would have occurred in the absence of desensiti-
Anderson & Bushman, 2002; Anderson & Carnagey, 2004; zation. For example, desensitized people might be less likely
Anderson & Huesmann, 2003), so it will be described only to notice aggressive events, perceive fewer or less severe
brieXy here. Aggressive behavior is based on the learning, injuries, feel less sympathy for violence victims, believe that
activation, and application of aggression-related knowl- the world is a less safe place, and have less negative atti-
edge structures stored in memory. Such learning takes place tudes towards violence. These cognitive and aVective
through encounters with the physical and social world. sequela are critical determinants of subsequent episodic
Much learning occurs through observing real and Wctional decisions and actions.
In this article, we extend GAM to desensitization eVects. Overview
In our model, “desensitization” is best seen as a process by
which initial arousal responses to violent stimuli are In this experiment, participants Wrst completed measures
reduced, thereby changing the individual’s “present internal of video game preferences and trait aggressiveness. Partici-
state.” GAM further speciWes that subsequent decision and pants then played either a violent or nonviolent video game
behavioral processes will be inXuenced. Fig. 1 details how for 20 min. Afterwards, they watched a 10-min videotape
exposure to violent video games might produce physiologi- containing Wlmed scenes of real violence while heart rate
cal–emotional desensitization, and how desensitization (HR) and galvanic skin response (GSR) were continuously
inXuences other aggression and helping-related variables. monitored. Finally, participants rated the video game they
The initial response of children and many adults to vio- played on several dimensions. We predicted that violent
lent media is fear and anxiety (e.g., Cantor, 1998). When game players would show less physiological arousal (lower
violent stimuli are repeatedly presented in a positive emo- HR and GSR) in response to real-life violence than would
tional context (e.g., exciting background music, sound nonviolent game players.

Repeated violent game playing:

Exposure to initially fearful stimuli in
a positive emotional context
Desensitization *Humorous context
Procedures *Cartoonish characters
*Rewards for acting violently
*Increasingly intense violent stimuli
-Levels within a game
-"E" to "T" to "M" games

Extinction of fear/anxiety
Desensitization reactions to violence
(e.g., decreased heart rate reactivity)

Cognitive Decreased Decreased Decreased Increased Decreased

& affective perception attention sympathy belief that negative
outcomes of injury to violent for violence violence is attitudes
severity events victims normative towards violence

GAM Episodic Processes

Increased aggression
Behavioral Decreased helping Higher likelihood of initiating aggression
outcomes Lower likelihood of intervening More severe level of aggression
Delay in intervening More persistence in aggressing

Fig. 1. Media violence desensitization processes: integration of systematic desensitization, helping, and aggression models.
492 N.L. Carnagey et al. / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 489–496

Method lating, and addicting, and violent, using 10-point scales

ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree).
Participants Finally, they were debriefed.

Participants were 257 college students (124 men and 133 Results
women) who received extra course credit in exchange for
their voluntary participation. Preliminary analyses

