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Human Resources Management Assignment

In an organization, employees are the ones who are responsible for carrying out work activities
involved in operational process. It is the key job of managers and HR professionals to organize
the employees in order to bring effectiveness in their performances. This can be done only if the
employees are viewed as invaluable assets and not just machines. Considering employees as
assets is an integral part of modern HRM and human capital management.

In the absence of good human resources, an organization cannot build a good team of working
professionals. HRM’s prime functions comprise of recruiting, training, performance
appraisals, employee relation, cultivating workplace communication, workplace safety etc. HRM
advices the management how employees can be managed strategically as business resources.
1.1. Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving
examples in two suitable organizations
Human Resource
Basis for Differentiation Personnel Management
Personnel Management is the
Human Resource Management
approach which is concerned
is the approach which is
with management of manpower
concerned with optimum use of
and their relationship with the
manpower to achieve the
Definition organization. Example, PM is
objectives of an organization
followed generally in small size
effectively. Example, HRM is
organizations such as
followed in Harrods, UK.
Archipelago Restaurant,
(Armstrong and Taylor, 2014)
It is traditional in nature where It follows modern outlook to
Approach and Focus manpower is treated as build manpower where they are
resource. treated as assets.
Routine function is followed by Strategic function is followed in
employees in Archipelago Harrods with tactical decisions
Restaurant with less scope of undertaken to cope with
any challenges at work. challenges.
Task is delegated as per
Task is delegated in a specialization of manpower.
generalised manner. Employees Example, at Harrods there are
Task delegation in Archipelago Restaurant different Front Desk Teams,
handle multiple roles with no Customer Care Team, Store
clear specialization. Management team, Marketing
Team, HR Team etc
Decisions are taken by
engaging employees and
Decision is taken by central
analysing the different aspects
authority. Example, in
of skills gaps and scope for
Archipelago Restaurant critical
improvement. Examples, in
Decision Management decisions are taken by
Harrods different forums are
management only who are
present where employees can
founders. (Armstrong and
voice their opinions or concerns
Taylor, 2014)
regarding any decision or
Job is classified by involving Job is classified by integrating
only individual teams different cross functional teams
Role of Management Management performs Management performs
transactional role to deal with transformational role to deal
employees. with employees.
Compensation is based on role Compensation is linked to
Basis for Compensation
and responsibilities. performance.
Communication between
Communication between
employees and management is
employees and management is
emphasised directly which
Communication carried out indirectly leading to
build positive satisfaction and
poor job satisfaction and
understanding in employees.
analysis of employee needs.
(Armstrong and Taylor, 2014)

