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Name: Date:

Strand and Section Subject: Eng11+


1. It means to be polite. It is an extension to consideration but it is more concerned with the way
a message is sent.
A. Completeness C. Clarity
B. Courtesy D. Correctness
2. It intends to ensure that the meaning is understood at the other end.
A. Completeness C. Clarity
B. Courtesy D. Correctness

3. It is particular about the spelling, punctuation, format, syntax and grammar.

A. Completeness C. Clarity
B. Courtesy D. Correctness
4. It is conducted to get the pulse, perception, perspective and preferences of a particular group
of people.
A. Interview C. RRL
B. Respondents D. Survey

5. The questionnaires are sometimes preferred over interviews for the following reasons
A. Questionnaires are less expensive.
B. They take less time to administer.
C. Face-to-Face Method
D. No interviewer biases are introduced.

6. This type of question provides alternatives or options for the respondent to choose.
A. Essay C. Open-ended questions
B. Fixed alternative questions D. Multiple choice

7. It means being specific, vivid and definite rather than being indefinite or vague.
A. Consideration C.Correctness
B. Concreteness D. Clarity

8. It is a document that accompanies your Resume or CV when you are applying for a job.
A. Notes C. Love letter
B. Friendly letter D. Cover letter

9. It is to specify what you are applying for and how did you find out about the opportunity.
A. First paragraph C. Third paragraph
B. Second paragraph D. Fourth paragraph

10. This type of questions gives the respondent a chance to answer freely.
A. Essay C. Open-ended questions
B. Fixed alternative questions D. Multiple choice

11. Its more about, an empathetic, ‘you’ attitude rather than a ‘I’ or ‘we’ attitude that wins a
A. Consideration C. Correctness
B. Courtesy D. Clarity

12. The body of the letter that point out qualifications.

A. First paragraph C. Third paragraph
B. Second paragraph D. Fourth paragraph

12. To ensure clarity, in which of the following should be done:

A. Utilize the ‘You Attitude’
B. Be sincere
C. watch out for clichẻs, hackneyed and jargons
D. utilize magic words
13. It contributes to emphasis; by eliminating unnecessary words, important ideas are let to
stand out.
A. Consideration C. Correctness
B. Concreteness D. Conciseness

14. It contains all the information in terms of its purpose, message and components.
A. Completeness C. Correctness
B. Concreteness D. Conciseness

15. It is the ability to predict what will happen in the future.

A. Result C. Coherence
B. Making Inference D. Predicting Outcome

16. To ensure courtesy, in which of the following should NOT be done.

A. utilize magic words
B. apply sandwich psychology approach
C. use words that build reputation and maintain goodwill.
D. use politically correct terms

17. Which of the following is not an INTERNET JARGON.

A. BTW-By the way C. LOL- Laugh out loud
B. CYA- See you around D. BP- Blood Pressure

18.It is the idea that people should be careful to not use the language or behave in a way that
could offend a particular group of people.
A. Jargons C. Hackneyed Expressions
B. Politically correct terms D. Clichẻs

19. It is a concise document that states relevant information regarding your education skills,
experiences and accomplishments.
A. Cover letter C. Promissory Note
B. Resume D. Business Letter

20. These are the characteristics of a Successful Resume EXCEPT:

A. Easy to read and understand
B. Must always be 100% truth
C. Use emojis and emoticons
D. Formal style

Part II. Enumeration

1-4 Preparing a Survey Questionnaire

5-6 Two types of question structure
7-13 7c’s of Communication
14-21 Parts of a Resume

Part III Rewrite the Cover Letter base on the format.

 Dear Ms. Woodgate:

 Signature

 Encl: Resume

 October 13, 2007

 Isabelle Lorin

 Isabelle Lorin
#29Hartford St. Laguna BelAir
Brgy. Don Jose, Sta. Rosa, Laguna 4426

 Besides my experience in retail sales, where I learned to balance the interests of the
customer with those of the store, I have also planned a number of retail and campus
events. I have arranged for food vendors and entertainers; I have rented tables, chairs,
and tents; and I have helped design newspaper advertising for events similar to the
neighborhood block parties in which ILC participates each summer. Details of my
qualifications and experience are given on my CV, which I enclose for your perusal.

 Ms. Mary Woodgate

Director, Consumer Relations
502 Coverdale Walk
Sta. Rosa, Laguna

 Thank you for your time and consideration. If you require any additional information
pertinent to my application. I can be reached at 09123456789 or via email

 Yours sincerely,

 Having read your company's recent advert on seeking trainees for you
consumer relations department. I would like to apply for one of these positions.

“I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating.”


Enjoy your #SEMBREAK!

Prepared by: Ms. Janil N. Prongoso

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