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EE210 Assignment 1

Animesh Renanse


1 Problem 3 Answers
Q1: If the number is unsigned, will there be a need of both carry and over-
flow flag?

Ans: Whenever the number is unsigned, the carry flag and output flag will
produce same output, therefore eliminating the need of both of them at the
same time.

Q2: To get a clear idea of when carry and an overflow is generated solve
the following cases for an 8 bit signed number. Determine if there is a carry
output or/and will it overflow.

• 100+49

• -2-1

• 51+28

• 126-64


• 100 + 49 = 149 > 127, i.e. The limit of 7 bit binary number as the 8th
bit is used for sign convention.
Thus, Overflow = 1,

since 01100100 + 00110001 = 010010101, which have more than 8 bits,
that’s why there is an overflow
There will also be Carry = 1.

• −2 − 1 = −3, which is < 127, therefore,

Overflow = 0 and since subtraction is done here, thus, Carry = 1.

• 51 + 28 = 79
Clearly, Overflow = 0 and Carry = 0 as 79 < 127.

• 126 − 64 = 62
Again, clearly, Overflow = 0 and Carry = 0.

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