1.2. Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen
organization in achieving its purpose
The HRM functions practised at Harrods helps in achieving the organizational purposes by
effectively distributing and controlling the various managerial and operational activities. This
effectiveness of the functions can be assessed as:
Human Resource Planning: The HRM functions include identifying and assessing the current
manpower inventory and forecasting future need for coping with purposes of Harrods and
demands in market. According to this Harrods plan and organise activities such as recruitment,
promotion and transfers etc to fill the requirements. (Anderson and Anderson, 2010)
Recruitment and Selection: after the skill shortage is identified, a recruitment and selection
function is carried out by HRM where internal as well as external prospects are analysed. An
alignment of responsibilities needed in proposed vacancy and skills required is made which helps
to match the best talent in the fitting position to achieve outcomes for Harrods. Also when skills
and needs are aligned then it ensures satisfaction and retention of talent resources saving cost for
Reward Management: compensation management at Harrods is linked to performance of
employees and is provided to value their contribution at work. These include pay packages,
benefits such as insurance, medical, travel allowances etc. These contribute to achieve
employee’s motivation and involvement at work to increase their productiveness. (Anderson and
Anderson, 2010)
Payroll Administration: it is the HRM function to determine the job analysis and salary,
benefits, tax deduction, leaves etc linked to employees. This helps to maintain proper
administration of employees in Harrods with adequate reward management.
Performance Management: it includes monitoring, recording and assessing employee’s
performance by observation, peer review, meetings etc against set parameters of Harrods. Those
who are performers are apprised with incentives, higher responsibilities, promotion etc while
those who lack are given training and mentoring to improve.
Training: this HRM function is provided for skill development of employees to cope with
environment changes and new demands such as technology, customer trends. This helps to
empower and build employee in Harrods to improve their productiveness.
Employee Relationship: this function of HRM helps to maintain strong working with
leading people style between management and employees of Harrods to support innovative and
integrative culture, cohesive teams and participation by maintaining fair policies, treatment and
working conditions within Harrods. (Anderson and Anderson, 2010)
1.3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in your
organization and how it supports human resource management functions
The line managers at Harrods are assigned with various roles and responsibilities to manage the
core level teams, monitor and control them to achieve the set organizational objectives. They
support various HRM functions to delegate and supervise team activities. These are:
Routine work management:line managers at Harrods are responsible for performance
management of team for which they plan regular activities, work coordination, observe and
identify problems, suggest solutions and monitor everyday functions so that teams can achieve
Mentoring and Support: the line managers support employees in Harrods to fulfil their roles
for which they provide assistance, technical and skill knowledge etc. If an employee has specific
need then line managers also provide training by identifying problems and then designing
solution. (Farndale, Scullion and Sparrow, 2010)
Delegation: line managers assess individual skills of employees and then delegate
responsibilities to achieve best outcome from optimum use of talent management at Harrods.
They also maintain flexibility at work by maintaining flexi work schedules, duty rosters etc.
Monitoring and performance management: line managers at Harrods monitor employees to
record and observe individual performance at work. This helps to identify achieved levels and
expected outcomes and then design rewards to appraise employee’s performance. Subsequently,
it also helps to identify training needs of employees who are lacking and then supporting their
development activities to motivate and deal with task management. (Farndale, Scullion and
Sparrow, 2010)
1.4. Analyze how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource
To maintain effective goal fulfilment, performance and reputation of organization, certain laws
and regulatory framework are maintained which helps to achieve effective outcomes and impacts
positively on organizational policies. Some of the legal frameworks that are maintained in
Harrods for effective employee and work management are:
Equality Act 2010: at Harrods anti-discrimination laws are practised to ensure fair treatment and
equality of work for all irrespective of employee’s race, religion, age, gender, disability,
nationality etc. Thus diversity of workforce is maintained at Harrods and equality is ensured
based on merit.
National Minimum wage ACT 1998: this law helps to ensure fair treatment and compensation
management at Harrods depending on nature of work and performance. It states that an
employee above 21 years is entitled to minimum wage of 6.50 pounds daily working on an
average of 8 hrs irrespective of gender. (Harzing and Pinnington, 2010)
Employment ACT 2008: this law ensures a structured payment, policies and entitled benefits
for employees working in Harrods. Example, an employee is entitled to standardised pay,
insurance, child care leaves, work time flexibility etc to ensure safety and job security.
Working time directive 1998: this law ensures that employee at Harrods are eligible to get 28
days paid leave annually, work 8 hours/day. Employers cannot force employees to work beyond
working time and beyond 40 hours/week an employee is entitled to receive overtime payments.
Trade union and Labour Relation ACT 1992: this law states that strikes are legal if
announced to observe trade disputes. Thus, in Harrods efforts are deliberately made to ensure
strong employee relationship to avoid trade disputes and maintain a smooth running of
Work and Families ACT 2006: this law states that in case of emergencies or illness an
employee can avail 12 weeks paid leave annually and in case of maternity employees can avail
18 weeks of paid leave.
Data Protection ACT 1998: this law states that any company information, trade secret and
personal information of employees or client is subjected to be confidential information to be used
for purpose of trade only by Harrods. These cannot be disclosed to any employees and any
attempt of misconduct is treated as offence without consent or authoritative rights. (Harzing and
Pinnington, 2010)