Procedure Within each type of video game (i.e., violent, nonviolent),

we tested whether the four diVerent games produced diVer-
Participants were tested individually. They were told ent eVects on HR and GSR. No signiWcant diVerences were
that the purpose of the study was to evaluate diVerent types found among the four violent or among the four nonviolent
of media. After consent procedures were completed, 5 min games on HR or GSR. The random-eVects variance esti-
baseline HR and GSR measurements were taken, using mates for video game exemplars ranged from 0 to 4.43
Wnger electrodes placed on the three middle Wngers of the (M D 1.06). None of the maximum likelihood random-
non-dominant hand.1 During the baseline period, partici- eVects variance estimates signiWcantly diVered from zero,
pants reported the number of hours per week they spent ps > .05. Thus, the data were collapsed across exemplars of
playing video games and the percent of time spent playing video game types for subsequent analyses.
violent video games (preference for violent video games).2 As expected, violence ratings were higher for the violent
They also completed the nine-item Physical Aggression video games than for the nonviolent video games,
subscale of the Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, Ms D 4.87 and 1.70, F (1, 252) D 529.67, p < .0001, d D 2.90.
1992).3 A sample item is: “Given enough provocation, I However, violent and nonviolent video games also diVered
may hit another person.” CoeYcient  was .84. on several other dimensions. Compared to the nonviolent
After 5 min, the experimenter removed the electrodes. games, the violent games were rated as being more action
Participants played a randomly assigned violent or nonvio- packed, Ms D 5.31 and 3.17, F (1, 252) D 53.48, p < .0001,
lent video game for 20 min. To make the Wndings more gen- d D 0.92, more frustrating, Ms D 5.79 and 4.63,
eralizable (Wells & Windschitl, 1999), we used four violent F (1, 252) D 14.30, p < .001, d D 0.48, less enjoyable,
games (Carmageddon, Duke Nukem, Mortal Kombat, Future Ms D 3.95 and 4.95, F (1, 252) D 11.73, p < .001, d D 0.43, and
Cop) and four nonviolent games (Glider Pro, 3D Pinball, less fun, Ms D 4.00 and 4.81, F (1, 252) D 6.84, p < .01,
3D Munch Man, Tetra Madness). d D 0.33. Violent and nonviolent games did not diVer on
After game play, a second set of 5-min HR and GSR absorbing, arousing, boring, entertaining, exciting, involv-
measurements were taken. Next, participants watched a ing, stimulating, or addicting ratings, Fs (1, 252) < 3.10,
10-min videotape of real violence in four contexts: court- ps > .08, ds < 0.22. Dimensions that yielded nonsigniWcant
room outbursts, police confrontations, shootings, and eVects were dropped. Others were used as covariates in the
prison Wghts. These were actual violent episodes (not Hol- main analyses.
lywood reproductions) selected from TV programs and
commercially released Wlms. In one scene, for example, Main analyses
two prisoners repeatedly stab another prisoner. HR and
GSR were monitored continuously while they watched Heart rate4
the real-life violence. Participants then rated the video HR data were analyzed using a 2 (video game exposure:
game they had played on the following dimensions: violent, nonviolent) £ 2 (participant gender) £ 3 (measure-
action-packed, frustrating, enjoyment, fun, absorbing, ment time: baseline, after video game, during Wlm) mixed
arousing, boring, entertaining, exciting, involving, stimu- design, with additional planned contrasts testing the main
hypotheses. The video game exposure and participant sex
Due to random hand movements during measurement periods, some factors were between-subjects, whereas the measurement
data sections containing impossible HR estimates were deleted before av- time factor was within-subjects. We initially considered
erage HRs were calculated. trait aggression, preference for violent games, and rated
On average, men spent 4.15 h (SD D 5.11) per week playing video nonviolent game characteristics as possible covariates or
games, whereas women spent 1.43 h (SD D 2.67). On average, men spent
moderators, but they were unrelated to HR during real vio-
42% (SD D 36%) of this time playing violent games, whereas women spent
4% (SD D 12%) of this time playing violent games. Such self-reports likely lence viewing and were therefore dropped.
underestimate the actual proportion of time spent playing violent games The time main eVect was signiWcant, F (2, 496) D 9.70,
because most game players do not regard cartoon violence as “violence” p < .001. Adjusted average HRs were 66.0, 68.8, and 69.6 at
(Anderson, Gentile, & Buckley, in press; Potter, 1999).
Preference for violent video games was positively correlated with self-
reported physical aggression, r(255) D .32, p < .0001. The amount of time Two participants in the nonviolent video game group (1 woman, 1
spent playing video games in general was correlated with level of physical man) and three participants in the violent video game group (2 women, 1
aggressiveness, r(255) D .16, p < .02, but this latter correlation was signiW- man) were excluded from the HR and GSR analyses due to equipment
cantly smaller than the former one, t(253) D 2.22, p < .05. malfunctions.
N.L. Carnagey et al. / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 489–496 493

