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A Hard Question

Many of my students find labelling a map to be one of the most difficult

questions on the listening test.
This is because you have to pay very careful attention to directions on the
map and if you get lost, you might do really badly on a whole section of the
IELTS listening test!
Don’t worry – I’m going to show you how to improve your score on this
section and the skills you need to practice to make sure you don’t mess it
Four Tips to Make it Easier
Here’s an example map question:

Before you listen you will have 30 seconds to study the map. This time is
really valuable.
Before you listen, you should underline the key locations on the map and
circle all the letters.
If you have time read the names of the places you will have to label as well.
Tip #2:
While listening you should trace your route with your pencil.
Pay careful attention to the names of places and turns.
Tip #3:
To improve listening and labelling a map you should practice this as much
as you can!
These ones aren’t hard because of difficult vocabulary. They just require
some practice until you get used to them.
Tip #4:
Learn some basic vocabulary related to directions.

Turn: go towards the, take the first/second right/left, turn onto _____ street
Go straight: go straight on, continue past, walk past, walk by, pass the
______, walk along ______ street until you reach _______, follow the road
until, go beyond
Next to: west of/east of, near, adjacent to, beside
Across from: cross the street/square, diagonal from the _____ is the…….


 About me

IELTS Listening: Labeling a Map or Plan

In an IELTS listening labeling a map or plan question, you will be given a
map with some blank spaces. You will listen to a person talk about the
map and fill in the blank spaces. Read the tips and complete the practice
question below.

 Look for the starting point. It is usually marked with an '×'. If the
starting point is not marked, think about where the starting point
might be. (look for buildings like 'entrance hall' or 'visitors center'
because they are probably the starting point.
 Write your answers directly on the map. Copy your answers onto
the answer sheet later.
 Draw a compass (north, south, east, and west) on the map.
 Study directional vocabulary (turn around, on your left, go
through the roundabout, opposite to, behind, etc...)
 The answers will be in order. The recording will give the answer to
question 1 before question 2.

Label the map below. Write the correct letters, A-H, next to questions 1 - 6
Audio Player
Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.
1. bank ............
2. restaurant ............
3. chemist ............
4. library ............
5. service station ............
6. town hall ............
Answers Explained
© IELTS Climber 2019

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