Task 2
2.1 Analyzing the reasons for human resource planning
Human Resource Planning is the function that determines current inventory of employees within
an organization and forecasts future manpower needs to meet its established objectives. It also
maintains the match between employee’s skills and job role so that employee’s expectations and
desired outcomes are achieved smoothly. (Choi and Ruona, 2010)
Some of the reasons for Human Resource Planning are:
Forecasting need for manpower: as changes in labour market varies with retirement,
termination, transfer, cessation or employee turnover, there arises need to predict future
manpower need with changes in demand.
Uncertainty management: to manage sudden breakthroughs or uncertainty situations such as
machinery breakdown, emergency, strikes etc human resource planning is maintained so that
employee’s concerns are heard and dealt properly without any mismanagement.
Change Management: Human resource planning is required to tackle change management such
as changes in labour market, new technology, market demands, customer changes or policy
changes. HRP identifies and assess the changes and formulates plan to cope with them such as
recruitment of new employees, training for development etc to manage changes efficiently. (Choi
and Ruona, 2010)
Skill Management of employees: human resource planning identifies current skills and abilities
of employees so that they can be developed in shortcoming areas to tackle changes or new
challenges at work efficiently to improve their performance and productiveness. HRP designs
Training and Skill Enrichment programmes to ensure skill development of employees.
Maintains balance of manpower: to meet with supply and demand of labour according to
market changes and maintain the operational cost of organization without any deficit HRP
ensures that a balanced flow of manpower is maintained through need assessment, hiring,
promotion, transfers etc.
Employee Management: Human resource planning identifies and assesses the skills and
performances of employees against set parameters to design structures of appraisals, salary
revisions, promotions, rewards etc that helps to meet employee expectations and acts as
motivational factor for their contributed efforts. (Choi and Ruona, 2010)
Budget Planning: human resource planning analyses the costs maintained against training,
recruitment, operational functions etc and then formulates a budget for organizational planning.
2.2 Outlining the stages involved in planning human resource requirements
Human Resource Planning has three primary stages:

Forecasting: Human resource planning identifies the shortage or surplus of labour and changes
in labour market by matching the current employee inventory and predicting future need. For this
requirement of manpower HRP analyses the skill gap and the objectives to be achieved by
determining shortage or surplus of labour due to transfer, promotion, resignation, staff turnover
etc. After this is determined forecast of future manpower needs, strategic changes and
development is planned to cope with change management and achieve organizational purposes.
This change in labour market can also arise due to uncertainty of market factors like economy,
politics, technology etc which influences manpower changes. (Goetsch and Davis, 2014)
Goal setting and Strategic planning: in this stage, human resource planning assesses the set
objectives of organization and then assesses the skill requirement that has to be input to achieve
those. After this is done, HRP plans recruitment, training and development, budget allocation etc
to decide on organizational planning.
Program implementation and evaluation: in this stage, HRP implements the strategic human
resource planning that is determined to achieve the goals sets. For this human inventory is
assessed and if there is need of recruitment then it is planned. Also if there is need of skill
development then training is planned for development of special skills in existing employee.
Further budget is allocated after monitoring and assessing all costs included and finally a
decision is made for implementation. Next, implementation is followed by evaluation to identify
the success and loopholes of planning so that corrective measures can be done to achieve desired
outcomes. (Goetsch and Davis, 2014)
2.3 Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organization
with another organization you recommending
The recruitment and selection process in our organization consist of two rounds:

 Telephonic interview: In this round potential candidate are asked basic questions regarding
aspirations of life, individual description, prior experience etc to assess the general intelligence and
emotional quotient of applicants. The shortlisted candidates are called for Face-to-Face interview.
 Face-to-Face interview: in this round the applicants are interviewed by senior managers who
assess the competency level, technical know-how etc. This is followed by psychometric assessment
where applicant’s core strengths, stability, attitude etc are assessed through verbal questions or
stimulation exercises. The candidates are then tested on their aptitude before the final selection is
made. (Snape and Redman, 2010)

The R&S process in Harrods consist of four rounds:

