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Preliminary Analysis of Learning Resources for Edupark

Physics in Hydroponic Cultivation of SMK N 2 Batusangkar,


A P Sari1*, H Rifai1
Department of Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas
Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof Hamka, Padang 25131, Indonesia

Abstract. Learning based environmental learning is a learning strategy that utilizes the
environment as a learning resource, and a learning tool to achieve learning goals. One of them is
the environment in SMK N 2 Batusangkar which was used as an edupark (educational park) in
the form of hydroponic cultivation, where the physics concept has not been fully implemented in
that place. Based on the needs of learning resources in physics learning, a preliminary analysis of
physics material in schools with potential edupark is available. This type of research is a model
of Plomp development at the preliminary analysis stage which aims to analyze the physical
concepts that exist in hydroponic cultivation edupark. The data used in this study were obtained
from interviews and questionnaires that were developed based on the learning process
parameters, learning tools, characteristic of student and region, and descriptions of the potential
of edupark especially those supporting physics subject matter including fluid, temperature, heat,
light intensity, capillary. Based on the results of the research conducted, it is evident that there is
a need to develop edupark textbooks on physics learning.

Keywords: Preliminary Analysis, Learning Resources, Edupark, Physics Learning, Hydroponic


1. Introduction
National education functions to develop capabilities, shape the character of dignified students and
national civilization in order to educate the nation's life, national education also aims to develop the
potential of students to become believers and devoted to the Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable
, capable, creative, independent, and a democratic and responsible citizen. In addition, education is
also a conscious and planned effort to create an active learning atmosphere and learning process and
can develop students' self-potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by themselves, society, nation, and Country[1].
The formulation of the national education goals reflects the general picture of the expected human
figure and must be produced through the implementation of each educational program. Therefore, the
formulation of the objectives of national education is the basis for developing character cultural values.
Character education is a form of human activity in which there is an educational action for the next
generation. The purpose of character education is to form individual self-improvement continuously
and train self-abilities in order to lead a better life.
One way to shape the character of students is through environment-based learning. Environmental
based learning is a learning strategy that utilizes the environment as a source of learning, a learning
tool to achieve learning goals[2]. This learning is important to implement because learning that is too
oriented to mastering the subject matter seems less able to lift the quality of our education, both in
terms of results and learning processes. The positive impact of implementing environment-based
learning is that students can be motivated by their curiosity about something in their environment. If
we reflect on the four pillars of education, namely learning to know (learning to know), learning to be
(learning to be true), learning to do (learning to do things) and learning to life together (learning to
work together), learning based environment is very appropriate to be applied by educators[3].
Implementing environment-based learning can be realized by utilizing the environment around
students, especially in the school environment. The school environment can be used as an educational
park (edupark). Edupark is an educational park that is used as a learning resource and learning tool to
achieve learning goals. Edupark can be applied to all subjects, one of which is in physics learning at
school. Physics is the study of natural behavior in various forms of symptoms in order to understand
what controls or determines the behavior[4]. Natural entities can be a source of learning to understand
the concepts of physics, because learning secondary school physics is a lesson that studies natural
phenomena through a series of scientific processes that are built on scientific attitudes and results in
the form of both artificial and natural scientific products[5]. Based on this, learning physics can not be
separated from mastering the basic concepts of physics through understanding. Physics theory is not
only enough to read, because physics theory is not just memorizing but must be read and understood
and practiced, so that students are able to explain the problems that exist. Empirically conducted by
Prima Cristi Crismono revealed that the use of media and natural learning resources around the
existing school environment can increase the enthusiasm, enthusiasm and enthusiasm of students
towards learning Mathematics, then students easily understand the contents of the material for students
directly into learning practices[6]. One of the school environments that can be used as an educational
park (edupark) is the school environment in SMK N 2 Batusangkar, Indonesia. This can be seen from
the existence of hydroponic cultivation which actually has many physical concepts but has not been
fully realized. The implementation of physics learning in schools is still centered on teachers (teacher
centers) and reading books only, and has never implemented physics learning into the surrounding
environment with edupark-based physics guidebooks especially edupark hydroponic cultivation. The
tendency of such learning, resulting in the weak development of the potential of students in learning so
that learning achievements achieved are less optimal.
Edupark hydroponic cultivation locations are at SMK N 2 Batusangkar, located at Jalan Raya Bukit
Gombak-Batusangkar, Lima Kaum Sub-District, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra, Indonesia, in the
geographical positions of 0029'00.74 ’LS and 100037’00.45’ BT.
Figure 1. Map of location for hydroponic cultivation of edupark samples at SMK N 2
Batusangkar: a) Location Map of Edupark Hydroponic Cultivation b) Map of Indonesia

1. Setting the layout of the paralon
(equilibrium and inclined plane)
2. Making hole paralon (measurement)
3. Water flow (dynamic fluid)
4. Use of a water pump in a box (dynamic
Figure 2. Hydroponic Cultivation of SMK N 2 Batusangkar, Tanah
Datar District, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Edupark (educational park) hydroponic cultivation can be in the form of a concept of natural science
consisting of capillary, temperature, heat, light intensity, static fluid and dynamic fluid. Based on this
background, a preliminary analysis of the needs of learners, learning resources and regional potential
was carried out in the selection of physics edupark textbooks in hydroponic cultivation of SMK N 2
Batusangkar, Indonesia.

