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An Automatic Data Warehouse Conceptual Design Approach

2. Generation of constellation schemes, which inte- Star Schema Generation

grates star schemes relevant to the same domain
and that may have common dimensions. The algorithm shown in Box 1 (Nabli, Soussi, Feki,
Ben-Abdallah & Gargouri, 2005) generates star
To present the algorithms of these two types of schemes. In this algorithm, the t nD-F sheets are first
schema generation, we will use the following nota- partitioned into domains; this ensures that each star
tion. schema is generated for one domain. In turn, this will
reduce the number of comparisons used in the constel-
− Dim(s): the set of dimensions in an nD-F sheet s, lation schema generation phase (see next section). A
− Hier(d): the hierarchy of a dimension d, star schema is constructed for each fact (Fj) in steps
− Meas(s): the set of measures in an nD-F sheet s. 3.2.2. to 3.2.5.
Example: Let us extend the previous SALE example
with the two additional sheets shown in Figure 4. The

Figure 4. T2 and T3 two sheets for the SALE fact

Commercial T2
SALE Product (unit-price, prod-name) /H_category
( Qty, Amount)

Date Year Quarter Month


Commercial T3
SALE Client (Name, First-name)/H_age
( Qty, Revenue)


Date Year Semester Month


Figure 5. Star schema built from T1, T2, and T3 sheets

R egion Slice

Department Age
City First-Name

Y ear Day SA L E
Date R evenue Product-Name
Semester Month IdDate A mount Unit-Price
IdProd Category

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