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Saffar K, Ben Amor A, Dimassi K, Triki A, Gara MF.
Mongi Slim Universitary Hospital, La Marsa, Tunis, Tunisia

Severe hypertriglyceridemia is a rare condiMon in pregnancy and usually occurs in the third trimester. It is oNen mulMfactorial, threatens
maternal and fetal prognosis and expose the mother to its major complicaMon: acute pancreaMMs. It jusMfies urgent care based primarily
on dietary measures and fetal extracMon.

A 34-year-old woman, with no parMcular medical history, presented to the hospital in her third pregnancy, for suspected preeclampsia in
a preterm labor context. It was about a monochorionic diamnioMc twin pregnancy at 30 weeks of amenorrhea, irregularly followed but
all her antenatal screening tests were normal.
A full blood count taken was noted to be grossly lipemic. A fasMng blood specimen showed elevated cholesterol and triglyceride.
Serum analysis revealed normal glucose, amylase, lipase, and thyroid sMmulaMng hormone.
The hyperlipidemia was controlled by a low-fat diet. The plasma lipid levels quickly decreased.
The paMent delivered by c-secMon at 31 WA. During postpartum, the plasma lipid levels regressed to normal aNer one month.

The severe HTG during pregnancy is a rare condiMon that can be detected with a blood sample when its appearance is milky.
Dietary remains the essenMal therapeuMc measure.

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