2. Research Method
1. The type of research used is Research and Development, with the Plomp model [7]. This
development model directs research to work systematically so that it can solve the problem under
study. This research was only at the Preliminary Investigation stage, which consisted of student
analysis, curriculum analysis, material analysis and analysis of regional potential. This research was
conducted at SMK N 2 Batusangkar, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
The data used in this study was developed based on the parameters of the learning process, learning
tools, characteristics of students and environmental characteristics, and descriptions of the potential of
hydroponic edupark cultivation, especially those that support physics subject matter.
Data collection on several parameters was carried out literature studies and observations of educators
and students in SMK N 2 Batusangkar with interviews and questionnaires. It aims to get a general
description of the learning process, learning tools, characteristics of students and environmental
characteristics. Observations were also carried out directly to the field to see the potential of the
environment. Then, analyze objects related to the concept, in physics learning material. Material
analysis is done by analyzing basic competencies in physics subjects. Analyzing the demands of each
basic competency and choosing basic competencies that can be directly related to the natural
conditions that exist around the hydroponic cultivation of Edupark at SMK N 2 Batusangkar, Tanah
Datar District, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The results of the observation and analysis of this material
are used to determine the natural potential of hydroponic cultivation which is connected with physics
learning material. So that we can get hydroponic cultivation edupark documentation.
The questionnaire distributed to educators consisted of the performance and development of students,
while the questionnaire distributed to students consisted of aspects of knowledge, skills, initial
abilities, learning styles, and motivation. Every aspect of the questionnaire is translated into several
indicators. Questionnaires were distributed to educators for the performance aspect using alternative
"yes or no" answer choices while weighting student development aspect questionnaires and
questionnaires for students using a Likert scale. The Likert Scale was developed by Rensis Likert, a
series of items (items). Respondents only gave their approval or disapproval of the items [8].

Table 1. Weight of Educator Questionnaire and Student


Statement Statement weight

Always 4
Often 3
Sometimes 2
Never 1

The data analysis technique used is quantitative and qualitative descriptive statistical analysis.
Quantitative descriptive techniques by calculating the percentage of the number of answers to the
suspension to score each answer from the respondents using 2.1 formula[10]:

𝑽= 𝒀
𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎 %............................................................................................... (2.1)

V = Final value
X = Score obtained
Y = Maximum score

The percentages obtained quantitatively are then categorized qualitatively as in Table 2

Table 2. Percentage of category distribution[11]

Percentage (%) Category

76-100 Good
51-75 Enough
26-50 Not good
0-25 Not good

3. Results and Discussion

Preliminary analysis carried out in this study consisted of analysis of students, curriculum analysis,
material analysis and analysis of regional potential obtained based on learning process parameters,
learning tools, student characteristics and environmental characteristics, as well as descriptions of the
potential of hydroponic edupark cultivation especially those supporting material physics.
Questionnaire analysis of educators consisted of performance analysis and analysis of the learning
process. Performance analysis includes 7 aspects including learning tools, steps in learning, utilization
of printed teaching materials, utilization of non-printed teaching materials, making printed teaching
materials, making non-print teaching materials, and supporting facilities and facilities as shown in
Table 3.

Table 3. Educator Analysis on Performance Aspects

(%) Results
No Aspect
Yes Not
1. Completeness of learning devices 100 0
2. Application of learning steps 92.07 55.6
3. Use of printed teaching materials 93.35 33.33
4. Use of non-printed teaching materials 66.7 75.03
5. Making printed teaching materials 55.5 83.39
6 Making non-print teaching materials 83.38 83.33
7 Complete facilities and supporting facilities 100 0

Based on Table 3. above, it was found that the completeness of learning devices by educators had
reached 100% meaning that educators had made the learning tools as they should, in the aspect of
applying the learning steps educators had implemented some of the learning steps with a value of
92.07%, on the utilization aspect educator print teaching materials have used it with a value of 93.35
while in non-print teaching materials educators have not fully utilized the value of 75.03. Then in the
aspect of making teaching materials both print and non-print educators have not been able to make it
with a value of 83%. while the supporting facilities and facilities at the school are owned and can be
used fully with a value of 100%. So that a teaching material is needed that is in accordance with the
potential of the region and the achievement of learning objectives of students. Broadly speaking, it can
be concluded that educators have not been able to make teaching materials both printed and
non-printed, because so far educators have only used teaching materials that have been provided.
Though teaching material is a description of a set of material that is arranged systematically both
written and unwritten so as to create an environment or atmosphere that allows students to learn[12].
Furthermore, the learning process questionnaire for educators consisted of 5 aspects, namely the
interest of students in printed teaching materials, the interest of students in non-print teaching
materials, visits to edupark (educational parks) in physics learning, the relevance of facts with physics
material, the application of physics learning with edupark (educational park) as shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Educator Analysis on Aspects of the Learning Process
No Aspect (%)Results Category
The interest of students utilizes printed 75 Good
teaching materials
2. The interest of students utilizes 80 Good
No Aspect (%)Results Category
non-print teaching materials
3. Relation of facts to physics 100 Good
Visit to edupark (educational park) in 50 Not good
physics learning
Application of physics learning with 50 Not good
edupark (educational park)

