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No. Name

1 Muhammad Radzif Bin Mohd Nasri

2 Lee Chengyi Alan

3 Joshua Liew Jia Han

4 Stacey Yong Hui Ru

5 Lim Li Na

6 Chee Hui Fen

Content Page

1. Situational Analysis ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Internal Analysis .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 External Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Identification of Market Problems and Opportunities ................................................................................................... 7
3. Campaign Target Audience ........................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Brand Loyalty................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Behavioural Sequence Model.......................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Positioning .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
5. Marketing Communication Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 11
5.1 Marketing Objectives .................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Communication Objectives ............................................................................................................................................ 11
6. Marketing Budget ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
7. Creative Brief ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
8. Creative Strategy ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
9. Media Objectives ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
9.1 Setting Media Objectives .............................................................................................................................................. 15
9.2 Media Vehicles Timeframe ............................................................................................................................................ 15
10. Media Strategy.......................................................................................................................................................... 16
10.1 Cinema Advertising ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
10.2 Radio Broadcast .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
10.3 Printed Advertisements .............................................................................................................................................. 18
10.4 Sales Promotion .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
10.5 Social Media ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
10.6 Event Sponsorship/Product Launch ............................................................................................................................ 22
10.7 Athletes/Sportsmen Endorsement .............................................................................................................................. 24
11. Other Integrated Marketing Communication Plans ................................................................................................... 24
11.1 Nightclubs ................................................................................................................................................................... 25
11.2 Tertiary Institutions ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
12. Evaluation and Control ............................................................................................................................................. 26
12.1 Measures of Recognition and Recall ........................................................................................................................... 26
12.2 Measures of Emotional Reaction ................................................................................................................................ 27
12.3 Measures of Sales Respond ......................................................................................................................................... 27

References ...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29

1. Situational Analysis

1.1 Internal Analysis

Red Bull is one of the greatest energy drink companies in the world. The iconic Blue
and Silver can has become a symbol for vitality, helping people with work and play.
Its catchphrase, “Red Bull gives you wings!” is a testament to the sort of imagery
energy drinks wish to portray.

The brand “Red Bull” came in to existence in 1984, with its first product launched in
1987, making it a pioneer in the global energy drink market. The idea came about to
Mr. Dietrich Matechitz while in Thailand. He noticed managers drinking a beverage
called “Krating daeng” prior to meetings to stay awake and focused. Upon trying the
beverage, he found it to have a relieving effect on his jet lag. He went on to
collaborate with the creator of the drink, Chaleo Yoovidhya, and thus developed a
marketing strategy to sell the drink, naming it Red Bull.

The drink consists of various ingredients such as caffeine, carbohydrates and other
important vitamins which are claimed to be helpful in developing physical endurance,
improved reaction, concentration and speed.

The advertising slogan, “Red Bull Gives you Wings”, has been instrumental in
bringing awareness and popularity to the drink. It is popular among men, with its
largest consumer groups comprising athletes, students, night clubbers and those who
are in need of a late night lift.

Red Bull has been successfully established across the world and was made available
in 162 countries as of year 2010.

The main Micro-economic factor that Red bull faces would be their many competitors,
ranging from 300 newly established brands to massive corporations such as Coca
Cola Company, PepsiCo, Hansen Natural Inc and Rockstar International. However,
these so called ‘massive corporations’ do not hold much market share in the energy
drink market. Nevertheless, Red Bull has had to keep tabs on them in order to keep
their lead. Competitors provide alternate taste selections, compared to Red Bull’s
limited line. Additionally, established companies such as Coca Cola and PepsiCo
have extensive distribution networks and possess more established brand names.

1.2 External Analysis

Red Bull Marco-economic factors will be identified with the P.E.S.T model of
analysis-- Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors.

Politically, with the growing demand for energy drinks and possible side effects
arising from highly caffeinated drinks, respective governments might devise
regulations for the drink to be clinically tested. In situations whereby the local
government imposes health and safety restrictions, Red Bull sales would drop as the
amount of cans sold is affected. Some countries have even banned Red Bull as they
feel the product poses a threat to health and safety. Nevertheless, many countries have
accepted Red Bull as an energy drink brand.

The economical factors indicates that consumers will most likely cut down on energy
drinks when there is price inflation, due to the reduction in the disposable income of
the consumers. Also, studies have shown that energy drinks are not deemed as
necessities to consumers, and they would rather save up on such purchases to get
more essential items.

The Social factor points towards a generation with youths that are increasingly
exposed to different sports and avenues for entertainment. In light of this, Red Bull
has positioned itself as a drink for youths, and with the right promotional mix, these
could lead to an increase in sales.

In order to make its brand relate to the masses of a country, Red Bull will produce
labels in the respective country’s language. With this, a higher cost is incurred when
launching the drink in different geographic areas. Nevertheless, Red Bull recognizes
the importance of communicating its brand identity as this would bring about an
increase in brand equity and thus, sales revenue in the future.

With the advancement of social media and technological platforms, Red Bull has had
to improve its communication strategies and promotional tools to be more effective
and relevant. These help to advertise and promote the product, therefore providing a
new way of communicating with the consumers. Promotional tools such as social
media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has had massive effect on the
consumers, especially the youth as they can better relate to these tools.

Machinery technology has also aided the company to reduce cost as more drinks can
now be produced at a cheaper cost, à la economies of scale, improving the quality of
the packaging as well.

1.3 SWOT Analysis


 Strong Market Leadership

Red Bull is the world’s leading energy drink through strong brand equity. The
energy drink is exclusively produced in Austria and has been exported to more
than 100 countries worldwide. They enjoy outstanding sales which dominate
the energy drink market with a 70% share of the world’s energy drinks market.

 Strong Marketing Effort

Red Bull increased its consumer brand awareness by having marketing
campaign targeted towards 18 – 25 year olds. A different approach was taken
by sponsoring events such as Formula 1 driving, BMX biking and other
extreme sports. This is to create a consumer base and increase the demand in a
particular market segment including people who like extreme sports. Brand
ambassadors – ‘Red Bull Girls’ were also conceptualized and hired to deliver
the product. Moreover, Red Bull promotes itself strongly using slogan such as
“Red Bull Gives You Wings” – a metaphor that allows consumers to know it’s
an energy drink that allows them to revitalize and energize themselves.


