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About UTS
1. What do you know about UTS and how?
2. Why do you want to come to UTS?
3. Do you have any questions about UTS?
4. What do you have to offer for UTS?
5. What do you think UTS has to offer that is different from your current school?

About Yourself
1. What are your hobbies and why?
2. What are your favorite books?
3. What are your favorite subjects?
4. What extracurricular activities or clubs do you participate in?
5. Do you prefer working individually or in groups?
6. How would you describe yourself?
7. What makes you unique?
8. What was the last book/ magazine/ news article you read and explain why you would or
would not recommend it to someone your own age.
9. Have you done any volunteering? How did you benefit from it?
10. What is your least favorite subject and why?
11. What is a life changing experience you’ve had?
12. Who has had the most influence in your life and why?
13. What are your strengths?
14. What are your weaknesses?
15. Describe a conflict/ problem you once had and how you solved it.
16. Have you ever won any awards?
17. Tell us about a time in your life where you felt proud of yourself.
18. Who is your hero?
19. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be and why?
20. What is the most significant accomplishment in your life?
21. What are your goals?
22. How do you determine or evaluate success?
23. Describe how you contributed in a project you had worked on.
24. Describe a situation in which you worked as part of a team. What role did you take on? What
went well and what didn’t?
25. What would you do outside of class if you came to UTS?
26. If you had a problem understanding something what would you do?
27. Describe your family.
About the World
1. What do you think is the one thing that the world is doing wrong?
A. How can you change it?
2. What recent current event have you read about that interested you? Give your opinion.
3. What changes would you make to the education system?
4. Should the government focus funding the arts or health care? Arts or education?

Opinion/ Thought
1. Do you think grades are a good indication of academic achievement?
2. Everyone should not lie. Do you disagree or agree? Why?
3. The future will always be great. Do you disagree or agree? Why?
4. You have a math test. A student starts to move towards the edge of their desk and begins to
cheat with another student. How would you react to this?
5. Is character more important than intellect?
6. Is giving better than receiving?
7. If you were in a deserted island, what three things would you bring? Why?
8. Happiness is the best. Do you agree or disagree?
9. Would you steal bread if you were in a desperate situation? Why or why not?

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