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Big English 4 (4th Grade)

Unit Test 1 – Unit 6

Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________ Test Grade: _________


I. Listen and write the correct number. (8 points)
[Track 12]

a. _________ b. _________

I. _________ d. _________
II. Sort into categories. Write the letters. (6 points)

Long Ago Now

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------

a. b. c.

d. e. f.
III. Read. Circle T for True or F for False. (6 points)
1. Before cars, people used to have to walk everywhere. T F
2. Before washing machines, people used to wash
clothes by hand with a washboard and tub. T F
3. Before electric lamps, people used to use candles
or oil lamps to see in the dark. T F

WRITING (20 points)

I. Complete the dialogue. Use did, didn’t, or used to. Use a capital letter when necessary.
(7 points)

II. Put quotation marks in the correct places in the sentences. (5 points)
1. How did people go places in 1905, Ed asked.

2. I had a great time at my grandpa’s house, said Jaime.

3. Did they watch TV back then, he asked.

4. A horse and buggy travels for 8 hours, the teacher said.

5. Hurry up, mom yelled.

III. Look inside the house. Then answer the questions. (8 points)

1. Before email, what did people use to keep in touch?

2. Before TV, what did people do for entertainment at home?
3. Before electric lights, what did people use to see in the dark?
4. Before the washing machine, how did people wash their clothes?

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