 Lack of Patent
A major weakness is Red Bull’s lack of patent in the recipe. This allows
competitors to copy their recipe and enter the market easily. Furthermore,
competitors may then use this as a starting place to launch its own unique
selling point.

 Small Product Base

Red Bull have a narrow product (line or range) and only market energy drinks
along with a sugar free variety. As market fluctuate, energy drink and sports
drink will be vulnerable as it is the smallest segment in the overall soft drink

market, thus competing with the soft drinks market will be of a disadvantage.
Consumer’s interests are changing toward healthier alternatives such as non
carbonated, decaffeinated, fresher drinks.


 Extension of product line

An extension of product line will aid them in increasing the market share.
Competitors faces high barrier of entry as competitors entering the market
incur extensive marketing and promotions and Red Bull is already in the
market. It is most likely that a new product as an extension of an existing
brand will succeed best, Eg: a better taste in Red Bull. By introducing a new
product, Red bull can use their strong brand awareness in promoting its new

 Patency
Red Bull should do licensing to their patency. This is to prevent competitors
from entering the market easily. It will restrict the competitors from
manufacturing, copying and selling the drink.

 New Market Opportunities

Consumers tend to mix Red Bull with various types of liquor. Red Bull could
consider venturing into new target market. In Singapore, increasing trend has
shown in the number of party goers over the years. With the sales of Red Bull
in night pubs and clubs, it will further boost the revenue of Red Bull.

 Price Competition
In the energy drink sector, competitors will strive to maintain high level of
quality, convenience, price and related factors so as to stay competitive and
bring higher satisfaction for consumers. Therefore, Red Bull has to be
conscious of its pricing strategy and product quality to ensure the satisfaction
level of consumers, in which bringing about brand loyalty.


 Health Concern
Media have reported that Red Bull has ingredients which contribute to certain

health risk. In France, the authorities has gone one step further by banning the
Red Bull product for sale, believing that it is not in compliance with the
country’s health and food regulations. Other media reports have also been
targeted towards parents, stating the high caffeine levels in Red Bull could be
hazardous if consumed by children/teenagers, who are exactly the product’s
target audience. Red Bull has stepped up their measures in health safety by
seeking scientific proof that its product is safe for consumption and released
numerous statements to curb the negative media attention.

 Competition
Competition would most likely be one of the biggest threats to Red Bull these
days. Major competitors such as Coca Cola and Pepsi have launched their own
energy drink versions to compete directly with Red Bull’s products

 Ability to gain new customers and retain current customer loyalty

Currently, the main target market of Red Bull are the Generation Y and
Millennial consumers. Because the youths of Generation “Y” and Millennial
are more adventurous, more acceptable to change and is often than not a brand
switcher, thus it is difficult to maintain brand loyalty from them should a new
and better product arises.

 Above Average Price

The comparison is between Red Bull and its competitors, Monster and
Rockstar. The price of a Red Bull a 500ml can is $3.90 while it costs $2.55
each for Monster and Rockstar. The carbohydrate content of Red Bull is 28
grams. It is 27 grams and 31 grams of carbohydrates for Monster and
Rockstar respectively. The caffeine content of Red Bull is 80mg and 160mg
for Monster and Rockstar.
By looking at the statistic, Rockstar will be the biggest threat for Redbull as
Rockstar give a cheaper price and it will energize consumer more due to its
high caffeine and carbohydrate.

2. Identification of Market Problems and Opportunities

Red bull is currently the market ‘King’ in the energy drink sector, having up to 43%
market shares globally, and as the energy drink sector is growing rapidly in the soft

drink sector, Red Bull is seen to have much potential growth in the near future. They
sold approximately 4billion cans of Red Bull yearly over 160 countries, and records
have shown that there have been a consistent growth over the years. By focusing on
selling the concept of energy drink before it sell its product, Red Bull single-handedly
pioneered and breakthrough a global market for itself.

With the society getting more affluent, buyers’ behaviour are constantly changing,
hence much research has to be done on human and buyer’s behaviour. This is to
determine how Red Bull can effectively and efficiently reach their target audience as
time and generation goes by.

With the entry of other competitors and their marketing advertisements and gimmicks,
it causes too much clutter making it harder for Red Bull to sustain the image in the
consumers’ mind, thus Red Bull needs to constantly come up with creative and good
marketing promotion.

The conscious image that Red Bulls has in their audiences’ mind is that they are a
reliable and dependable brand of energy drink, however one will only buy it when in
need of energy or revitalization. Sub-consciously, there are those that felt Red Bull is
not a healthy choice. It has not really been able to replace most of the soft drinks as
people’s choice although it has went into the soft drink market.

However Red Bull has forecasted potential in the soft drink and entertainment sector.
Many are using Red Bull in alcoholic beverages in clubs, pubs and parties. Seeing
much prospective here, Red Bull is moving toward these sector.

3. Campaign Target Audience

Target Audience
Age 14-25
Generation Generation “Y” (Born in 1980s to 2000s)
Gender Male
Population 833,300 (as of Year 2010)
Disposable Income $0 -$1000

Youth sports athletes who are tired and want to revitalized themselves

Benefit Soughts Energy Boost- to charge themselves up with a drink
Usage Rate Psychographic
Medium to heavy usage. Drink Red Bull when feeling tired.
User Status Regular users Primary
Loyalty Status Youth sports enthusiasts who
Strong loyalty (brand recall) do sports regularly or more than average.
Interests Show great interests in sports, and are always striving for great
Opinions Knowing that they will be recharged after drinking Red Bull, and that
Red Bull will help them to reach their full potential.

3.1 Brand Loyalty

Red Bull has already enjoy a certain level of market awareness as the energy beverage
in which it has the ability to recharge and revitalise them, in light of that, we would
like them to stay committed to the brand and try out the new Red Bull beverage
willingly.We will align our advertising campaign in conjunction with our established
brand attitude. We aim to increase brand loyalty when the target audience identify
with the brand attitude.

Brand attitude brings about product differentiation, which Red Bull aims to leverage
upon as the preferred energy drink. With the aid of media technology, we aim to
increase the emotional attachment and experience with Red Bull in a much relatable
and receptive manner.

3.2 Behavioural Sequence Model

4. Positioning

A Star Perceptual Map will be used to compare the key benefits and advantages of
Red Bull against its competitors in the energy drink industry.

