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Measuring cups

A measuring cup or measuring jug is a kitchen utensil used primarily to measure the volume of
liquid or bulk solid cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar, especially for volumes from
about 50 mL(2 fl oz) upwards. Measuring cups are also used to measure washing powder, liquid
detergents and bleach for clothes washing. The cup will usually have a scale marked in cups and
fractions of a cup, and often with fluid measure and weight of a selection of dry foodstuffs.

Measuring spoons

A measuring spoon is a spoon used to measure an amount of an ingredient, either liquid or dry,
when cooking. Measuring spoons may be made of plastic, metal, and other materials. They are
available in many sizes, including the teaspoon and tablespoon.

Utensils used for Preparing and Handling Materials


A colander (or cullender) is a kitchen utensil used to strain foods such as pasta or rice or to rinse
vegetables. The perforated nature of the colander allows liquid to drain through while retaining
the solids inside. It is sometimes also called a pasta strainer or kitchen sieve.


A kettle, sometimes called a tea kettle or teakettle, is a type of pot, specialized for boiling water,
with a lid, spout, and handle, or a small kitchen appliance of similar shape that functions in a
self-contained manner

The paring knife is a small, short-bladed knife, used for intricate cutting, peeling, mincing and
dicing. The blades are simple, sharp and precise. Ideal for: Peeling and cutting small fruit and

Utility bowls

A bowl is a round dish or container typically used to prepare and serve food. ... The main rival
for food is the flatter plate, which predominates in Western culture and many other cultures, as
forms of cup do for drinks.

Cheese cloth

The primary use of cheesecloth is in some styles of cheesemaking, where it is used to remove
whey from cheese curds, and to help hold the curds together as the cheese is formed. Cheesecloth
is also used in straining stocks and custards, bundling herbs, making tofu and ghee, and
thickening yogurt.

Serving trays

There are different uses for serving trays including carrying food and beverages from one place
to another as well as enabling those in the industry to serve specific sized portions of food. Some
serving trays are used to hold plates and drinks, while other restaurants choose the tray to
serve food on.

Wooden spoon

A wooden spoon is a spoon that is used for stirring sauces and for mixing ingredients in cooking.
It is made of wood and has a long handle. If someone gets thewooden spoon, they come last in a
race or competition.

A funnel is a tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, used for guiding liquid
or powder into a small opening. ... For this reason, stainless steel or glass are useful in
transferring diesel, while plastic funnels are useful in the kitchen.


A ladle or a Hannah (dipper) is a type of spoon used for soup, stew, or other foods. Although
designs vary, a typical ladle has a long handle terminating in a deep bowl, frequently with the
bowl oriented at an angle to the handle to facilitate lifting liquid out of a pot or other vessel and
conveying it to a bowl.


A grater, also known as a shredder is a kitchen utensil used to grate foods into fine pieces. It was
invented by François Boullier in the 1540s, originally to grate cheese.


A whisk is a cooking utensil which can be used to blend ingredients smooth or to incorporate air
into a mixture, in a process known as whisking or whipping. Most whisksconsist of a long,
narrow handle with a series of wire loops joined at the end.

Utensils for Processing

Water Bath Canner

water bath canner is a very, very large pot, with dimensions to hold at least 7 quart jars and
allow them to be submerged by 1 to 2 inches of water. Thecanners usually include a rack with
handles to make it easier (and safer) to put the jars in and take them out of the boiling water.

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