Application to jobs: the vacancy for potential jobs is announced in Harrods both in their stores
and on their company portals. The applicants have to fill the online application where they need
to answer few competency questions which are based on general topics, teamwork, customer
service etc which helps to assess intelligence and eligibility of applicants.
Personality test:the shortlisted applicants are asked to take personality test where assessment of
personal traits such as behaviour, aptitude, honesty, dedication, suitability to the job role is
On job evaluation:the candidates who clear personality test are invited to Harrods store to
perform real tasks or simulation exercises on various fields depending upon nature of job role
such as handling customers, taking orders, preparing bills, complaint handling, store
management etc. The candidates are then assessed on their scores, practical skills and aptitude to
logical understanding.
Final interview: the candidates who are selected in evaluation test are invited for final face-to-
face interview with operation manager where their technical expertise is assessed. The final
selection is made in this phase and the candidate who is finalised is offered joining letter within
10 days to join Harrods. (Snape and Redman, 2010)
2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness is the organization recruitment and selection
techniques with another organization you recommending
The recruitment and selection technique being followed in our organization maintains a simple
process where telephonic screening is done to assess the communication and agility of
applicants. It also helps to evaluate the listening ability of candidates. Finally, the face-to-face
interaction helps to assess the expertise and competency of candidates. Thus this dual filter
process applied in our organization helps to identify best fit for specific nature of job but it lacks
proper human resource planning structure which helps to align right person for right task.
(Ferguson and Reio Jr, 2010)
On the other hand, Harrods recruitment and selection technique is more structured to measure
practical abilities, behaviour, attitude and personality of candidates. The application process
helps to screen the applicants based on eligibility and thus eliminates surplus applications which
are not suitable for job role. Then the personality test helps to examine personal traits and
behaviour which followed by evaluation test helps to evaluate situation handling of candidates
base on real practices on job. This helps to examine decision making and promptness of
candidates to perform routine activities. Lastly the final interview call helps to examine
conceptual knowledge and suitability of candidates to Harrods culture. Thus Harrods recruitment
technique is more prominent to examine minutely the best of talent who can be more adaptive to
various changes or challenges of industry as it includes more detailed elimination process to
reach to right candidate who can hold the reputation and value of Harrods for long term.

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Virgin Media or
your chosen organization

Virgin Media has motivation instilled in its genes. The employees are spread all over the world
and work in coordination because of effective teamwork. Virgin recognizes the importance and
need of motivation that is prevalent amid the employees for achieving the objectives of an
organization and thereby, Virgin provides a constant support to the desirable behaviours at work
by the advantage of offering two bonus schemes. (Pearsall, Christian and Ellis, 2010)
There are various motivational theories but at Virgin, one can see the application of Maslow’s
theory of motivation where five levels of needs are been emphasized. The first and basic need of
an employee is the fulfilment of Physiological needs such as food, shelter, clothes etc. and the
second stage covers the safety needs such as job security, integrity etc. The third stage of need is
belonging needs which includes of friendship, family, recognition etc. and the fourth need is the
esteem need such as sense of achievement, self respect, etc. The final stage is of the self-
actualisation need where it is assumed that an employee has attained its maximal potential.
One can relate the physiological needs of an employee by providing various motivational
benefits such with competitive wages, health benefits, educational support etc. as these are the
very basic needs which must be fulfilled. Other motivational benefits for example training
programmes, life insurance etc. can be linked to an employee’s safety needs. The need of
belongingness at Virgin can be related to the workplace relations with co-workers and superiors,
pay hike, discount lunch etc. further determining employees loyalty towards the company. By
offering benefits like appraisals, paid vacation, stock purchase plan, bonus schemes etc. Virgin
cultivates a sense of achievement within the employees which can be linked to the esteem needs.
Motivational theory also stresses on establishing secure environment where employees’
contributions are recognized in the form of rewards. At Virgin Media, employees are furnished
with both facilities and flexibilities thereby, fulfilling the norm of providing a safe and secure
working atmosphere. In addition, reward in the forms of promotions and incentives are offered.
Rewarding is not just an encouragement for a certain employee but is a motivation for the
underperformers to work more hard. Winning a reward can be linked to the need of self-
actualisation. (Pearsall, Christian and Ellis, 2010)
3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay
at Virgin Media or your chosen organization
Gaining Acceptance: ahead of performing job evaluation, Virgin’s management must get a clear
picture regarding to expectations, aims and objectives of all the positions eventually conveying it
to the employees. (Snell and Bohlander, 2010)
Creating Job Evaluation Committee: the committee must comprise of the HR department,
senior line managers, management and stakeholders like union leaders
Finding Jobs to be evaluated: at Virgin, all the positions available are evaluated except the jobs
in IT department
Analysing and Preparing the Job Description: preparing the JD is the key role of the
committee formed at Virgin. Every job is evaluated according to the management’s mandate
which is further broken down in regard to the requirements, roles and responsibilities, optimal
candidate details, allowance etc.
Selecting the method of evaluation: the best method for evaluating a job is comparing with
competitors. Moreover, the evaluation can also be done by outsourced professional agencies or
by observing the current market rates
Classifying Jobs: at Virgin, jobs are classified by bringing in together similar JDs and pay
Installing the Program: at Virgin, this exercise is conducted through surveys, which is
practiced as an annual routine and is further updated annually
Reviewing Periodically: it also is an annual exercise done for updating and modifying the
existing pay structure
At Virgin Media, factors like seniority, experience, value added and employee motivation
determine the pay. The pay range of the senior employees is different at Virgin. One can see that
the pay scale of employees with a minimum 10 years of experience changes and their invaluable
contributions are acknowledged and recognized. Furthermore, the pay structure of all employees
are been altered repeatedly. The HR Manager in consultation with the management designs
special pay packages for certain employees who are capable of playing multiple job roles.
Moreover, the pay structure is designed by considering factors such as bringing change in
workplace, inputs, employee’s prospective growth, their versatility towards changes, new roles,
zest for taking risks etc. are the factors determining pay, which eventually is evaluated by the
line managers and HR department. (Snell and Bohlander, 2010)
3.3 Assess in different contexts how effective is the reward systems at Virgin
Media or your chosen organization
Reward systems and its effectiveness in Virgin Media It has been observed that the reward
system at Virgin has been categorized into two key sections namely financial and non-financial
Financial rewards
Non- Financial rewards

