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Product Disclaimer

The content in this book is written by Transform Fitspo ltd. The information is designed to help healthy individuals
progress towards their health and fitness goals. It is not specifically tailored to suit any injuries, health problems or
any other problems that could be aggravated with low, moderate or high intensity physical exercise. If you are an
individual with such problems please seek the help of GP, Personal Trainer or similar health professional. The
materials and content contained in this information product are for general health improvement recommendations
only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

This information product is not written to promote poor body image or extreme training regimes. As the referenced
information provided, the entirety of the lifestyle and training recommendations as well as the educational
resources provided are experience based, and Transform Fitspo ltd. should not be held liable for the interpretation
or use of the information provided.

Transform Fitspo ltd. makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy or
completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any opinions, advice, services or other information contained, or
referenced to, in this document. Transform Fitspo ltd. does not assume any risk for your use of this information as
such materials or content may not contain the most recent information. This resource is not individually tailored. It
is a guideline which has emerged via anecdotal experience, both personal and from other sources.

The information and other material available from this book come from a number of sources including the personal
experiences of the owners of Transform Fitspo ltd, third parties who have given permission for use of their material,
and material copied under statutory licenses. Accordingly the information and material in this book is copyright,
2016 © Transform Fitspo ltd. Therefore no part of this book may in any form or by any electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or any other means be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be broadcast, sold or
transmitted without the prior permission of the publisher, Transform Fitspo ltd.
Belly Fat Reducer - 10
Minute Core Warm Up

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

8 Minute Beach Body Abs

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

Calorie Crushing Core Burn

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

7 Day Muffin Top Challenge

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

High Intensity Core HIIT

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

30 Day Perfect Abs Challenge

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

Butt & Gut Circuit

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

15 Minute Bigger Bum Blast

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

Booty Blast Circuit

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

30 Minute Sexy Leg Toner

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

Sexy Outer Thighs Circuit

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

8 Exercises to Destroy Back

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

Upper Body Toner and
Cardio Workout

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

Fat Blasting Total Body

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

Burn 1000 Calories Circuit

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

Week of Workouts for
Slimming and Toning

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

Fun Workout Week Program

Full Workout Descriptions Here.

I Want To Get Slim,
Toned and Confident
I hope these workouts have shown you that it's fun
and exciting to take your fitness and health into your
own hands!

If you're ready to take it to the next level, we're here

to help. We have a full workout program with
everything you need to transform yourself, and unlock
your confidence!

Check it out here

Make Me Sexy!

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