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We are a Bilingual institution of pre-school, primary and secondary education; with academic
character and emphasis on agroindustry and systems.

We educate for interactive, multicultural and globalized life; through our Humanistic Pedagogical
Model, to form integral people in recognition of its six dimensions:spiritual, socio-affective, cognitive,
communicative, corporal and aesthetic.

Our institution operates through the concerted administration, which tends towards the welfare,
fulfillment and growth of the human being, in harmony and contribution to its environment; equally
we look for the continuous improvement of the infrastructure and the incorporation of the ICTs to
the educational process.

Epistemologically we are constructivists, applying conceptual pedagogy as a theory of learning; the

theory of emotional intelligence as a socio-affective methodology; the life project and the centers of
interest, as a volitional strategy, research and articulation with higher education, as a prospective
strategy and the natural method as a tool for learning Transversal of English as a foreign language. In
this way we train the Sunday student, as "Symbolic analyst, with a productive mentality" from and for
their own context.

We consider evaluation as an integral part of the learning process, which allows us to know to improve,
we use the evidence-based model as a fundamental tool of institutional improvement, which has a
proper feedback and contributes to the development of skills of the human being, his family and the
institution in general.

We certify our management under the EFQM model, at the Recognized for Excellence level; we
consider the continuous search for improvement, as a path that we must travel together, Only when
the triangle is strengthened (parents-students-institution) can it be formed with Quality.

The Santo Domingo Bilingüe School is an interactive and multicultural institution that responds to
the demands of the globalized world in search of the well-being of the human being in all its
dimensions, with special relevance, its spiritual transcendence.

The short-term goal is focused on the continuous expansion of our physical plant, meeting the PMEE
standards and the full complement for education by emphasis, as well as the strengthening of the
bilingual cross-curricular curriculum, maintaining our category of A + (Very Superior) in the SABER
eleven tests and an advanced performance in the SABER of 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th grades, with an
average of 8.01 in the ISCE.

In the medium term, we propose to lead the humanistic praxis at the national level, applying the
Conceptual, Natural and Constructivist methodology; focusing our pedagogical exercise on the
individual, through the teaching of knowledge tools, intellectual operations and the
conceptualization of the applicability of them in real spaces of daily life, accompanied by a
transversality of the handling of English as a foreign language for fifty percent of the areas of the
curriculum of each of the school levels. We will also consolidate the Bilingual Academic
Baccalaureate (through the progressive implementation of international tests), with Academic
modality and emphasis on Agroindustry and Systems.
In the long term, our challenges are to implement the development of academic studies at the
university level and obtain national recognition as one of the best one hundred schools in the country
according to the classification generated from the Saber tests.

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