baseline, post-gameplay, and during the Wlm, respectively. Galvanic skin response
As expected, HR increased from baseline to post-game The same procedure was used to analyze GSR, except
play, F (1, 248) D 9.40, p < .05, d D 0.39 (see Fig. 2). The only that three of the rated game characteristics (action, involve,
other eVect that approached signiWcance was the game fun) were used as covariates because they yielded signiW-
violence £ time interaction, F (2, 496) D 2.06, p < .13. Fig. 2 cant eVects either in the overall analysis or in one of the
displays the means. All other Fs < 1. planned contrast analyses. Neither trait aggression nor past
There were no HR diVerences between violent and nonvi- violent video game exposure yielded any reliable eVects in
olent conditions during baseline [Ms D 66.4 and 65.5, respec- preliminary analyses, so they were not included in analyses
tively, F (1,248) D 0.43, p > .05, d D 0.08] or after game play, reported here.
Ms D 69.3 and 68.4, respectively, F(1, 248) D 0.55, p > .05, The 2 £ 2 £ 3 ANCOVA yielded a signiWcant main eVect
d D 0.09 (see Fig. 2). Because we expected the interaction of gender, F (2, 244) D 18.06, p < .001, d D 0.54, with women
between video game content and measurement time to have being higher in GSR than men (Ms D 302.98 and 234.68). In
a speciWc form (i.e., a spreading interaction rather than a addition, there was an uninteresting time X gender interac-
cross-over one), we tested it using two planned contrasts. The tion, F (2, 244) D 5.36, p < 005. Women were higher than
Wrst contrast tested the eVect of video game content on heart men at baseline [Ms D 297.22 and 243.19, F (2, 244) D 10.53,
rate diVerences at baseline versus after playing the video p < .01, d D 0.42], after game play [Ms D 303.12 and 239.85,
game. Because we attempted to match the violent and nonvi- F (2, 244) D 14.89, p < .001, d D 0.49], and during viewing of
olent video games in terms of how arousing they were, we did real-life violence [Ms D 308.62 and 221.01, F (2, 244) D 22.51,
not expect any heart diVerences after playing the video game. p < .001, d D 0.61]. Unlike HR, there was not an overall
As expected, the Wrst contrast was small, F(1, 248) D 0.00, change in GSR across time, F (2, 488) D 0.91, p > .40.
p > .05, d D 0.00. This small contrast suggests that increases in Similar to HR, there were no GSR diVerences between
HR during game play were essentially the same for the vio- violent and nonviolent conditions during baseline
lent and nonviolent game conditions. [Ms D 258.98 and 281.4, respectively, F (1, 244) D 1.19,
The second (key) contrast tested the eVect of video game p > .25, d D 0.14] or after game play, T2 Ms D 261.8 and
content on HR during the showing of the real-life violence, 281.1, respectively, F (1, 244) D 0.91, p > .30, d D 0.12 (See
versus the average HR during the other two time periods. Fig. 3). The interaction between video game content and
As expected, the second contrast was large, F (1, 248) D 4.86, measurement time was again tested using two planned
p < .05, d D 0.28 (see Fig. 2). This large contrast suggests that contrasts. The Wrst contrast testing whether game vio-
violent game players were less aroused by the real-life vio- lence diVerentially aVected GSR from baseline to post-
lence than were nonviolent game players. People who had gameplay was again small, F (1, 244) D 0.05, p > .80,
recently played a violent video game were less aroused by d D 0.03 (see Fig. 3). This contrast demonstrates that
the Wlmed violence than were those who had recently change in GSR was similar for violent and nonviolent
played a nonviolent video game. Indeed, heart rates of non- game players.
violent game players increased while viewing the Wlm (rela- The second (key) contrast comparing the average of
tive to post-game HR), F (1, 131) D 16.60, p < .05, d D .72, the GSRs during baseline and post-gameplay to GSR dur-
whereas heart rates of violent game players did not change ing the viewing of the Wlmed real violence was large,
while viewing the Wlmed real violence, F (1, 116) D .41,
p > .05, d D .11. 325
Nonviolent Video Game
75 Violent Video Game
Galvanic Skin Response

Nonviolent Video Game
Violent Video Game
Heart Rate



Baseline After Game Play While Viewing
60 Violence
Baseline After Game Play While Viewing
Measurement Time

