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Case 4

(The under-mentioned passage pertains to ‘Writing negative messages’ – an essential in

Business Communication - as also ‘personality development’.
The aim of this ‘assignment’, is to ascertain how adept you are, in ‘seeing through’ problems
which will always be there in your ‘professional’ life.
‘Personality’ – as you are all now aware - is nothing but ‘person with an attitude’. The more
positive an attitude, the ‘better’ the ‘personality’.
You are required to ‘analyze’ the case below, in a manner you have been told in class &
thereafter answer the questions asked).

You & your colleagues are nervous. Sales have been declining for months & you see evidence
of budget tightening all over the place - the fruit & pastries have disappeared from the coffee
stations; accountants are going over expense reports with magnifying glasses & managers are
slow to replace people who leave the company. Instant messages fly around the office;
everyone wants to know if anyone has heard anything about layouts. The job market in your
area is weak & you know you might have to sell your house - in one of the weakest housing
markets in memory - & move your family out of state, if you need to find another position in
your field. You're ready to cope with the job loss, but you need as much time as possible. You
breathe a sigh of relief when the following items from the CEO appears on the company's
internal blog":
"With news of workforce adjustments elsewhere in our industry, we realize many of you are
concerned about the possibility here. I'd like to reassure all of you, that we remain confident in
the company's fundamental business strategy & the executive team is examining all facets of
company operations to ensure our continued financial strength.
The message calms your fears. Should it?


1. A month later, the CEO announces a layoff of 20% of the company's workforce - nearly
700 people. You are shocked by the news, because you felt reassured by the blog posting from
last month. In light of what happened, you retrieve a copy of the newsletter & re-read the
CEOs message. Does it seem ethical now?
Why or why not?

2. If you had been in charge of writing this newsletter item & your hands were tied because
you couldn't come out & announce the layouts yet, how would you have written the message?


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