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Happiness Question No 5


Q5. (a) Offer a bird’s eye view of the course and how it might have impacted you and/or (b) Reflect

on what happiness means for you as a person, as a manager and as a leader in the making? End

with an action point/habit that you may wish to explore in the days ahead as a result of this

reflection. [Max. marks 2; Word length: 100(minimum) - 200 (maximum)]

Answer: Happiness as a person taught me to write gratitude note every day, journalize once every

two weeks, meditate for 20 to 40 minutes each day, make positive affirmation each day, hug each

other and sing happiness song.

Happiness as a manager taught me the Five Moment of Theory U that is

1. Co-initiating: Listen to others and to what life calls you to do

2. Co-sensing: Go to the places of most potential and listen with your mind and heart wide


3. Co-presencing: Retreat and reflect, allow the inner knowing to grow

4. Co-creating: Prototype a microcosm of the new to explore the future by doing

5. Co-evolving: Grow innovation ecosystems by seeing and acting from the emerging whole

Happiness as a leader taught me to take initiative, focus on goals, set priorities, win only when

others win, communicate, cooperate, reflect on and repair their deficiencies, find inside voice

and help others find theirs.

In the end, I am compiling Dr. Saamdu Chetri teachings, notes and ppts taken during the class

to Evernote, so that I could remember and use his knowledge in the partner school.

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