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Angelica I.

Cular date of seminar

ASEANST Sir Jhino Ilano

With the different issues arising in the world how do you see ASEAN providing a framework of
solution to these issues? What contributions can ASEAN present to the world?

Issues are part of every nation. It is like a mental illness that can’t be easily terminated.
However, it can be lessen slowly. Some of the issues that our world is facing are Religious
conflicts, Government accountability and transparency / corruption, Food and water security,
Lack of education, Safety / security / wellbeing, and Lack of economic opportunity and
employment. With this, how do we think of the lives of the future generation? Do we want this to
also be their problem?
Ambassador Manalo tackled the historical backdrop of the development of ASEAN, how
it was framed, and why it was built up. She likewise, referenced on a portion of the centrality on
the significance in being a piece of a territorial association, for example, ASEAN as joining into
these things can convey advantages to the nation. Fundamentally, she said that for a nation to be
a "maverick"— not being an individual from a local association is a "major no" as indicated by
her, in such a case that a nation is a piece of an association such ASEAN or UN it would give
that part express a global acknowledgment since that nation is a piece of this association. She
also mentioned the “ASEAN Way” which was also discussed by the other Ambassador who gave
her lecture last time.
Now, Ambassador Rodriguez talked about to the issues looked by every one of the 3
pillars, and how it can influence the entire ASEAN. He quickly examined of the issues per pillar.
One of the political issues that he talked about was the ascent of socialism in the Southeast Asian
nations to be specific Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, And Philippines, this was amid the 1960's,
in which harmonizes with the arrangement of ASA or Association of the Southeast Asian
Nations, since a portion of the political issues with different nations entered while building up
this association. In the entire ASEAN people group out of the 5 nations in the entire world, 2 of
the 5 is a member of ASEAN which are Vietnam and Laos. Likewise, in the political part of
ASEAN he quickly talked about what kind of government was utilized per part state, and he said
that the everybody begrudges Singapore, part states would need to be close of Singapore's
advancement. In financial matters, he said that ASEAN as one entire it is fourth of the biggest
exporter in the entire world. In which he referenced that at some point ASEAN discussed having
more administrations and items per part states to additionally build up the financial of the entire
ASEAN. With the monetary contrast of the 10 part states, since Singapore and Brunei are a piece
of the best 5 most extravagant nation in the entire world, and we additionally have part expresses
that are "poor" or there financial advancement isn't that quick contrasted with the other part
states, there is a major hole in economies in ASEAN, consequently it would set aside quite a
while for the incorporation of ASEAN. Then again, for the socio-social, Ambassador Rodriguez
underlined on the point that the simple reality there is a need on examining ASEAN it suggests
that it bombed in foundation and personality of ASEAN. He said that, not every person knows
ASEAN, and when he implied everybody, he is alluding about the part conditions of ASEAN.
The part states need commitment, he said. This is the most important pillar as indicated by
Ambassador Rodriguez, however he said that whenever given the opportunity he would isolate
social to social since it is to perceive between the two. ASEAN was investigated a geological
perspective, as its part states are neighboring nations, it was not looked in a point of view of if
the premiums of the general population of its nation.
To sum this all up, ASEAN can contribute in solving issues and problems by strongly
implementing the theory of “Social Constructivism”. It aims to integrate every member state to
coordinate. It can also be the ASEAN framework just like how international organization such as
the United Nations (UN). Nonetheless, as said in the past explanation, it's a long procedure,
factor that it impedes on the quick advancement of ASEAN, presently if to be utilized
universally, it particularly should be adjusted, on the grounds that the extent of this strategy is
just at one area, what more if the entire world is worried about it. It would require the entire
consideration of the entire part states, they would to act quick, yet act quick such that despite
everything they place however into it, not only for the purpose for the pondering to be done,
recollect that it's the world's issue that they are taking about not just one district specifically.
Hearing and understanding should be the most conduct that every member state should have.
One must know what one must need. One must understand that everyone one has needs. In terms
of issues, I don’t think it can be solve by just knowing it. People should understand the issue.
The root of it, those people behind it, where it is mostly located and such. Everyone in the nation
should also know and understand what their state is facing. Also, most of those issues came from
environment. As I can remember, Ambassador Alarillo was asked if she was able to add another
pillar, what would it be and why, she answered that an Environment pillar should be added
because the whole world is facing global warming, so if ASEAN can help lessen this issue it
would benefit the whole world, hence have a furthermore acknowledgment of ASEAN. All of
the member states must meet at a common ground; all their concerns must be heard before
implementing any policies. One policy covers all of the member state. That is why it is important
to hear and understand every nation’s issues. This lecture is also related on ASEAN Integration.
Every member state can’t be integrated with one another if they can’t do things that will give
them responsibility to the other ASEAN member state.

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