Measurement Time Fig. 3. Galvanic skin response at baseline, after playing a video game, and
while watching Wlmed real-life violence for violent and nonviolent video
Fig. 2. Heart rate at baseline, after playing a video game, and while watch- game players. Means are the adjusted for gender and how frustrating, fun,
ing Wlmed real-life violence for violent and nonviolent video game players. involving, and fun the video games were. Capped vertical bars denote 1
Capped vertical bars denote 1 SE. SE.
494 N.L. Carnagey et al. / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 489–496

F (1, 244) D 4.67, p < .05, d D 0.28 (see Fig. 3). This large Helping researchers have demonstrated numerous fac-
contrast demonstrates that violent game players were less tors that yield decreases in helping (for a review, see Bat-
aroused by the real-life violence than were nonviolent son, 1998), but the link between desensitization and
game players. Participants who had just played a violent helping behavior has not been as carefully examined.
video game experienced relatively less arousal during the Two lines of research are most relevant to GAM and
viewing of the Wlmed violence. Furthermore, nonviolent helping: (1) the work by Latané and Darley (1968), and
game participants had a slight (nonsigniWcant) increase in (2) research examining helping as a function of tension
GSR change while viewing the Wlm, F(1, 127) D 0.03, reduction.
p > .05, d D .03, whereas violent game participants showed After the 1964 murder of Kitty Genovese in New York
a decrease in GSR, F (1, 113) D 6.15, p < .05, d D .47. Sev- City, Latané and Darley were motivated to conduct experi-
eral eVects of rated video game characteristics were also mental studies to Wnd out why people did not help her.
signiWcant: action, F (1, 244) D 6.00, p < .05; fun, Newspapers reported that several witnesses watched
F (1, 244) D 7.95, p < .05; involving, F (1, 244) D 4.41, Genovese being assaulted for 30 min, yet none called the
p < .05. The higher rated level of action and involvement police or attempted to intervene. Their studies found that
in the games, the larger the increase in GSR from the com- several factors are required for intervention to occur. Three
posite baseline to during the viewing of real-life violence, of these factors are particularly relevant to GAM’s link
r D .13, b D 5.96, p < .05 and r D .11, b D 6.09, p < .05. The between desensitization and failure to help violence victims
less fun the games were rated, the larger the increase in (see Fig. 1). First, the individual must notice or attend to
GSR from baselines to during the viewing of real-life vio- the violent incident. Desensitization might reduce attention
lence, r D ¡.02, b D ¡7.88, p < .05. to violent incidents involving other people. Second, the
individual must recognize the event as an emergency.
Discussion Desensitization might reduce the perceived seriousness of
injury, and thereby decrease the likelihood of perceiving the
The results demonstrate that playing a violent video situation as an emergency. Third, the individual must feel
game, even for just 20 min, can cause people to become less personally responsible to help. Desensitization might
physiologically aroused by real violence. Participants ran- reduce sympathy for the victim, increase beliefs that
domly assigned to play a violent video game had relatively violence is normative, and decrease negative attitudes
lower HR and GSR while watching actual footage of peo- towards violence, thereby decreasing feelings of personal
ple being beaten, stabbed, and shot than did those ran- responsibility.
domly assigned to play a nonviolent video game. Similarly, research has shown that people are more likely
One issue that arises frequently in the media violence lit- to help when they are highly aroused (Dovidio, Piliavin,
erature concerns individual diVerences in susceptibility to Gaertner, Schroeder, & Clark, 1991). Other helping
media violence eVects. If there are large individual diVer- researchers have proposed that observation of a victim pro-
ences in susceptibility to short-term desensitization eVects, duces a state of aversive tension that can motivate helping
they would be revealed in the present study as signiWcant behavior (e.g., Cialdini & Kendrick, 1976). In both cases,
interactions between the individual diVerence variables individuals desensitized to violence should be less likely to
(violent video game preference; trait aggressiveness; gen- help a violence victim.
der) and the experimental manipulation of game violence. Several studies have examined the eVects of violent tele-
We found no such interactions, suggesting that the results vision on children’s helping behavior (e.g., Drabman &
are quite robust across individuals. Thomas, 1974). Children were exposed to a short violent or
nonviolent television program, and then were exposed to a
Relevance of results to GAM situation in which they could intervene in a Wght they
believed was occurring in another room by calling an adult.
Although the present experiment did not measure Participants exposed to a violent TV program took longer
aggressive or helping behaviors, we think our extension of to intervene than did those exposed to a nonviolent TV
the GAM in Fig. 1 can explain such behaviors (see Fig. 1). program. But the researchers did not test whether the vio-
Desensitization to violence can increase aggression in sev- lent TV program used could produce physiological desensi-
eral ways. For example, when considering several possible tization in the target population.
behavioral scripts for guiding action, children who have Similarly, several studies have found decreases in proso-
strong negative reactions to a violent script are less likely to cial behavior as a result of exposure to violent video games
use it than those who have either a neutral or a positive (e.g., Silvern & Williamson, 1987). But again, there was no
reaction to it (Anderson & Huesmann, 2003; Huesmann, evidence in these studies that the violent games produced
1998). Exposure to violent video games can increase aggres- physiological desensitization in the target population. Fur-
sion in ways that are largely unrelated to desensitization as thermore, none of these studies examined prosocial behav-
well, but because the present study focuses on desensitiza- ior towards a violence victim.
tion our discussion (and Fig. 1) emphasize eVects on help- In sum, GAM is relevant to media violence desensitiza-
ing behavior. tion in two ways. First, the social-cognitive-learning
N.L. Carnagey et al. / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 489–496 495

