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Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.

1. Which of the following is the function of the Nervous System?

a. It controls the different parts of the body.
b. It controls our thoughts, emotions, senses and movements.
c. It is the integration of stimulus with reaction.
d. All of the above.
2. What is the basic unit of the Nervous System?
a. dendrite
b. axon
c. neuron
d. glial cell
3. Which of the following is made up of the brain and spinal cord?
a. Peripheral Nervous System
b. Enteric Nervous System
c. Central Nervous System
d. Nervous System
4. What is the major organ of the Nervous System?
a. neuron
b. brain
c. axon
d. nerves
5. How do neurons communicate with one another?
a. electrically
b. chemically
c. diffusion
d. a & b
6. The Peripheral Nervous System is composed of:
a. spinal cord and spinal nerves
b. brain and spinal cord
c. cranial and spinal nerves
d. brain and cranial nerves
7. Which of the following is true about the PNS?
I. It is the command center.
II. It interprets messages from the nerves to other organs in the body.
III. It is composed of nerves that transmit messages to the CNS.
IV. It links the CNS to muscles & other organs.
a. III & IV
b. I & II
c. I & IV
d. II & III
8. It carries messages away from the brain or spinal cord to your muscles or glands causing them to react or
a. sensory neuron
b. motor neuron
c. sensory motor neuron
d. interneuron
9. The tiny space that separates neurons
a. dendrite
b. axon
c. synapse
d. neurotransmitter
10. How does the axon work?
I. It receives messages from other neurons.
II. It releases a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.
III. It extends from the body & gives rise to many branches before reaching nerve terminals.
IV. It carries electrical messages away from the body & pass them to other cell.
a. I, II & III
b. I, II & IV
c. I, III, IV
d. II, III, IV
11. Afferent neurons is also known as:
a. sensory neuron
b. motor neuron
c. interneuron
d. sensory motor neuron
12. These are branchlike extensions on the cell body that receives messages from other neurons.
a. axon
b. dendrites
c. nucleus
d. myelin sheath
13. Efferent neurons is the same as:
a. sensory neurons
b. motor neurons
c. interneurons
d. sensorymotor neurons
14. What neuron sends information between sensory &motor neuron & are mostly located in the CNS?
a. sensory
b. motor
c. interneuron
d. skeletal
15. The chemical messenger between neurons or a neuron & its targetmuscle is:
a. dendrites
b. synapse
c. axon
d. neurotransmitter
16. What is the primary purpose of the spinal cord?
I. Bridges the impulse between the brain and the body.
II. To produce neurotransmitters.
III. To produce spinal fluid.
IV. It controls the involuntary movements called reflexes.
a. I, II
b. I, III
c. I, IV
d. III, IV
17. Which of the following does not refer to the cerebellum?
a. It coordinates muscle movements
b. It helps maintain posture and balance.
c. It helps the body move precisely and smoothly.
d. It connects involuntary activities.
18. It is divided into two hemispheres that define various intelligences
a. cerebellum
b. cerebrum
c. medulla oblongata
d. midbrain
19. The right cerebral hemisphere is not responsible for what capability?
a. reasoning
b. analytical
c. artistic
d. language
20. The one responsible for eye movement & changes the size of the pupil to regulate light.
a. glia
b. pons
c. midbrain
d. medulla oblongata
21. It controls functions such as blood pressure, breathing, swallowing, and hiccup, sneezing & coughing.
a. glia
b. pons
c. midbrain
d. medulla oblongata
22. Higher thought processes that allow us to learn, make judgments & solve problems is the function of:
a. cerebrum
b. cerebellum
c. brain stem
d. medulla oblongata
23. The aesthetic, creativity, musical and spatial capabilities are controlled by:
a. left hemisphere
b. right hemisphere
c. cerebellum
d. pons
24. When you try to comb your hair & position your arm, which part of the brain is functioning?
a. cerebellum
b. cerebrum
c. midbrain
d. medulla oblongata
25. The Autonomic Nervous System is composed of:
a. Somatic Nervous system
b. Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Nervous system
c. Central Nervous system
d. Enteric Nervous system
