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HU = Heroes Unlimited

GTTU = TMNT Guide to the Universe

RBTC = Robotech
RFT4 = Rifter 4
SB1 - Rifts Sourcebook 1
SB3 = Rifts Mindwerks
SCRS = Robotech Southern Cross
WB5 = Rifts Triax & the NGR

Bot RCC (SB1) - pp94-105

Robot Construction (HU) - pp200-210
Robot Soldier OCC (WB5) - pp166-170

Triax Infiltration Androids (WB5) - pp96-97

Bio-Mechanical AI Androids
Havelsh Noyd (GTTU) - 8000cr
grows personality after 2d6yrs, work well in teams, balding bipeds with tough and
brightly colored skin, skin and fringe hair color customizable
PS 24, PP 20, PE 20, Spd 18, AR 11, 45hp, 100sdc, 5ft 8in, 163lb
WP: any, must be trained one week, any modern 4th, any ancient 7th
HtH: Expert, +4atks, +6strk/parry, +1 dodge, +11dmg

Bio-Mechanical AI Robots
Havelsh Sensoid (GTTU) - 600-2400cr old, up to 10x for a new model
modeled to specific race, first 2d6yrs undeveloped, follows orders and works to
please, after initial period grows emotions and may rebel if treated poorly,
average PS 20, PE 20, PB 20, AR 10, ~30hp, 80sdc

Mechanical AI Robots
Cyberworks Robots (SB1) - pp79-94
Cyberworks Robots (RFT4) - pp74-77
GMP Security robot (SCRS) - pg76
Lancer II Space Cannon (RBTC) - pg69
Mindwerks (SB3) - pp26-31
Naruni Combat Drones (MERC) - pp126-128
NG-W10 Heavy Labor Bot (SB1) - pp51-53
NG-W9 Light Labor Bot (SB1) - pp50-51
Omni-Sphere (SB3) - pg67
QF-3000 E Ghost (RBTC) - pg72

TCRI Alien Auto-Defense 'Bots

no doge or parry, fold up into a half-sphere, receiver accepts activation, shut-
down and target parameter codes, visual sensors identify specific targets, motion
and heat sensors, 15lb, 2ft 6in, AR 10, 12sdc
Weapon: Stun Gun - 100ft, 2 shot/rnd, +2strk, 60 charges, 3d6 stun dmg (see TCRI
Variable Blaster)

Triax DV-12 Dyna-Bot (SB1) - pp45-47

Triax Infiltration Robots (WB5) - pp90-93, pp94-96
Triax Robot Drones (WB5) - pp82-90

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