aspects predict that exposure to violent entertainment Conclusion

media will decrease normal negative emotional-physiolog-
ical reactions to real violence. The current experiment The present experiment demonstrates that violent video
tested this hypothesis, using violent video games as the game exposure can cause desensitization to real-life vio-
entertainment medium, heart rate and galvanic skin lence. In this experiment, violent game players were less
response as the physiological measures, and Wlmed real- physiologically aroused by real-life violence than were non-
world violence as the stimulus during dependent measure violent game players. It appears that individuals who play
assessment. Second, GAM predicts that violent entertain- violent video games habituate or “get used to” all the vio-
ment stimuli that produce physiological desensitization lence and eventually become physiologically numb to it.
will also decrease helping a violence victim. A recent study The integration of systematic desensitization processes
has found such results (Bushman, Shlecter, Anderson, & and models of helping behavior with GAM is heartening in
Carnagey, in preparation). the insights provided to a long-standing and somewhat
muddled research literature. But it is also frightening in
Future research some of its implications. The existing rating systems (Bush-
man & Cantor, 2003), the content of much entertainment
Numerous important theoretical questions remain for media, and the marketing of those media combine to yield a
future research. Several features of violent video games sug- powerful desensitization intervention on a global level.
gest that they may have even more pronounced eVects on Children receive high doses of media violence. It initially is
users than violent TV programs and Wlms. Violent video packaged in ways that are not too threatening, with cute
game players are more actively involved, more likely to cartoon-like characters, a total absence of blood and gore,
identify with violent characters, more directly reinforced for and other features that make the overall experience a pleas-
violent acts, and more frequently exposed to violent scenes. ant one, arousing positive emotional reactions that are
In the past, the level of realism in video game images might incongruent with normal negative reactions to violence.
have reduced their ability to create physiological desensiti- Older children consume increasingly threatening and realis-
zation. But recent technological advances have removed this tic violence, but the increases are gradual and always in a
obstacle from video games. Consequently, desensitization way that is fun. In short, the modern entertainment media
and decreases in helping might well progress more quickly landscape could accurately be described as an eVective sys-
and eYciently in violent video game players than in violent tematic violence desensitization tool. Whether modern soci-
TV/Wlm viewers. Future research should investigate how eties want this to continue is largely a public policy
these diVerences between types of entertainment media question, not an exclusively scientiWc one (Anderson et al.,
inXuence desensitization to real violence. Future research 2003; Gentile & Anderson, 2006).
also should investigate who is most likely to become desensi-
tized as a result of exposure to violent video games.
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