26. It is the self regulating mechanism that maintains equilibrium by controlling body functions.
a. metabolism
b. inflammation
c. digestion
d. homeostasis
27. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the brain?
a. It is enclosed within the skull so that it is protected from injury.
b. The components of the brain are highly interconnected.
c. The brain consists of structures which are not connected.
d. The brain is a jelly-like organ.
28. The Autonomic Nervous System is associated with?
a. voluntary movements
b. involuntary movements
c. posture
d. balance
29. Which of the following is the function of the Sympathetic Nervous System?
a. urination
b. digestion
c. metabolism
d. orgasm
30. The SNS initiates in response to
a. feed and breed
b. rest and digest
c. fight or flight
d. all of the above
31. Which response is initiated when there is action and stress?
a. feed and breed
b. rest and digest
c. fight or flight
d. none of the above
32. Which of the following promotes the function of PSNS?
a. salivation
b. enhanced blood flow
c. energy generation
d. increases heart rate
33. During fight or flight response there is immediate physical reactions such as:
a. paling or flushing
b. tunnel vision
c. relaxation of bladder
d. all of the above
34. Which of the following statement is true?
I. Males are more likely to respond to an emergency response with aggression.
II. Males have a tend and befriend strategy when faced with threat.
III. Females are more likely to flee & turn to others for help.
IV. Mothers show protective response toward her offspring when there is a threat.
a. I, III, IV
b. II, III, IV
c. I, II, III
d. None of the above
35. Which of the following is a pure motor nerve?
I. Cranial nerve III
II. Cranial nerve IV
III. Cranial nerve V
IV. Cranial nerve IX
a. III, IV
b. V, IX
c. III, IV, V
d. IV, V, VI
36. The seventh cranial nerve supplies:
a. taste buds
b. muscles of the soft palate
c. parotid salivary gland
d. muscles of the lower lip
37. When you accidentally touch a hot object, you automatically remove your hand from the hot object without
thinking. This reaction is called:
a. homeostasis
b. reflex
c. lacrimation
d. reception
38. Which of the following response is associated with parasympathetic system?
a. perspiration
b. pupil dilation
c. increased blood pressure
d. digestion
39. Which of the following situations show that the parasympathetic nervous system is working?
a. Nicole sees a dog barking while walking on the street.
b. Larry is anxious because he is not prepared for his math quiz.
c. Carlo is tired after a strenuous exercise.
d. Ava hears a loud sound while watching a scary movie.
40. Sympathetic Nervous System induces
a. heartbeat
b. secretion of saliva
c. secretion of digestive juices
d. all of the above
41. Which of the following is the example of an action by the autonomous nervous system?
a. swallowing of food
b. papillary reflex
c. knee-jerk response
d. peristalsis of the intestine
42. Which part of the brain is concerned with the regulation of body temperature & urge for eating?
a. cerebellum
b. cerebrum
c. medulla oblongata
d. hypothalamus
43. A gap in that facilitates rapid conduction of nerve impulses
a. myelin sheath
b. node of ranvier
c. dendrite
d. axon
44. Which cranial nerve conducts motor signals to muscles of mastication?
a. facial nerve
b. abducens nerve
c. hypoglossal nerve
d. trigeminal nerve
45. The facial nerve is an example of
a. sensory
b. motor
c. a & b
d. none of the above
46. What is the primary function of cranial nerve IV?
a. vestibulocochlear
b. movements of the eyeball
c. accommodation of the lens
d. functions of the head
47. What do all cranial nerves pass through?
a. vision
b. trigeminal
c. cranial bones
d. facial nerve
48. A chronic disease of the nervous system resulting from damaged & hardened myelin sheath surrounding the
nerves of the brain and spinal cord
a. Parkinson’s Disease
b. Cerebral Palsy
c. Multiple Sclerosis
d. Epilepsy
49. A person with Parkinson’s Disease may experience
a. problems in social adjustment
b. tremors
c. seizures
d. temporary loss of brain function
50. When there is overactive electrical discharges causing temporary communication problem between the nerve
cells that result in seizures
a. Epilepsy
b. Cerebral palsy
c. Paralysis
d. Parkinson’s disease

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