The two competitors to be compared with Red Bull in the perceptual map will be
Monster and Rockstar. Red Bull is the finest among 4 of the 8 key features compared.
It is shown higher in market share, brand image, distribution channel, has the best
taste and has the lowest price compared to the other 2 energy drinks.

Red Bull has the most established brand image in comparison. However, it costs the
most in contrast to the other two energy drinks. The estimated price of a can of Red
Bull is $3.90 while it costs about $2.55 each for Monster and Rockstar.

As of year 2012, the market share of Red Bull is 43% which is the highest measured
up to Monster and Rockstar which is at 11% and 37% .

The carbohydrate content of Red Bull is 28 grams. It is 27 grams and 31 grams of

carbohydrates for Monster and Rockstar respectively. Carbohydrates will be able to
give the young sports enthusiasts energy for their everyday lives. The caffeine content
of Red Bull is 80mg and 160mg for Monster and Rockstar (Heckman, Sherry &
Gonzalez De Mejia 2010).

5. Marketing Communication Objectives

Red Bull Flux will be a new product line within the established brand. The marketing
objectives are to identify Red Bull Flux as an exciting new flavour in the Red Bull
product line. By increasing brand awareness, we aim to positively influence purchase
intent and hence brand switching from competitors to Red Bull products. Ultimately,
the launch of Red Bull-Flux is to increase brand loyalty among existing energy drink
consumers and hence customer lifetime value.

5.1 Marketing Objectives

• Achieve can-sales of Red Bull-Flux

o 400,000 during the first 6 months of one year,
o 1,500,000 by the end of the year.
• Achieve market share of energy drinks market
o By 10% in the Singapore Energy Drinks Market
• Achieve net profit of Red Bull
o By at least 8% at the end of the year

5.2 Communication Objectives

The aim is to establish Red Bull Flux as a flavour in alternative to the original Red
Bull and Sugar-free Red Bull products, and in doing so, divert consumer attention and
market share away from competitors. To achieve this, we aim to increase awareness
of this new product among existing Energy Drink consumers by at least 70% through
various IMC plans. This will be done by solidifying the brand attitude, and
communicating brand identity in order to improve purchase intention. At least 15% of
our target consumers will regard Red Bull Flux as the preferred alternative choice
twelve months after product launch. Lastly, the communication objectives aim to
increase brand loyalty-measurable through an increase in market share.

This will be achieved through the hierarchical effects of communication, beginning

from awareness to knowledge to liking to preference to conviction to purchase.
Furthermore, it will be aligned with the yearlong IMC plan, with the initial stages
focusing on building awareness and then working down the list.

Primary Target Audience (Youth aged 14-25)
• Product launch of Red Bull- Flux
o At the start of financial year 2013 in April.
• Generate awareness of Red Bull- Flux
o from 0% to 40% among Energy Drink consumers during the first 6
months of one year;
o increase to 70% among Energy Drink consumers by the end of the year.
• Improve knowledge of Red Bull- Flux among target audience
o By 60% by the end of the year
• Generate positive association in Red Bull- Flux
o by 20% during the first 6 months of one year
o 40% by the end of the year.
• Increase the brand value of Red Bull- Flux
o to target consumers by 15% by the end of the year.
• Increase brand preference toward Red Bull- Flux
o Away from competitors by 10%.
• Establish brand trust of Red Bull as the preferred Energy Drink Choice among
target consumers
o by at least 20% in the first 6 months and 30% in the next 6 months.
• Increase brand loyalty by an overall of %15

6. Marketing Budget

We will be using the Objective and Task method, which our goal is to have 1 .5
million cans sold in one financial year. Our projected target will be $3,000,000, in
which we will use 30% ($900,000) of it as our IMC budget. Every amount stated will
justify the advertising activities which help us to achieve our objective

Budget Element Percentage of Budget

Media Advertising Cost 85% ($732,000)

(inclusive production cost)

*Prints *$356,540

*Sponsorship *$200,000

*Cinema *$144,520

*Radio * $28,800

*Digital *$1,344

*Public Relationship *$6,000

*Sales promotion

Other IMC Cost 10%($86,200)

Evaluation and Control 5% ($43,100)

Total Cost 100% ($862,000)

7.Creative Brief*

8.Creative Strategy

Over the next financial year, beginning from April 2013, Red Bull aims to introduce
its new product to its target audience through various advertising strategies. The new
product, Red Bull Flux, will be marketed and advertise to our primary target audience;
youths of the Generation “Y”, sports athletes and enthusiasts.

Various medium such as Advertising, Sales Promotions, Sponsorship and Interactive

Communication will be used to aid us in reaching out to our target audience. These
various medium are the selected few whereby it would have the most effective reach
to our target audience.

Red Bull will be advertising in a way whereby it will appeal and excite the target
audience when they watched the advertisement. This is to enhance awareness for the
product and to garner higher attention. High quality and aesthetically stunning visuals
will be used in advertisement to enhance visual messages, bringing about a high

adrenaline, an atmosphere of hype and vibrancy. The advertisement will aim to give a
different opinion and perception of Red Bull, as not just another energy drink, it is a
drink in which it can still give the effect of Red Bull but with a new and refreshing
taste. Through the advertisement, the energetic and adrenaline pumping visuals effect
will invoke emotions in the audience, making them feel pumped up and excited to try
out the new beverage, connecting similarities with the target audience.

Beside advertisement, Red Bull has also come up with Sales Promotions to attract the
audience to have greater purchase satisfaction for buying more at a cheaper price.

Red Bull will also be sponsoring major events financially and logistically should the
events’ needs arise. On top of that, endorsers will be scouted to endorse for Red Bull
Flux, who will also be featured in various prints advertisements. The endorsers will be
the face of Red Bull Flux in events, representing the drink, interacting and
communicating with the audiences. The other trademark of Red Bull will be its very
own Red Bull Brand Ambassadors- The Red Bull Girls. They are the face of Red Bull,
representing Red Bull and its brand to various minor and major events to promote the
Red Bull beverage, bringing about a higher appeal for the brand and generating
greater awareness.

