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MUC 223

Daily Work 4
DUE Before Class, Monday September 9
Responses must always be your own work in your own words

1. Create an outline for the readings for today and Friday (Chapter 9, pp. 188–95).

 Give each section heading from the book, in boldface or some other prominent
typeface—you can differentiate between major headings and sub-headings if you’d like
 Summarize each section in a few sentences or bullet points, using your own words but
incorporating some quotations from the textbook when necessary
 For each composer discussed, give a brief when/where/how/what/why
 Highlight any boldfaced words in the text and give a brief definition
 Underline any pieces from NAWM that are discussed so that you can go back quickly to
find listening examples when studying for a text

This assignment is meant to demonstrate how to take effective notes on the readings. If you have
other note-takng strategies that you employ for readings, feel free to use them here.

Chapitre 9

Political Change and Consolidation

 France consolidated into a strong, centralized power
 Modern Spain evolved and they began exploration of the new world
 Italy remained dominated by foreigners spending time there for trade or training

Jean de Ockeghem (1420-1497)

 Esteemed for masses
 Served Kings of Frnace
 More meandering melodies

Antoine Busnoys (1430-1492)

 Served rulers in Burgundy
 Most prolific chanson composer
 Clear tonal direction of melody

Their ^ Chansons (NAWM 39, 38b, 40)

 3 voices, use forms fixes (rondeau)
 Smooth, arching lines
 Light scyncopation
 3rds and 6ths
 (*New*)
 Longer breadth melodies
 Greater equality between voices
 Duple meter
 Presence of counterpoint

*Many of their chansons were transcribed for instruments and ‘remixed’ by other composers

Voice Range Increases

 Voices now span a 12th or 13th instead of just a 9th or 11th

Ockeghem and Busnoys still used cantus firmus masses (but experimented with paraphrasing it,
adding notes and changing the rhythm)

Ockeghem explores more in his masses

 Missa cuiusvis toni (mass in any mode)
o Read in 1-4 different clef combinations
 Missa prolationum
o Notated in two voices but sung in 4

*Canon (‘rule): deriving two or more voices from a single notated voice
 The second voice rule might be the inversion of the first voice (same intervals but in
opposite direction)
 Or retrograde (backward of original voice)

*Mensuration canon: two voices both sing from same part but use different durations (aka

(Music is still only appreciated by those that can carefully detect the ingenuity of the canon

Their Influence
 Expansion of range
 More imitation Became staples of 16th century music
 Greater voice equality
(Bye forme fixe)

1480-1520, Franco-Flemish Composers

Jacob Obrecht (1457-1505)
Henricus Isaac (1450-1517)
Josquin Desprez (1450-1521

New Traits
 4 voice texture is now standard
 Imitative counterpoint and homophony is most common
 Full harmonies, smooth melodies and motivic relationships
 Music needs to composed phrase by phrase, not around cantus firmus anymore
 Full triadic harmonies
 Pieces for instruments (sans texts) became more popular

 30 masses, motets, chansons, instrumental pieces (!)
 Point of imitation: when multiple voices enter at different intervals (and octaves)
 Clear tonal center
 Smooth counterpoint
 Suspensions, passing and neighbor tones

*Points of imitation in all voices are frequent and stringing together a series of them with other
textures became a common way of organizing pieces

Canon: voices are similar

Imitation: voices are same

Isaac (NAWM 41)

 Singer and composer
 More Pan-European sound
 Masses, motets and Choralis Constantinus (settings of text and melodies for the proper)
 Wrote mostly in homophonic style
 Wrote Florentine guild promotion songs (voices sang together)
o Adapted this for his German Lieder (songs)
o 4-part settings of popular songs or new melodies
o Clear structure and triadic harmony

*Homophony is in and compositions were made with all voices in relation to one another

 Accents in music matched those in text
 Text is to be heard and understood
 Text had to specifically be placed under specific notes
 Direct syllabic settings

Desprez (NAWM 42, 43,44)

 Super poplar and held prestigious jobs
 Compositions were in manuscripts and printed collections more than any other previous
o Ottaviano Petrucci (first printer of polyphonic music) published three volumes of
his works
 Hailed as the individual artist and for his ability to express emotions through music
His Works
 Strophic texts
 Most have 4-6 voices
 All parts melodically interesting and necessary
 Creates constant changing textures in his pieces
 Presence of melody in all voices at times gives song different feel
 Freely repeats phrases of texts
 Music perfectly crafted to fit text
 Tonal center
 Clearly delineated phrases and sections
 Elegant and beautiful counterpoint
 Variety in texture and style

Paraphrase mass: a mass based on a monophonic melody that is paraphrased and appears in
all voices

Music Creates Feelings! (NAWM 42)

Text depiction: using musical gestures to reinforce visual images in the text
Text expression: conveying through music the emotions or overall mood suggested by the text

Achieved this through….

 Surprising changes in harmony
 Descending lines (imitates grief)
 Chordal harmony, slower rhythm evokes prayer feeling
 To imitate the word ‘abandon’ the phrase ends without a proper cadence
 Full chordal structure = ‘fullness’

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