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1. I wish I could do something more exciting with my life.

If I
had the chance, I would travel around South America.

2. I wish not be i so shy. if i are more confidence, I have

probably enjoy going out more.

3. I wish had study so hard. If I not do so much homework, I not

get play on the soccer team

4. I wish graduate my degree this year, If have this year a job,

and I can to pay off my student loans

5. I wish can find I a job nearer to home. If I get a new job,

maybe I not have to commute two hours a day.

6. I wish be I famous. if I am famous, I can go to shows and get

the best seats! And I not eat in the cheapest restaurants anymore

what do they wish for why can not they have their wish

Daniel wishes eat. Daniel can not eat because he has no money

Martine wishes dance Martine can not dance because she does not know

Miguel wishes play Miguel can not play because he is punished

Mi yun wishes walk my yun can not walk because he is lazy


1. what would you do if a friend accidentaly spilled coffe all over

your phone and it stopped working.( ¿Qué haría si un amigo accidentalmente
derramara café en todo su teléfono y dejara de funcionar?)

a. let your friend buy a new one. (deja que tu amigo compre uno nuevo)
b. tell your friend not do worry about it and buy a new phone for
yourself. (Dígale a su amigo que no se preocupe por eso y compre un teléfono nuevo para

2. what would you do if you borrowed a camera from a friend broke it?.
Would you. ¿Qué harías si le prestaras una cámara a un amigo? Usted podría).

a. Simply apologize for breaking it? ¿Simplemente pedir disculpas por romperlo??
b. mTake it to a store and pay for the repairs (llévarlo a una tienda y paga
las reparaciones.?

3. How would you react if a friend started dating someone you used to
go out with?. Would you.( ¿Cómo reaccionarías si un amigo empezara a salir con alguien
con quien solías salir? Usted podría)

a. Talk to your friend about your feelings (Habla con tu amigo sobre tus
b. Feel hurt buy say nothing to either of them?. (Sentirse herido comprar no decir nada a
ninguno de ellos ?.)

4. what would you do if a friend came for dinner and brought an

expensive box of chocolates? Would you. (Qué harías si un amigo viniera a cenar
y trajera una costosa caja de chocolates? Usted podría)

a. Thank your friend for the gift and not open it? (¿Agradecer a tu amigo
por el regalo y no abrirlo?)
b. Share the chocolates with your friend after dinner (Comparte los
chocolates con tu amigo después de la cena.)

5. what would you do if a friend asked you for a loan to buy a new
laptop?. Would you say (5. ¿Qué harías si un amigo te pidiera un préstamo para comprar
una computadora portátil nueva? Dirías)

a. “Sorry, I never lend money to anyone.” ("Lo siento, nunca le presto dinero a
b. “I´ll think about it and let you know” "Lo pensaré y te lo haré saber"

6. what would you do if a friend borrowed $10 and forgot top ay you
back. Would you. (¿Qué harías si un amigo tomara prestado $ 10 y te olvidara de tu parte
superior? Usted podría)

a. remind your friend about it several times. (recuérdalo a tu amigo varias veces)

b. forget about it. (olvídalo.)

B. pair work write the prepositions that are used in the quiz in the expresions below. Then ask answer the
questions with a partner.

1. what do you worry about

2. who do you talk to you have problems

3. do you ever think about your diet

4. how do you remind yourself about things

5. can you forget about your problems?

6. Do you buy gifts would your friend

7. Do you use cash to pay about things

8. Do you apologize have being late

9. How do you thank people about gifts

10. Did you ask a friend can a favor today

11. Do you borrow would your clothes friends

12. Do you lend your books friends

13. What can not you say no a your friends

14. Do you ever share secrets your friends

1. what about you do if your friend forget your birthday
2. how do you react if a friend tell everyone a secret about you

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