9. Media Objectives

Month Reach Freq Weight Continuity Recency Cost

April High High High High Low High
May High High High High Low High
June High High High High Low High
July Low Low Low Low High Low
August Low Low Low Low High Low
September High High High High High High
October High High High Low High Low
November High High High Low High Low
December High High High High High High
January Low Low Low Low High Low
February 2014 Low Low Low Low High Low
March High High High High High Low

9.1 Setting Media Objectives for all media vehicles

Reach Effective Reach

(+1) (+3) Frequency GRP ERP Cost Continuity

April - June 2013 80% 60% 5 1200 900 $649,949 Continuous

July - September 2013 70% 40% 3 630 360 $81,290 Pulsing

October - December
2013 80% 50% 4 960 600 $10,980 Pulsing

January - March 2014 60% 30% 2 360 180 $5,490 Pulsing

Gross Rating Points (Reach * Freq * Months)

Effective Rating Points (Eff Reach*Freq*Months)

9.2 Media Vehicles Timeframe

Month Event Vehicles Purpose

April - – Cinemas
2013 – Radio
May Red Bull Flux – Prints(Billboard, Magazines, To create and raise awareness
2013 Charity Run Posters) (Informing stage)
Registration – Digital (Facebook, Twitter)
June Red Bull Flux – Public Relationship (Event
2013 Charity Run Sponsorship, Endorsement)
– Sales Promotion
July -
2013 – Prints(Billboard, Magazines,
August - Posters)
2013 – Digital (Facebook, Twitter) Influencing stage
September Formula 1 (F1) – Public Relationship (Event
2013 Grand Prix Race Sponsorship, Endorsement)

October -
2013 – Prints(Billboard, Magazines,
November - Posters)
2013 – Digital (Facebook, Twitter) Influence and increase salience
December -Standard Chartered – Public Relationship (Event stage
2013 Marathon Sponsorship, Endorsement)
2014 - – Prints(Billboard, Magazines,
February - Posters) Reminder stage
2014 – Digital (Facebook, Twitter)
March Men’s Health – Public Relationship (Event
2014 Urbanathlon Sponsorship, Endorsement)

10. Media Strategy

10.1 Cinema Advertising

Cinema Advertising is an effective form of communication as it visually

communicates to our audience. Even though cinema advertisements could be
expensive, but it has the ability to enable viewers to watch the advertisements with
minimized distraction. In present days, youths are more positively inclined towards
cinema advertising as compared to traditional TV advertising.

Due to the fact that our target audiences are sport athletes, thus training would
inevitably occupy most of their time in, thus coming in touch with television
programmes would be a rarity. Cinema Advertisement would be the ideal form of
marketing communication because chances of them visiting the cinemas and watching
a movie would be of a higher chance as compared to television programmes.

In collaboration with the cinemas, the block- bluster movie package has been selected
in which the company would be able to screen a 30 seconds advertisement in
upcoming movie hits. 2 block buster movies, specifically Iron Man 3 and Man of
Steel, would be a major top seller in ticket box office, thus selecting to advertise in
these 2 movies prior to the start of the movie would bring about a greater level of
awareness to the youth. It will be advertised for a month prior to the registration of
Red Bull Flux Charity Run to allow them to be aware of the event. It will be aired
from 15 April to 15 May 2013.

The Cathay, Shaw House and Golden Village are the 3 major Cinema houses in
Singapore and they will be selected to aired the advertisements. Specifically,
advertisements will be aired in Shaw Lido, Golden Village (GV) Vivo City, GV Plaza
and GV Marina, Cathay Cineleisure and Cathay: The Grand Cathay. Reason for
selecting these cinemas is because these are the places in which youth would spend
their time at and more than often, various youth activities are held there. For example,
Cineleisure is right beside Youth Scape Park in which youths hang around there for
activities such as skateboarding

*(please refer to appendix 1)

10.2 Radio Broadcast

Singapore has 19 radio channels in context, reaching mass audiences and specific
segments of youths anytime of the day when they were to tune in to the specific
broadcast frequency. Generally, peak hours for radio broadcasting would be in the
morning and evening period, whereby the mass public would be travelling to and fro
from work.

In retrospect, the purpose of using radio broadcasting would be to inform and educate
the public, especially the youth, about Red Bull Flux. Being able to listen to the
advertisement is one of the simplest way for listeners to be exposed to our
advertisements. However, short-comings of radio broadcasting would be that it stands
a chance in which listeners might not be paying attention to the verbal advertisements
or it lacks in visuals to exude and gain the attention of the listeners.

Specifically “Kiss” FM, 92FM, and Singapore No.1 Hit Station, 98.7FM have been
selected to broadcast and advertise our advertisements.

98.7FM is the top English radio channel in Singapore, mainly catering to the younger
generations of the public, aged 35 and below. It is more of the mainstream channel
that broadcast pop and R&B music in the music scene. Having 98.7fm to advertise for
Red Bull Flux, it will generate appeal for listeners and bring youthfulness to the
image of the drink.

Kiss 92FM is another English language radio station that would steer more to the
working generations. It is more of an adult contemporary broadcast channel which
caters to the working adult and has programmes concerning current affairs and
businesses. Having them to promote the drink would be able to bring out the other
side of Red Bull Flux- that it is not a drink that caters only to the youth, but it also
helps tired working adult to have more vitality upon consuming the drink. This would
portray age flexibility in the usage of the drink such that it will be an energy drink for
the young and working adults.

Durations of the broadcast will be every alternate days in a week for 1 month prior to
the Red Bull Flux Charity Run. This would serve to inform the public about our new
product and provide details for the event. Upon reaching 10 days before the event,

popular talk set “ The Muttons Show” on 98.7FM would be engaged for live
broadcasting of the DJs to aid in the promotion the product and event.

*(Please Refer to Appendix 4)

10.3 Printed Advertisements


Magazines play a big part in advertising as they are concentrated directly towards our
target audiences. Various types and genres of magazines are published to cater to
different segmentation of the public, and they are customer oriented. Generally, youth,
young sport athletes, young adults and sports enthusiasts who purchase these sport
magazines will be attracted and curious about sport related articles. It has the ability
to present detailed information and excite readers with eye-catching visual

Focusing on informing and alerting the public on our new product in the first 3
months will be our main priority in the first 3 months. Consecutively, 3 months of a 1
full page publicity on our new product and upcoming launch event will be featured.
Subsequently, alternate months of a 1 page advertisement will be published to have
constant reminder for our audiences about the existence of the product, presence and
influence. Selectively, Men’s Health and Action Asia have been chosen to be our
main magazine advertising company as they have outstanding record sales and
arguably, the most related magazine in line with our product.

