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Can you (just) get me the number please? Something one asks to request the information
needed to contact someone else by telephone.

circumstances beyond our control Situations which one lacks the ability,
competence or means to control.

Could you (just) get me the number please? Something one asks (sometimes with
impatience) to request the information needed
to contact someone else by telephone.

I'll see what I can do. Something one says as a promise to try to
assist someone as best one can.

I'm afraid we've had a problem with ... A polite apology explaining that there has been
trouble with something.

I'm just looking. Something one says especially in a shop to

indicate to the salespeople that one is only
looking without the explicit aim of purchasing

I'm sorry, but ... is just not acceptable. A polite complaint, meaning: I apologise.
However, (something) is simply not worthy of
being accepted.

I am attaching a copy of ... Something said/ written to indicate that one is

joining a file/ document to one's

I spoke to you yesterday about ... Something one says to remind another about
what they talked about the previous day.

I will send a signed copy by post. A promise to transfer a duplicate of a piece of

written or printed communication via the postal

I would like to confirm ... Something one says to verify the accuracy of
some information.

I would like to draw your attention to ... Something one says to highlight or focus the
attention of the audience on (something).

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It doesn't matter (if ...) An expression used to indicate that something

is not important.

This is a matter of some urgency. Something one says to indicate that the
present subject or issue is to be dealt with
immediately or as soon as possible.

This is just to let you know that ... A written expression to introduce the purpose
of contacting someone.

What can I do for you? An expression offering assistance. Also: "How

can/may I help you?"

Would you get me the number please? Something one asks to request the information
needed to contact someone else by telephone.

Would you mind getting me the number A polite request for the information needed to
please? contact someone else by telephone.

acceptable Capable, worthy, OK, satisfactory, able to be


advertising Communication whose purpose is to influence

potential customers about products and

advisable Worthy of being recommended; desirable.

apart from Except for; besides.

arrange To plan; to prepare in advance.

as good as Almost completely, virtually, practically.

assign To appoint or select someone.

at short notice With little time for preparation or a very short

period of prior notification.

attach To fasten, to join to (literally and figuratively).

attachment A file sent along with an email.

beyond Later than; after.

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book To reserve (something) for future use.

calm To ease the stress, distress or irritation of a

person; to quieten someone's anger.

change The process of becoming different.

check To inspect; to examine.

circumstances Conditions of a situation.

clever Smart, intelligent, mentally quick, skillful,


collect To get; to pick up; to retrieve.

consider To think about carefully.

considering In view of.

decal A design or picture produced in order to be

transferred to another surface either
permanently or temporarily.

deride To harshly mock; ridicule; to express contempt

for (something).

draw attention to To cause someone to focus on something; to

focus someone's awareness.

effect Result, consequence, outcome.

enclose To insert into a container, usually an envelope

or package.

even Used to emphasise something surprising.

exception The act of excepting, excluding or breaking

what is usually a habit/routine.

fashion A current (constantly changing) trend, favoured

for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or
intellectual reasons.

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frequently Often; regularly; more often than sometimes.

hire To rent; to pay for temporary possession/ use

of an object that will later be returned.

hurry somebody up To hasten; to impel to greater speed; to urge


inefficient Not efficient; using to many resources or too

much time; unproductive.

insult To offend (someone) by being rude, insensitive

or insolent; to demean or affront (someone).

intention Aim, purpose, course of action.

irritating Causing irritation or annoyance.

joke Something said or done for amusement, not in


keep going To continue.

lighting The equipment used to provide illumination;

the illumination so provided.

matter Topic, affair, situation.

mixture Something that consists of diverse elements

phrase A short written or spoken expression.

place an order To order something; to submit an order for a


polite Well-mannered, civilised.

politeness The quality of being polite.

pressure Persuasion, intimidation or force to make

someone do something.

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pretend To behave in a manner that makes it seem

something is the case, when it is not.

punctual Prompt or on time.

remember To not forget (to do something required)

remove To take away; to delete.

rent To hire; to pay for temporary possession/ use

of an object that will later be returned.

report To make a formal statement.

see to To take care of; to handle; to deal with.

sign More generally, to write one's signature on

(something) as a means of identification etc.

snowstorm Bad weather involving strong winds and snow.

stern Having a hardness and severity in appearance

or manner.

stuff Miscellaneous items; things; personal effects;

various items or belongings.

take place To happen, to occur.

tend To be likely, or probable to do something, or to

have a certain characteristic.

tired In need of some rest or sleep.

turn up To show up; to appear; to arrive.

vague Not clearly expressed; stated in indefinite


yep An informal way of saying “yes”. An alternative

to "yeah".


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