Effectiveness of rewards in Virgin Media

The key purpose behind initiating a reward system is to recognize and acknowledge the
employees contributions in driving the business towards its desirable goals. Virgin provides its
employees with monthly incentives added in the pay for reaching the given targets and ensures
that hardworking employees are praised at work so that feel motivated and inspire the others.
Virgin encourages healthy competition amid the employees for winning the rewards as it not
only is related to a monetary value but also is a matter of pride for the employee. An employee,
who is promoted for undertaking higher responsibilities, is also considered as reward and the
employees feel promotion as a recognition which they are seeking to achieve. (Gittell, Seidner
and Wimbush, 2010)
3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organization use to
monitor employee performance
Methods of monitoring employee performances at Virgin
Set clear policies on time and productivity: it is important to plan the tasks to be allotted in
advance eventually providing employees with direction and an idea of the performance standards
expected from them. (De Jong and Elfring, 2010)
Regular check-ins and reporting needs: it is important to ensure that check-ins and reports are
not demanding but rather should be encouraging for both employees and management bringing
them together on the same page. Moreover, evaluation of the work described in a report or while
check-in must be done
Apprehending motivational levels: can be done with the surveys where employees can voice
their opinions and concerns.
Virgin Media can adopt a trimester appraisal system in order to evaluate the employees’
performances further enabling the management in cutting down the costs of the process of
evaluation. Tom Mockridge, CEO, Virgin Media has stated that the company’s current process
of performance evaluation is too costly when compared with the outcomes and thereby, for
reducing the burden a plan must be made for implementing the structure. Practice of a trimester
appraisal system is very effective for Virgin as it allows the employees to keep a track on their
performances thrice in a year enabling them to avail the opportunities to improve and work
attentively around the year. (De Jong and Elfring, 2010)