An editorial cover story write up will also be featured about our new product and our
charity run, which doubles as the launch event for the product. Invitation will be made
to Men’s Health Magazine to establish interviews with our 3 main endorsers which
would maximize the potential of using the channel. Months in which Red Bull has an
event or sponsoring one, name of the event will be printed on the advertisement
together with either one of the 3 endorsers featured on it.

*(please refer to Appendix 3)

Posters and Billboards

On-Premise Business Signage

On-Premise Business Signage will be used to illustrate the advertisement. It will be

mounted onto buildings to be create a distinct image and allow the public to be aware
of the new product, this would in turn increase brand image and awareness. Banners,
wall signs, portable signs, inflatable signs and A-frame signs will be used.

The banners and wall signs will be big so it will attract the attention of the public
when they walk past it. 3 different banners will be put up for about a year at the Red
Bull headquarters.

Portable signs, inflatable signs and A-frame signs will be used only at Red Bull events
or at events which Red Bull sponsor to allow people to be exposed to Red Bull and its
new product, Red Bull Flux.

Out-of-Home Advertising

Out-of-Home Advertising will also be used as it will be seen by consumers when they
are heading to a destination when they are out of their homes. These types of
advertisements will be placed at bus shelters, train stations and places where young
sport enthusiasts would congregate.

We will be doing poster panels and billboards. The billboards will be put up for a
month at Scape Youth Park and a month during September to promote the F1 Grand
Prix. Poster panels will be put up at shopping malls for a month to inform people
about the upcoming events.

Posters will also be placed at the sports arenas, stadiums, gymnasiums, swimming
complexes, Scape Youth Park and also in various schools around the year. Many
young people will have a chance to come into contact with it as they will usually go to
those places to do sports. 5 posters each will be put up at the Singapore Indoor
Stadium, Jalan Besar Stadium, Bishan Stadium, Jurong Stadium and Tampines
Stadium. The rest of the 13 stadiums will have 3 posters each. Swimming complexes
such as Bishan Swimming Complex, Choa Chu Kang Swimming Complex, Jurong
East Swimming Complex, Jurong West Swimming Complex and Sengkang
Swimming Complex will have 5 posters of Red Bull Flux each. The rest of the 20

swimming complexes will have 3 posters each. Schools include the 5 tertiary
institutions, 17 junior colleges, 7 universities (NUS, SMU, NTU, SIM, SIT and
SUTD) and the Singapore Sports School.

We will be placing advertisements in train stations at the platform screen doors and 4
sheet panels for 1 month before our official launch of Red Bull Flux to increase
awareness for the new product. The train stations will be Somerset MRT, Dhoby
Ghaut MRT and City Hall MRT. We will be using 4-sheets youth network for the 4
sheet panels and it will cover 20 stations around Singapore. Buses will also be painted
and wrapped with our advertisement as it travels around Singapore thus having a
broad reach and frequency. The advertising promotions will last for through 6 months.

Majority of the posters will be posted lasting for 6 months to one year as rental for
these advertising locations may be relatively cheap and reasonable. Bigger posters at
prime locations in which rental prices may be slightly more expensive, the duration
will be short, 1 to 3 months until the launch event is over.

Several billboard advertisements such as poster panels, electronic (digital) billboards

and specialty billboards will be used. Locations will also be situated in town area,
specifically the youth parks and SCAPE area in Somerset.

As they are generally more expensive to rent the location, we will be using these for
only the first 1-3 months (April-June) to introduce and inform our audiences.

TAB Out of Home Ratings (JCDecaux), Traffic Studies, POSTAR will be some of the
methods used to measure the success, traffic flow, reach and frequency of our
advertising effort.

*(Please Refer to Appendix 5.1 and 5.2)

10.4 Sales Promotion

Sales Promotions are to encourage immediate purchases on the spot by allowing our
customers to have benefits and temporarily change in perceived price or value.

The aim is to have our customers, wholesalers and retailers to purchase in bulk thus
creating a bonus gift pack of “Buy 5 Get 1 Free” bundle. We would not only expect
our wholesalers and retailers to stock up on the product, we would also like them to

sell our product aggressively. This push strategy will also be completely supported by
our advertising effort (pull strategy). We hope to increase on-and off-shelf
capacity/duration, increase product usage by loading customers and neutralizing
competition and their sale promotion.

We will be having the ‘Buy 5 get 1 Free’ bonus gift pack for a 3 months period from
April to June. The first three months of the launch, in conjunction with all the heavy
advertising efforts.

Youths will be attracted by the promotion, as it will be seen as a beneficial saving on

their end of the rope as youths are generally not having much disposable income. The
promotion will be done throughout Singapore.

Samplings will be done at major supermarkets and hypermarkets. Red Bull girls will
be assigned to these places at designated time slots daily for the first month, for
duration of an hour to do active sampling, demonstrating, introducing and educating
the crowd on our new product at the display counter or shelf. These sampling efforts
will further allow customers to have a taste and experience the drink. Additionally, a
trail-size cup will be used for all the samplings.

A ‘jingle’ couponing effort will be use together with every sale of the Red Bull Flux
product. By saying “Red Bull Flux, Different Taste Same Effect”, one will be able to
enjoy an instant redeemable coupon of $1.50 off the bonus pack and $0.30 off the
individual cans. By doing so, we allow our customer to remember our brand and
tagline whereby we would have them to sub-consciously place us at the back of their
mind, and by speaking out our brand and tagline, we encourage them to do so.

10.5 Social Media

Social Media is undoubtedly the most important tool for marketing communications
in terms of reaching out to the youth of the Generation “Y”. This form of
communication is crucial and essential for our campaign as the potential of this
vehicle is vast and should not be underestimated.

Objectives of using this medium is so that users can associate and be exposed to our
product and online advertisement, leading up to a continuous flow of information
sharing through the various sharing methods online to their circle of friends and bring

about higher influences, awareness and presence to the mass public, especially those
in the youth and sports segmentations.

In associating with creating buzz for the product, various social media will be used.
Vehicles such as Facebook, Twitter will serve as a crucial form of communication to
the younger generation, who are of a higher relevancy and also more tech savvy.
Lucky Draw Contests will also be held on Facebook to enhance awareness and to
entice more users to know of the products. “Liking” the Red Bull official Facebook
Page and contest picture would give facebook users a chance to win an Ipad Mini in
the lucky draw and 3 lucky winners would be announced. The prize presentation will
be at the marathon launch itself.

