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9/1/2019 Messenger

Date Range: February 4th 2004 - September 2nd 2019

Total Messages Downloaded: 189
Sun, Sep 1st 2019, 2:18 pm

Mother fucker block me here as well other wise I’ll fuck you every
minute or give me back my money bitch you dick head beggar Do
some work god gave you two hand mother fucker.

You're free to do whatever you want mate

I'm not gonna block you here as you can't call me anymore.

If you wanna make some money, just ask me and we'll talk about it.
But just stop insulting me, ok?

You give back my £125 then I’ll not massage you ?

Ok, so call me and send me messages until you'll be bored as fuck

I don’t know who are you but I trust you and send money but you
cheat me you give me my money I’ll not text you

You can text me mate, but you won't see even 1p from me

Then you send me your mother for 1 night

What can you do with my mother a night mate?

Send your mother and sister asked her next day dick head

Ok, give me the addres where to send them.

You all Europeans is dick head


Go fuck a goat... or your mom and your aunty better.

Fucking dick head Romania’s


England is now a fucking shithole because of y'all pakistani and you

tell me about europeans? GFY mate...

Mother fuckers

I'm not even from Romania

You fucking Europeans

Calm down mate, you can have a heart attack :)) 1/11
9/1/2019 Messenger

You can’t work fucking All fucking claim benefits

Dick head

And cheat with people

All fucking pakistanis and brits claim benefits you fucking goat fucker

I’m not Pakistani dick head I’m your Dady say papa

My son

Ok my pakistani Daddy :))

You fucking cunt...





Take my £125 in your mother ass hole


Can you send me more?

I think you don’t know how many father you have ask your bitch

I really don't care about that as long as i'm making money with pakis :)

I heard you have some more friends who need CSCS

Cand you reffer me?

Yeah they want fuck with your mother

How much they pay?

How much your mother want

Let mke ask her

She's looking for £350/h

Are they rich enough for my mom?

Come and see fucking European then I show

Where shall i come? Leave me the address

You send I’ll come promise 2/11
9/1/2019 Messenger

You like this little beast? <3



Do hard work fucking then show it’s all you earn with cheat

Dick head

Yes mate, i must say thank you for this car. You wanna see some
more pics with it?

Show your mother ass

Wait a moment

prg1-1.xx&oh=318adcfd726727c30de668aaf09a0cd2&oe=5DD02F51) 3/11
9/1/2019 Messenger

Here you go

Need you some more for a fap?

Send vedio your mother dick head

Send me a message on Wapp and i'll send you there.

You Europeans really dick head

But i charge £5 for each video

I’ll give £10 but I’ll make bitch

Fine. You have my bank details

Sorry, i forgot you're blocked on Wapp :))

No problem keep remember one day you’ll be fucked you don’t know
how people feel when some dick head cheat it’s just £125 no problem
God bless you Bitch

Allah be with you my brother from another mother. Next time just don't
try to cheat the system anymore and you'll be ok. 4/11
9/1/2019 Messenger

I fine don’t worry

Now i can sleep better

One more thing now I understand why your country girl doing
business £20 in street

You can find them cheaper. But not on Viva

Fucking all Europeans girl I think I’ll find your mother on viva

I’ll try there

😀 bitch country

You can take a look for her. But i told you, she's looking for £350 an

Bitch country :)))

May i tell you... once i fucked the shit out of a pakistani girl?

Haha I’m not Pakistani all paki is bitch like you

Bitch head

GFY mate, you're not paki my ass...

Where the fuck are you, from Dubai? :))

Ask your family females

We’ll get good report

I did it. They told me you're from Pakistan

Why’ you fucking asked buck head

May i buy your Facebook account? I see some good paki bitches on
your friends list

You will found your mother there as well

She scammed you as well?

It’s my friend account he’s here as well we fuck with European girl

Just £20 cheep

That's understandable, you can't afford a good prostitute.

Nobody give more £20 European girl because she’s all the time fuck
some send your sister then we will give more

My sister is italian you fucking fapper

She's too expensive for beggars like you 5/11
9/1/2019 Messenger

Hahah you fucking beggar told me who is beggar you fucking begging
with every one give me half and half my when you fuck my Italian
sister haha 😂 dick head send her please

That's not begging mate. Anyway, you gave me so thank you very
much! :) I'll buy some petrol for my lovely RS6. Thanks again!

Look. LHD with manual gear box. Innit awesome mate? <3


Fucking beggar

I'm not a beggar, but i think i can do it for money

Europeans beggar

Poor pakistanis

Monkeys :))

I can buy your sister sell her

Car thieves


Underage girls groomers


Dick head

So i'm right


Fucking kamikaze

Pakistani= Bomberman 6/11
9/1/2019 Messenger

You know that game? :))

European beggar

Mate, for real now... what if i'll throw a bomb in a mosk?

Do I don’t care

Will fuckin blow mate :))

Fucking you begging every where and you do bomb hahah fucking
beggar good joke

Thanks mate :D

Send your sister pictures

just a moment

Fucking beggar why you not do work


( 7/11
9/1/2019 Messenger


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Send her

I'm working mate, you think it's easy to make money like i do?

Via Royal Mail or DHL?

Hahah fucking beggar you doing just cheat

You don’t know value of money

You not do work

If you do then you don’t cheat

I'm working hard

That's a job too

Fucking lire

Full time, 24/7 7/7

Dick head


You must learn some english

You fucking poor country people tell me ask you people dick head
don’t know single word 9/11
9/1/2019 Messenger

Mate, cars like in Italy you'l never see around Pakistan. So shut the
fuck up ;)

Dick head country and people in Pakistan i've never seen before :))

Happy b'day!

Beggar country and people

We're proud of that

:) :)

Shit country

Pakistan? I agree with that



Your turn

Gave my money to your sister I’ll give more if she come her

I already took them in my mother's ass as you told me

You wanna send me the other half for my sister?

Then take out

No mate, you have to send me £125 more

First send your sister

And if you wish, £125 more to roll them into my dick


I'm gonna send her, but you'll have to pay for her transport.


No problem


A Ryan Air plane ticket is £125, cunt 10/11
9/1/2019 Messenger

So send her the money on the same account

Ok you send your sister same address

Dick head


What about now?

Fucking reggae

Btw, just don't refuse her so i'll have to pay the transport back


Don't scam me please

Dear sir :))

You spicy cunt


That'smy name

That's all you can do, Bomberman? 11/11

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