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The things I’ve did to prepare for my incoming examination is, I’ve put

more time in studying in every subject that I’m not that good in. I’ve

adjust my time management for me to have enough time to study.

Actually, it was not that easy to really prepare that much because we had

too much performance tasks (PT) to do on time. It’s not easy for us to

divide our time. Sometimes, the deadlines of the pt’s are all the same so

it’s very hassle for us to think for the handouts, copies, for us to have

something to study. Last week, we had our performance task in physical

education which is to dance and then at the same time, our title defense

was going on. So we have to choose. After all, I still have to study and

find time to study. Rest isn’t important for us. What’s important for us is,


Preparing for us isn’t easy. But as a student, it’s our responsibility to do

our tasks on time but sometimes, teachers are giving too much tasks that

students can not afford to do ti all.

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