Based on Table 4. above, it was found that students' interest in printed teaching materials was 75% and
non-printed teaching materials were 80% in good categories. This indicates that students are interested
in using both print and non-print teaching materials. Furthermore, in the related aspects of facts with
physics, the value of 100% with good categories means that educators and students have linked
physical material with the facts in the environment. Then for aspects of visits to edupark in physics
learning and the application of physics learning with edupark (educational park) showed a value of
50% with an unfavorable category. This shows that educators and students in SMK N 2 Batusangkar
have never visited and applied physics learning with edupark (educational park), so the use of edupark
in physics learning is needed. Edupark (educational park) which is utilized from the physical (natural)
environment as a means to study natural phenomena or symptoms related to concepts and principles of
physics can be used to study applications (concepts or principles of physics) that are directly or
indirectly used by the community in activities[13].
Analysis of students includes 6 aspects, namely knowledge, skills, initial abilities, learning styles,
learning resources, and motivation as shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Learner Analysis

(%) Category
No Aspect
1 Knowledge 57.2 Enough
2 Skills 72.57 Good
3 Initial ability 66.43 Enough
4 Learning style 64.67 Enough
5 Learning Resources 63.50 Enough
6 Motivation 68.75 Enough

Based on Table 5. it can be seen the percentage of students' knowledge attitude is 57.2% with
sufficient categories. Based on observations, hydroponic cultivation of edupark can be used to
improve the knowledge aspects of students. This was also revealed from interviews with Physics
educators. On the aspects of students' skills with 72.57% obtained in the good category. The initial
ability of students is 66.43%, with sufficient criteria. While the percentage of students' learning styles
with a value of 64.67% with sufficient categories. The percentage of new learning resources is at the
value of 63.50% with sufficient categories. This is because learning resources that are still oriented
towards teacher textbooks and learning tend to be teacher-centered. While the percentage of
motivation is at the value of 68.75% with enough categories. This is because the lack of utilization of
the environment as a learning resource and monotonous only in the classroom. To make students more
motivated in learning, by making physics learning as close as possible to the real life of students so
that they can make them enthusiastic in learning.
In addition, from the results of observations made in the edupark of hydroponic cultivation in SMK N
2 Batusangkar, it turns out that there are many applications of physical concepts in it. Some scientific
concepts that can be disclosed from these destinations can be seen in Table 6.

Table 6. The Concept of Physics Concept in Edupark Hydroponic Cultivation of

SMK N 2 Batusangkar

Destination Indicators of Competence

Parts Science Concept Achievement
Knowing the concept of
Fluid water discharge in a
paralon pipe
Understand the change in
Energy electrical energy into
mechanical energy
Inclined plane Understand the concept of
sloping fields in the water
flow cycle
Know the concept of
Use of a electric power
water Dynamic electricity
Knowing the concept of
faraday law (GGL)
Hydroponic Knowing the concept of
Light Light intensity
Cultivation light intensity in
setting hydroponic cultivation
Know the concept of air
Air fluid fluid in temperature
settings for hydroponics
location Equilibrium of Tegar Understand the concept of
objects rigid object equality
Making Able to measure physical
paralon Measurement quantities and calculate
holes unit conversions
Based on Table 6. it can be seen, the many physical concepts that can be utilized in the process of
learning physics at school. As demanded in graduate competency standards which cover aspects of
attitudes, knowledge and skills, this edupark can be integrated in physics learning. From the
integration of edupark it can shape the character education of students such as saving energy,
responsibility, discipline, social and environmental care[14].

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of preliminary analysis consisting of the analysis of educators and students
conducted by means of interviews and questionnaires as well as material analysis and regional analysis
conducted at SMK N 2 Batusangkar can be concluded that the development of hydroponic edupark
cultivation resources is needed in the school. Development of learning resources includes the
development of teaching books so that they can carry out learning in accordance with the demands of
the 2013 curriculum.

5. Thank you
Thank you to Mr. Dr. Hamdi, M.Si as a supervisor who has given criticism and suggestions for
improvement of Preliminary Analysis. Furthermore, the researchers would like to thank the Physics
educator at SMK N 2 Batusangkar, Ms. Guspa Dewi Rosa, S.Si and Ms. Fera Mailia, S.Pd and thank
the students at SMK N 2 Batusangkar for assisting researchers in filling out questionnaires and

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