Task 4
4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with
The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of
The owner of Chicken Master, Bob Jones takes into consideration multiple reasons ahead of
terminating an employee further allowing the restaurant to keep its position safe. Ahead of
terminating an employee, Bob Jones ensures that it has enough evidences and valid reason to
proving that the action was legitimate in case the employee drags Chicken Master to the tribunal.
Moreover, Bob gets involved on a personal level in every activity whether it is recruitment or
termination, to ensure that any kind of reprehensible practice is not exercised in the restaurant
and that all the processes are executed in adherence to the employment laws of UK. (Guest,
Isaksson and De Witte, 2010)
Faisal, the restaurant manager at Chicken Master was laid off because of his bad behaviour and
performance at work. Faisal although having 15 years of work experience in a restaurant failed in
maintaining cleanliness in the restaurant’s kitchen and never stocked the store which raised
problems while serving the customers. Moreover, he would often take out the restaurant’s
equipment for his personal use without the knowledge of Bob, which was a violation of the
policies mentioned in the employee handbook which he signed while joining. On investigating
Bob found that Faisal would regularly watch pornography, emailing his wife and helping his
daughter with her homework, even designing his own restaurant which was misbehaviour and
violation of the restaurant’s policies. All these factors eventually lead to his termination on the
grounds of unethical behaviour at work. (Guest, Isaksson and De Witte, 2010)
Reasons for cessation of employment
Shrinking Budget: continuous low profits or lack of funds from shareholders gives rise to
situations where an organization becomes helpless in maintain the employees and are forced to
lay off employees for maximizing their budgets.
Attendance: although employers understand the need of taking a time off citing illness, relatives
death, holidays etc. an employee who is habituated in remaining continuously absent at work is
subjected of getting terminated as it negatively influences on the company’s overall productivity,
profits and morale. (Castilla and Benard, 2010)
Performance: employees with poor performances such as failure in achieving the given targets,
missing deadlines, negligence at work etc. despite of multiple opportunities of improving
themselves can face termination
Attitude and Behaviour: an organization expects the employees of maintaining a certain
standard of respect at workplace with employer, co-workers, vendors and customers. Behaviours
like misbehaving with customers, stealing office accessories or leaking secret information,
maligning company’s name, drug and alcohol abuse etc. might result into employees’
termination. (Castilla and Benard, 2010)
4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master
and another organization of your choice
Employment exit procedure of NHS
Employment exit procedure of Chicken Master: Chicken Master’s employment exit
procedure is quick and is eventually is related with the overall growth of the business while a
financial crunch. Termination linked to employees’ performance is low and can be related to
training, growth opportunities and the reward structure. Employees are given a minimum of 2
months time to look out other job and often at times gives references or when a background
check is processed, the Bob gives a positive respond. In case an employee resigns, an interview
is organized where the employee gives valid reasons behind the decisions. However, in case an
employee is terminated on the grounds of unacceptable behaviour a fast processing is employed
without indulging into many formalities. (Kramer, 2010)
4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment
cessation arrangements with an organization such as The Chicken Master if
Faisal’s claim was proven to be true
There can be a considerable effect on Chicken Master while managing and adhering to the legal
and regulatory framework during employment cessation as it is mandatory to adhere to the
regulations. One can evaluate the employment cessation with the help of various prospects like
annual and sustainability report of the restaurant. On the basis of the study, one can say that the
restaurant has been particular with its employment cessation arrangements which might be
considered as a sterile exercise by its competitors but Bob ensures that there is zero impact on
the restaurant’s performance in terms of costs resulted because of non compliance of the
regulatory framework for employment cessation. Comprehensively, the employment cessation
arrangements at Chicken Master are steady at large under the legal and regulatory frameworks. It
has been observed that Bobs has adopted numerous measures for ensuring that employees’
growth and productivity remain unaffected and are in accordance to the job requirements.
Moreover, Chicken Master has never attempted of overseeing the employment laws and its
related provisions. (Rubery, 2010)
At the end, we conclude that the HRM is very important to be practiced in an organization for
achieving a long-term success. The report highlights any organization overcomes the various
challenges it faces while executing the policies and strategies of HRM. The report also analyzes
the importance and role played by HRM as an organization keeps growing in terms of size. The
execution of HRM is a planned process, which tends to evolve over a period of time can be
analyzed through various aspects like personnel management, recruitment and selection process,
reward system, employees motivation and employment termination and cessation. HRM ensures
that an organization employs a proactive approach at work further resulting into an improved
workforce planning and utilization along with an enhanced opportunities of growth for the

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Ferguson, K.L. and Reio Jr, T.G., 2010. Human resource management systems and firm
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Gittell, J.H., Seidner, R. and Wimbush, J., 2010. A relational model of how high-performance
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