Through the Facebook page, an on-going “Invite Us” activity will be held in which
students can also write in to us via Facebook official Page or through the company
website for our Red Bull ambassadors to visit the schools, or events such as tertiary
orientations, sports and recreational events. This is in line with the objectives of
maximising vitality for the youths.

Free Red Bull Flux will be distributed in their respective schools or events, and the
Red Bull Girls will be deployed to the schools to distribute the drink, do sampling,
demonstrations and educating the audiences on the new product. Purpose of having
this activity is to generate excitement and anticipation among these events.

For Twitter, it is a platform for updates of the event that are coming up and that in
comparison with Facebook, twitter status updates would relate instantly to the masses
who are twitter users. The benefits of twitter is that tweets can be retweeted thus
creating a viral communication among the young tweeters, spreading the message at a
higher speed, which would in turn spur the awareness of Red Bull Flux and the events

*(Please Refer to Appendix 6)

10.6 Event Sponsorship/ Product Launch

Event Sponsorship mainly is to avoid media clutter and gaining approval of local
sporting and youth constituencies.

We will be organising and sponsoring our event, The Red Bull Flux Charity Run in
conjunction with our official launch day on the 15th of June 2013. This would be to tie
our brand to a meaningful athletic event, in which a portion of the proceeds will be
donated to the Singapore National Paralympics Council. This serves as an
encouragement and promotion of sportsmanship in their cause of pursue for their
dreams, fostering mutual interests. Success rate of the event will be higher because of
the similarity of the cause. This cause- related marketing sponsorship will heighten
the awareness for the Paralympics in Singapore, bringing the community closer

The Red Bull Flux Charity Run will also be in conjunction with the iPad lucky draw
contest prize presentation as advertised prior to the event. It would portray us to be
relevant and interactive with the youths and their needs.

To further the continuity of awareness in the consumers’ mind, we will also be

strongly sponsoring various major events such as the annual F1 Grand Prix, Standard
Chartered marathon, Zoukout and Men’s Health Urbanathalon. We will provide event
support such as sound systems, DJs, tentages, and music support should the need
arises. Red Bull Girls will also be deployed on site at the event to conduct product
sampling, interactions and gathering feedbacks from the audiences. The girls will be
the ones ensuring that the Red Bull Presences are felt.

These events will be held respectively in June 2013 (Red Bull Flux Charity Run),
September 2013 (F1 Racing), December 2013 (Standard Chartered Run & Zouk Out)
and March 2014 (Urbanathlon).

This would be crucial so that consumers can be reminded of the product even after the
launch, which will be held in June. On top of which, by sponsoring major events, it
opens opportunities for the company as there might be other distributors which would
be keen in getting Red Bull to support their event, in which, boosting awareness and
sales for the company.

We will be tracking sales, web tracking, doing buzz and feedbacks to measure the
success, traffic flow, reach and frequency of our advertising effort. Measures of the
public responses to these event and their attitude towards it will also be conducted.

*(Please Refer to Appendix 7)

10.7 Athletes / Sportsmen Endorsement

The usage of endorsement is able to command a high volume of media attention as

well as creating a trust issue with our target audience. Consumers are able to relate
and would be more accepting of the endorsers’ position on an issue in comparison
with an issue of their own. Our audiences may also be able to identify themselves or
aspires to take after the endorsers’ attitude, behaviour, interest and preferences.
Therefore in terms of selecting endorsers, they need to be equipped with the right
mindset and lifestyle which is in line with what Red Bull is all about.

These endorsers will be present throughout during our major events such as our
launch- Red Bull Flux Charity Run, F1 Grand Prix and Men’s Health Urbanathlon.
Particularly, the endorsers are there to portray a positive image of Red Bull in their
daily lifestyle, communicating and interacting with the audiences and having the
presence of Red Bull felt.

As what was mentioned in the creative strategy, 3 endorsers have been scrutinised and
selected to endorse The Red Bull Flux, mainly, Singapore National Wake Boarder-
Sasha Christian, Singapore National Olympic Gymnast- Lim Heem Wei and
Singapore Skateboarder- Farris Rahman. These 3 athletes had demonstrated and
portrayed their lifestyles, activities and interests to be in-line with the image of Red
Bull. All of them are extreme sports athletes and were also the best in their respective
field of expertise, believing in sportsmanship and passion, bringing aspiration to
others. Moreover, they are youth that belongs in the Generation Y, thus creating a
beneficial bond and the ability to relate with our target audience, thus they stand out
as the best candidate to endorse Red Bull Flux. With the achievement from the sport
athletes, it would greatly enhance and portray the drink as a high energy and
refreshing adrenaline as associated with the tagline.

*(Please Refer to Appendix 5.2)

11. Other Integrated Marketing Communication Plans

The aim of this IMC plan is to create awareness that Red Bull Flux has a different
taste compared to the original.

We will engage in hype-producing activities during the months without major events.
Besides the major advertising vehicles as specified above, other IMC Plans include
event support, entertainment nightclubs, engaging tertiary institutions, and various
sampling methods. In particular, the Red Bull decorated car will be heavily used
during these events. Simulating Pavlov’s Dog, we aim to use the arrival of the Red
Bull car to excite event goers, more so when the Red Bull girls exit from the car;
signalling the start of a good Red Bull experience.

11.1 Nightclubs

Nightclubs have a certain youthful energy to them. It is a place whereby people would
come to enjoy themselves, indulge in alcoholic drinks and have fun. We plan to make
use of this aspect as a marketing opportunity through the use of brand ambassadors
and organizing exciting events, such as bartending competitions.

The main theme behind these bartending competitions will be to create new beverages
that utilize Red Bull Flux as its base ingredient, thus introducing and reinforcing the
message behind the new refreshing taste of the product. The competition will base on
which bartender would be able to mix out a drink that is of a better blend as compared
to the others.

This promotional activity will prove that the product can be drunk neat, while being
versatile enough to be mixed with other liquors to exude a unique taste of its own.

In addition, various renowned local clubs Deejays, such as DJ Inquisitive (Avalon),

DJ Andrew T (Butterfactory) and DJ Ghetto (Zouk) will be invited to collaborate to
spin a track, dancers will be hired to portray the vibrancy of the night life, with strong
lightings focusing on the word “Red Bull Flux”.

