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31 – Jul – 2019 Experiment No – 02

MATLAB Experiments Based on Signals & Systems and

Digital Signal Processing

1. Aliasing?
Aliasing is an effect that causes different signals to become indistinguishable when sampled. It
refers to the distortion that results when the signal is reconstructed from the samples is different
from the original continuous signal. To avoid Aliasing we generally apply lowpass filters or anti-
aliasing filters to the input signal before sampling.

2. Impulse input?
It is a signal which is zero at all instants of time except at zero.

3. Unit step input?

A signal with magnitude one for time greater than zero.

4. Even Signals?
A signal is referred to as an even signal if it is identical to its time-reversed counterparts. All even
signals satisfy the equation x(t) = x(-t).

5.Odd Signals?
A signal which satisfies the equation x(-t) = -x(t) is called an Odd signal. All odd signals are anti-
symmetric about origin.

6. Linear Convolution
Linear convolution is the basic operation to calculate the output for any linear time variant system
given its input and its impulse response
y(n)=x(n)∗h(n) = Σ x(k)h(n−k) = Σ x(n−k) h(k) where k ranges from -∞ to +∞ .

7.Circular Convolution
It is the same as linear convolution but is only defined for finite functions continuous or discrete in
time. In circular convolution, it is as if the finite length functions repeat in time, periodically. (as in
a circle hence the name)

8.Casual System, Non-casual system and Anti-casual system

A causal system (physical or non-anticipative) system is one for which the output depends on
past and current inputs but not future inputs i.e., the output y(t0) depends on only the input x(t)
for values of t ≤ t0.

If the system has some dependence on input values from the future in addition to possible
dependence on past or current input values is called as non-causal systems.

If the system depends solely on future input values it called as an anti-causal system.

9.System Stability
A stable system satisfies the BIBO (bounded input for bounded output) condition. For a stable
system, output should be bounded or finite, for finite or bounded input at every instant of time.


When the two signals are sampled at 1 Hz, under sampling occurs, and as a result, the two
signals cannot be differentiated. Hence, reconstruction is not possible
The problem of under sampling is solved by increasing the sampling frequency to 2 Hz, which is
twice the value of the sampling frequency initially used

Increasing the sampling frequency to 10 times the initial value (10 Hz) portrays the difference
2. Convolution of the given sequences x[n] and h[n]

Sequences x[n], h[n], x[-n], x[-n + 2]

Convolution of the given sequences, x[n] and h[n] In-built output y[n]
3. A random input sequence is considered. It is then convolved with system impulse response for
different variables. If the system output is found to be converging, then the system is said to be
stable, and if not, unstable.

If we consider a random input signal [1 2 3 4], the system response for input x (k) for n = 10 and
n = 100 are:

System Response for n = 10 System Response for n = 100

For n>0, for an to tend to zero as n tends to ∞ ⇒ a>1. For n<0, for bn to tend to zero as n tends to
−∞ ⇒ b>1.


1. Generate two sinusoids with frequencies F0 = 1 /8Hz and F1 = −7 /8Hz. Sample both at
Fs = 1Hz.
sin (2πt/8) =sin (2πt(1-7/8))
=sin (2πt)*cos (2πt*7/8)-cos (2πt)*sin (2πt*7/8)
For integral values of t, sin (2πt) =0, cos (2πt) =1
=-sin (2πt*7/8)
=sin (-2πt*7/8)

2. If a change is made in the origin point of x(n) or h(n) then the origin of the output is
also going to be changed.

For h (n) = an, n>=0 the condition for stability would be a<1
For h (n) = bn, n<0 the condition for stability would be b>1



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