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Traffic Accidents Terminology

 Traffic Accidents
This is when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or
other stationary obstruction, such as a tree, pole or building. Traffic collisions often result
in injury, death, and property damage.

 Fatal Accidents
Is one which involves a person who dies as a result of an injury sustained in the accident
(usually within 30 days) it excludes traffic involving confirmed suicides.
Serious Accident One in which at least one person is seriously injured but no person
(other than confirmed suicide) is killed.

 Slight Accident
One in which at least one person is slightly injured but no person is killed or seriously

 Damage Only Accidents

This is accident which does not involve people who sustain personal injuries

 Single Car Accidents

This is a type of road traffic accident in which only one vehicle is involved. A majority of
these types of crashes are run-off-road collisions, collisions with fallen debris, rollovers,
and collisions with animals.

 Rear-End collision accidents

A traffic accident where a vehicle crashes into the vehicle in front of it. These are usually
due to driver inattention or distraction, tailgating, panic stops, and reduced traction due to
irregular road conditions caused by weather.

 Head-On Collision Accidents

This type of accident is when the front ends of two vehicles hit each other in opposite
directions. Head-on collisions are an often fatal road traffic accident. Being aware of
traffic signs, street conditions and staying in your lane play a critical role in avoiding
these types of accidents.

 Accidents With pedestrians

These are accidents that one of the road user, driver or pedestrian, are not aware of the
junction and its situation at the incident site.
(Herrman, 2016)

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