Having the strong influences from the various DJ in the entertainment industry,
consumers will better relate to the advertisement and that chances of attracting the
attentions of party goers will be higher. This would in turn spread awareness faster.
11.2 Tertiary Institutions

Red Bull employs the seeding method in order to maintain presence in tertiary
institutions. The company keeps in constant contact with student populaces through
“student brand managers”, who find out major events happening in the school and

acts as a liaison between the event managers and the company, providing “event
support” such as Deejays, audio-visual (AV) system set ups, Red Bull brand
ambassadors and most notably the drinks themselves.

In particular, we would like to highlight the various "Open House" exhibitions and
"Co-Curricular Activity Showcases" in various tertiary institutions throughout
Singapore. The Red Bull presence injects excitement into these events. These events
carry high traffic volume of our target audience. Thus it would be important maintain
the Red Bull presence, and at the same time use this opportunity to introduce Red Bull
Flux to our target audience.

12. Evaluation and Control

We will be using several testing methods in order to determine awareness levels.

Some testing methods will be aligned with specific media vehicles. The measures
used are Recognition and Recall, Emotional Reaction and Sales Response.

12.1 Measures of Recognition and Recall

The testing procedure for Bruzzone Tests will be as follows. Participants ranging
from across different age groups will be invited to a movie screening in a theatre.
Prior to the movie, Red Bull Flux cinema advertisements will be broadcasted along
with other ads. After which, the participants will be tested as to their levels of recall.
A series of questions will test the level of detail the participants remember about the
ad. For example, “What color was the product in the Red Bull Ad?” and “Do you
remember what date the Red Bull Flux Run is going to be held?” This manner of
testing seeks to measure the impact of the ad through analysis of brand recognition,
and the ability to recall specific markers which the ad seeks to communicate.
Particular attention will be paid to the results garnered by those within the target
audience age group of 14 to 25.

The Starch Readership Service method will be applied on print advertisements such as
magazines. Participants within the target audience age group will be given a magazine
containing the Red Bull Flux advertisement/cover story to read. One week later, the
participants will be invited to fill up a questionnaire. The questionnaire will provide
insight as to whether or not the target audience pays any particular attention to the

magazine ad. They will then be categorized under noted, associated, read some and
read most.

12.2 Measures of Emotional Reactions

In addition to the recognition and recall measures, we will partake in physiological

measures to determine participant reactions to our cinema and print advertisements.
For example, pupil tracking technology can be employed to determine what part of
the ad catches their attention most. To measure awe, rate and size of pupil dilation can
be measured using Pupillometric Tests during the airing of the advertisement.
Electrocardiograph monitors can be used to track heart rates which go up during
excitement. Electromyograph monitors can be used to detect changes in muscle
tension to determine level of interest in the advertisement, with relaxed muscles
signifying disinterest while spikes in muscle tension denote a high level of interest.
Furthermore, perspiration levels can be measured through the Galvanometer as
changes correspond to emotional reaction.

12.3 Measures of Sales Response (single source systems)

Perhaps the ultimate test as to whether or not the assorted media vehicles are effective
is through measures of sales response. The AC Nielsen’s SCANTRACK system is an
effective manner to measure purchase data. Handheld scanners are placed in
participating households throughout Singapore. Whenever a purchase is done by the
household members, the barcode receipts will be scanned by the handheld device. To
collect the information, the household will call a toll-free number and hold the
scanner up to the phone at the end of every month.

In the midst of implementing the Red Bull Flux IMC campaign, reviews and
corrective actions will be take upon throughout the year to ensure continuity of the
Red Bull Flux and ensuring that it will have a large sales volume. Reviews will be
conducted monthly to observe if the sales of Red Bull Flux increases with the
different types advertising strategy introduced.

Corrective actions will be done every 3 months if the sales of the product remain
status quo or decreases. Some examples of corrective actions would then be
implemented such as trade promotions including discounts and bonus packs at

References List

AAA ARF 2006, New Thoughts on Measuring Emotional Response to Advertising, last
viewed 28 March 2013, <

Canada Business Network 2012, Measuring the Results of Your Advertising, last viewed 28
March 2013, <>.

Demand Matric, Marketing Communications Budget Template, last viewed on 18 March 2013,

Diseno Advertising, Media Rate Cards, last viewed on 25 March 2013,


Elements of Integrated Marketing Communications 2011. Measures of Recognition and

Recall , last viewed 18 March 2013,

Energyfiend 2012, The Top 15 Energy Drink Brands, last viewed on 2nd April 2013,

Gartenstein, D. 2013, Measuring the Effectiveness of Event Sponsorship, last viewed on 1st
April 2013, <

JCDecaux 2013, Blockbuster Package 2013, last viewed on 27 March 2013,

2013.pdf>. 2007, Diageo Bottles Its Well Wishes For St James, last viewed on
26 March 2013, <>.

Red Bull Singapore 2011, Student Jobs At Red Bull: Student Brand Manager, last viewed on
26 March 2013, <

Roaring Haus Studio 2011, Red Bull Marketing Plan, last viewed on 25 March 2013,

Scribd 2011, Wiwidee, Red Bull IMC Plan 2011, last viewed on 25 March 2013,

TAB, The Key Factors of Visibility Adjustments, last viewed on 20 March 2013,
<>. 2003, Red Bull, last viewed on 27 March 2013,


Warc Media FAQ Andrew Green, 2007, Can we measure how many people see poster
campaigns, last viewed on 18 March 2013,

Appendix 1. Cinema Advertising Storyboard

Narration: I’m stronger because I had to be. I’m smarter because of my

mistakes. I’m happier because I overcome my weakness. I’ve known and I’m
wiser because I’ve learned from my life… I’ve chosen Redbull.


Narration: No youth has a right to be an amateur in the matter of their passion.

What a disgrace it is for a youth to grow up without even seeing the beauty and
strength of which they are capable.




Appendix 2: Email for Newspaper Press Release

Red Bull Singapore Pte Ltd

2 Alexandra Road,
#06-02C Delta House
Singapore 159919

Ms Helen Chia
Associate Editor/ Executive Editor
(Also Life &Lifestyle Editor)



SINGAPORE, 2nd March 2013- Red Bull Singapore will be launching a new product, The Red Bull Flux.

The new product will be specifically known as “Red Bull Flux”, which will hit the shelves of major stores and
supermarkets in April and consumers may purchase the drink individually or in a pack of 6 with the ‘Buy 5 Get 1 Free’
promotion tagged to it.

In addition, Red Bull will be organising a marathon titled “Red Bull Flux Charity Run” in mid June to officially launch
the drink.

