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Name: Kaye Autida September 9,2019

Grade and Section: Grade 12 A

Reflection: The theology of the body of Pope John Paul ll
The theology of the body of Pope John Paul II has 129 lessons series. It stated that
the human body is a gift of God that need to be protected, cared, loved and
accepted. Pope John Paul II challenges us to see the body of the human person as
a "witness to Love" and a manifestation of the spiritual and divine. In his Man and
Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body, John Paul II teaches us that
"only the body is capable of making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and the
divine. It has been created to transfer into the visible reality of the world the
mystery hidden from eternity in God, and thus to be a sign of it." God made us in
his image. In Theology of the Body, his catecheses on human love in the divine
plan, John Paul II describes the meaning of the body as a "theological
anthropology" of the human person. He proposes that the human person, created
in the image and likeness of God, is a gift who is called to be a gift to others and to
receive others as a gift. Therefore, we should not think that we are not beautiful,
that we are ugly. Once you insult yourself or others, you are insulting God. Being a
creation of God and especially made in His image is a blessing. God loves us so
much to the point that He provides the same image as He has to us. And also, we
should be aware of taking care our body especially our purity, in this way we are
respecting ourselves and so as God. Through giving importance to our body, is
likely giving thanks and importance to the creation of God. Sadly, mostly
teenagers nowadays failed to take care their, they put tattooes and some girls lost
their purity without giving it to their husband, they lost it at a wrong time. As a
teenage girl, the only way I could protect my body is to preserve it to my future
husband, to give him my flesh freshly. We should always think how God made us,
let's make it an inspiration for us to be aware and knowledgeable about it. Let the
theology of the body of Pope John Paul II to be our lesson learned.
Name: Kaye autida September 9,2019
Grade and Section: Grade 12 A

The Capitalism
1.Capitalism and Consumerism teaches us differently about gender and sexuality.
Capitalism teaches us how men, especially women controlled by someone, the
way they talk, walk and even what they really is, they don't have a freedom to
move like how they want, they are being owned and controlled. On the otherside
consumerism teaches us how someone or the government protects the so called
puppet that are the victim of capitalism, here they protects the one who were
being controlled, they lighten the tight ties that was tied on men or women's
hand, they gave the freedom they wanted.

2. Yes, as a teenager I am affected on how they portray it because I care for the
other youths especially those who are still confused and doubtful of their real
sexuality. Social media has a big impact in our life, in one simple click or news
netizens might believe it immediately so it must portrays the right way or
meaning of sexuality so that people will believe in reality, and not fake news,
because people brains nowadays are mostly closed with the idea of everything is
true in social media.

3. The most practical way for me to know that I am solely grounded with my
identity despite of how they portray it is by knowing myself, it is the most
practical way, through knowing yourself, you can know who you really are and
what you really are. If you know yourself, you know what you like and what you
don't, what you wanted to be and what you don't want to. Through this, we could
identify right away, what sexuality or gender we really are.

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