3 endorsers have been selected to endorse the product, namely, Sasha Christian, Lim Heem Wei and Farris Rahman.
Each of them is a niche expert in their sports and had done Singapore proud in recent sporting scenes, flying the flag
of Singapore high.

The Red Bull Charity Flux Run will be a marathon of 10km and 21km. Public can have the options of running for
either distances. The 3 endorsers will also be present to start off the 21km run. The Singapore National Paralympics
athletes will also be invited to participate in the event.

The marathon will not only serve as launch for the drink, it will also be a marathon for a cause. Proceeds from the
marathon will be donated to the Singapore National Paralympics Council to further support them in their trainings
and competitions.

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter will be used to increase the awareness of the product. A contest
will be held on Facebook for users to participate and stand a chance to win attractive prizes. 3 iPad Minis will be
given out as prizes for the top 3 winners of the Facebook contest. The contest will require Facebook users to like the
Red Bull official page, following by liking and sharing the contest picture. The 3 users with the highest number of
“shares” in the contest picture will win the iPad Mini.

Constant updates will also be made through Facebook and Twitter so users can be kept in touch with the upcoming
events that are in line with the new Red Bull Product.

Red Bull will also be launching an “Invite Us” campaign in which students can invite Red Bull to their respective
tertiary institutions or sporting events for event support. This can be done so by writing to us through Red Bull
Official Facebook Page.

Last but not least, Red Bull will be sponsoring upcoming major events financially and logistically such as the F1 Races,
Standard Chartered Marathon and Men’s Health Urbanathlon in September, December 2013 and March 2014

About Red Bull Singapore

Red Bull Singapore is the leading brand of energy beverage in Singapore and has a long withstanding history in the
Singapore market since 1985. It played an active role in expanding the energy beverage market to become what it is
today. Red Bull has been widely accepted by participants involving in extreme and motor sports.

For more information, please contact:

Mr Lee Chengyi Alan
Public Relations and Communication Officer
Tel: 6893-9994

Appendix 3: Email for Editorial Magazine Cover Story

Red Bull Singapore Pte Ltd

2 Alexandra Road,
#06-02C Delta House
Singapore 159919

Mr Kenneth Wee
Writer/ Editorial team, Men’s Health



SINGAPORE, 2nd March 2013- Red Bull Singapore will be launching a new product, The Red Bull Flux.

The new product will be specifically known as “Red Bull Flux”, which will hit the shelves of major stores and
supermarkets in April and consumers may purchase the drink individually or in a pack of 6 with the ‘Buy 5 Get 1
Free’ promotion tagged to it.

3 endorsers have been selected to endorse the product, namely, Sasha Christian, Lim Heem Wei and Farris Rahman.
Each of them is a niche expert in their sports and had done Singapore proud in recent sporting scenes, flying the flag
of Singapore high.

Sasha Christian is a National Champion in Wake Boarding, Farris Rahman is a skate boarder in which Red Bull has
recently signed with, and Lim Heem Wei is the pride of Singapore, First Singaporean Gymnast to qualify for Olympic
Games London 2012.

We would like to invite the editorial team for an interview for each individual athletes and co- relate their sporting
experience with Red Bull, bringing about the new product.

Additional Information may also include the upcoming Marathon in June organised by Red Bull titled- “RED BULL

The Red Bull Flux Charity Run will be a marathon of 10km and 21km. Public can have the options of running for
either distances. The 3 endorsers will also be present to start off the 21km run. The Singapore National Paralympics
athletes will also be invited to participate in the event. The marathon will not only serve as launch for the drink, it
will also be a marathon for a cause. Proceeds from the marathon will be donated to the Singapore National
Paralympics Council to further support them in their trainings and competitions.

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter will be used to increase the awareness of the product. A
contest will be held on Facebook for users to participate and stand a chance to win attractive prizes. 3 iPad Minis
will be given out as prizes for the top 3 winners of the Facebook contest. The contest will require Facebook users to
like the Red Bull official page, following by liking and sharing the contest picture. The 3 users with the highest
number of “shares” in the contest picture will win the iPad Mini.

Constant updates will also be made through Facebook and Twitter so users can be kept in touch with the upcoming
events that are in line with the new Red Bull Product.

Red Bull will also be launching an “Invite Us “campaign in which students can invite Red Bull to their respective
tertiary institutions or sporting events for event support. This can be done so by writing to us through Red Bull
Official Facebook Page.

Last but not least, Red Bull will be sponsoring upcoming major events financially and logistically such as the F1
Races, Standard Chartered Marathon and Men’s Health Urbanathalon in September, December 2013 and March
2014 respectively. Red Bull Flux will be given out for free in these major events.

About Red Bull Singapore

Red Bull Singapore is the leading brand of energy beverage in Singapore and has a long withstanding history in the
Singapore market since 1985. It played an active role in expanding the energy beverage market to become what it is
today. Red Bull has been widely accepted by participants involving in extreme and motor sports.

For more information, please contact:

Mr Lee Chengyi Alan
Public Relations and Communication Officer
Tel: 6893-9994

Appendix 4: Script for Radio Broadcast

Endorsers: HI! We are the Singapore Red Bull athletes!

Sasha: And we are here with awesome news!

Farris: YES! Red Bull will be launching a brand new product!

Endorsers: RED BULL FLUX!!!!

Heem Wei: That’s right! It will be entirely different, bringing you to a whole new level of

Heem Wei: you can purchase the product at all mega stores and supermarkets to try out
this new refreshing taste!

Farris: A marathon will also be held in June in conjunction with the launch of the event
and we will be there!

Sasha: Do join us in the upcoming marathon as the event will be for a cause and
proceeds will be donated to the Singapore National Paralympics Council. For more
information, u can log on to or simply check out our official
facebook page!

Sasha: My name is Sasha Christian, Singapore WakeBoarding Champion,

Farris: My name is Farris Rahman, Singapore Skate Boarder

Lim Heem Wei: And my name is Lim Heem Wei, First Singaporean Olympic Gymnast!

Endorsers : We hope to see you there for the run!

Background: Red Bull, Singapore No 1 Energy Drink!

Appendix 5: Poster

5.1 New Red Bull Flux Can Poster

5.2 Endorser Poster

Appendix 6: Lucky Draw Design Poster

Appendix 7: Public Relation Event Detail Poster


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